May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 719: : The meaning of a synonym is to say that it is very close to a point.

"That's our line Alu," Kagura picked his nostrils, raised his brows and curled his mouth. His words were also full of disapproval: "But I don't have time to take care of you guys~ we are just Come here after digging your nose. You should thank us~"

Bichier, who was irritated by Kagura's plain but ridiculous or contemptuous words, burst his teeth and gritted his teeth: "What are you talking about? Smelly kid!"

In an instant, several **** rushed to Kagura.

And seeing this scene, the host in a black suit, airplane nose and sunglasses can't wait to hold up the microphone to explain: "A fierce spark has been wiped out on the opening stage! It seems that the HDZ48 and GKB48 fan exchange meeting is about to change. It has become the world's number one martial arts club!"

However, just when the members of GKB48 were about to rush to Kagura, the whistling sound of kunai and the sound of kunai piercing the floor in front of them forced these bitters to stop.

Of course, there were also puff-puff-and plop sounds on the way, but no one cared.

"Just right~"

Accompanied by a soft footstep, Ah Miao's voice came: "Although I don't understand the special forces of galaxy idols, if we rely on our ability to determine the outcome, we will accompany you to the end no matter how many rounds are."

A Miao paused and continued, "It's just that you don't even have a chance of winning one in ten thousand. After all, it is our galaxy's strongest martial arts idol accompaniment band-Electronic Perfume to be your opponent. Woolen cloth."


Seeing Ah Miao, who was standing in front of Yueyong, Jiubingwei, and Yueyong, smashing the castanets to pieces with a smile on his face, Xin Ba Chi gave a pleasant surprise: "Sister!"

"Finally caught up..." Yin Shi glanced at the four of them.

"Shocked! It seems that HDZ48 still hides such an amazing assassin!" The host is very dedicated to set off the atmosphere of the scene, "The army of beauties who can't lose to Atong sauce is here!"

Jiu Bingwei, who is wearing a cute lady's dress with a guitar in hand, and tied with a double ponytail, said lightly: "We will accept the challenge at your home court. I urge you to retreat before the pretty face is destroyed."

"How dare we let our producer back the pot..." Little Ape lowered his head and said bitterly, and then reached out and posted a picture of herself sleeping on the same bed with Yin Shi with too obvious traces of the P picture, "and It's me who slept with Sakata P!"

"What are you doing here?" The paper vomited.

"Although I don't know why things have come to this point, but this is destiny, and I have been mentally prepared long ago."

With that said, Yue Yong casually threw the vegetable salad that hadn't been taken out to the side of Jiang Cheng who was lying on the ground for some reason and his back was covered with kunai who was twitching from time to time.

"The sins of vegetable salad and this man, let me help them end."

"Why are you here again?" The paper twitched the corners of his mouth and spit out, and then leaned down quickly, "Speaking is really over! It's over as soon as you come out! Hey, are you okay? Cheer up! Hey! Who? …Who calls an ambulance! Vegetables… Vegetable salad is innocent!"

"What are you doing again!" Bahui raised his foot and kicked the paper while scolding angrily, "Why is it a vegetable salad! Hey, is it okay?"

With that, Bahui lowered her body and pulled out one after another from Kuwu from Jiangzi.

"Ah, it's okay..." Jiang Zi struggled to get up a little bit.

At this moment, Bi Chi'er on the side suddenly lowered her head, and with her slightly trembling shoulders, she hooked her mouth and slowly said: "In order to fill the vacancy of Ah Tong's fleeing, we temporarily pieced together a group of junk goods that only had enough faces to see. , So angry~ This is the first time someone has been so contemptuous... Ok, since you are here to die, I will let the appearance of your tragic death be deeply imprinted in the eyes of Ah Tong! Let her be completely defeated and never be able to step on the stage again!"

Seeing Bichi'er, who was gritted his teeth and said harsh words after another, Bae, who was shocked, hid behind Jiang Zi and Kagura.

"Let's decide the outcome, who is the number one idol in the universe?"

Hearing the sound, Kagura snorted disdainfully, his expression indifferent.


At the moment when it was struck, the host also announced the beginning of the victory.

"The duel begins! The world's No. 1 idol's decision battle has finally begun! This decision battle is determined by the number of people present at the handshake meeting of the two camps of GKB48 and HDZ48!"

As soon as the host's voice fell, I saw a group of impatient OTAKUs rushing to the curtain handshake venue of GKB48.

"At the beginning of the show, the audience poured in like a tide, with an overwhelming advantage! GKB48 is so popular that it will almost get all the fans in the bag! And the HDZ48 camp on the other side, although it is also a collection of beautiful women, it is after all. It’s still too tender for a layman who just debuted to face the strongest idol of the galaxy!"

Looking at the paper with a calm face holding his hands, Bichier snorted and said, "Whether Ah Tong is or not, the outcome is already doomed before the start, don’t you know? In fact, this is not the world’s number one idol decisive battle. , But a simple public execution!"

"Really?" The paper still looked indifferent, "Anyway, it's not good to look around in the middle of the game."

"Don't you understand?" Bit Chi'er looked at the fans who were squeezing around, and said nonchalantly: "Can't you understand? It's not a game at all."

"It's you who don't understand," the paper hooked the corner of his mouth gently, "the enemy of idols is not just in front of you~"

Perceiving something, Bitcher hurriedly looked behind the fans and saw...

"Hate~ what, this team..." Ah Miao said with a look of disgust, covering her mouth and frowning.

The little monkey on the side frowned and took the words: "I heard it was the handshake meeting of idols."

"It's disgusting~" ×2

"That's...!" The host exclaimed, "It's the rear surprise operation of the accompaniment band!"

"So what if you shook hands? What's so happy? Why are they so desperate?"

"They're so stupid, Miao, that kind of person didn't even hold a girl's hand, right? Ah! Sorry~ I shouldn't even say anything, right?"

"The bitter words instantly weakened everyone's enthusiasm for the handshake meeting!"

"It's rude!" A fan argued excitedly, "It must have been said before!"

"Anyway, it's just a conversation about "Does the lunch need to be heated?" "Yes", right? "A Miao looked disapproving or contemptuous.

"There are other "Ah, don't need to be in a bag" or something. "The fan fought **** reason.

"That's not a word at all." Xiao Yuan succeeded in making up his knife.

Looking at his fans one after another, Bitchell, who was torn apart by the two people, raised objections: "This is against the rules! Is it really okay to interfere with other people's teams?"

"Don't talk nonsense," the paper replied faintly, "behind the idol, it is the accompaniment band who wants to be unruly."

"Obviously lining up here can't solve anything~"

A Miao is still making up the knife.

"It's like queuing in front of the guillotine~"

The little ape completed several consecutive breakthroughs.

"There are so many dead bodies, GKB48's team has been ruined one after another!"

Bi Chi'er snorted softly, unmoved: "Huh! It's just a dying struggle! Your hindrance to work will only alienate the fans' hearts."

But at this moment, Bitcher suddenly discovered something, that is...

"It's too much, Ah Miao, Sarutobi." Jiu Bing Wei, who was standing with Yue Yong, frowned and said.

[After the accompaniment band, there are two preparations for the accompaniment band? ! 】Bi Chi'er was surprised.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" Yue Yong stepped forward and leaned down to look at a number of OTAKU who had just been defeated by A Miao and Xiao Yuan, with a soft voice: "Can you stand up?"

Hearing the sound, these OTAKUs raised their heads one by one and looked at Yue Yong with an incredible expression.

Seeing this scene, Bitcher thought in her heart: [Could it be that the original accompaniment band was just a cover? 】

"I hope you can forgive them, they are not malicious, they are just too shy."

[You took the initiative to save the fans who were just defeated? ! 】

"They just don't know how to talk to you, after all, we also...that..." Yue Yong silently stopped climbing and put on a blushing face.

"What will happen if you shake hands..." Jiu Bingbei looked shameless.

"I haven't done it before..." Yue Yong took the words with a shy face.

"Sorry..." Ah Miao also looked ashamed.

"In fact, we are the same as everyone." So did the little ape.

"If possible, would you like to take our first time?" ×4

In an instant, the four people's shy and squeezing gestures were like a spring breeze mixed with cherry blossoms and phoenix dances, and it swept the hearts of these OTAKUs in an instant.

[Pretending to be arrogant! ] Bi Chi'er gritted his teeth in his heart.

"Hey—what's the matter with this throbbing chest?"

"The girls over there are so cute too!"

"I want to go over there first!"

"I am going too!"

"Me too!"

In this way, one by one OTAKU left the original team and squeezed into the handshake venue of HDZ48, which was only separated by a block.

"GKB48's team is beginning to fall apart!"

"What!" Bi Chi'er said in surprise.

"Just like you said, the idol who just debuted can't win the strongest idol in the universe, but this conference is not a battle for idol TOP, nor is it a public punishment."

As he said that, the paper grinned wide, filled with some kind of ill-intentioned cold eyes, and then said: "It's just the best **** in the world to decide the battle. It is you who use the dirty methods first, and I want you to Give all the intestines regret!"

After all, a total of eight single toilets were placed behind the HDZ48 handshake venue.

"that is…!"

"Even if you can't win as an idol, HDZ48 won't lose to anyone in terms of Bitch's victory!" The paper had a sinister expression with a grin.

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