May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 720: : The more OTAKU is _______ the more __...

"That is... a single toilet! In order to fight against the alluring curtain, is there a handshake meeting in the single toilet?!"

"Too...too vulgar," Bit Chi'er covered her mouth with a look of disgust and disgust, "How can fans be happy if you hold a handshake meeting in such a place..."

But the voice here hasn't settled yet, Bichier suddenly heard the following discussion from his team...

"What's the matter with the toilet?"

"Could it be possible to see something like that...this kind of thing?"

"How can this be…"

"But it's a toilet!"

"Ahhh! It seems that the fans are already beginning to waver!"

"Sorry, we know exactly what those senior OTAKUs are thinking..." The paper grinned with an unusually good grin, "If you want to ask why, we have two disgusting OTAs here..."

boom! boom!

Gintoki, who was hit by Jiang Zi and Bahui at the same time, rolled his eyes and slowly fell to the ground.

Jiang Zi held up his hand and curled his lips angrily: "Who is the disgusting OTAKU like the new eight haw, do you believe it or not?"

"No, I'm not such a disgusting OTAKU anymore." Hachihui said silently.

"Sorry, it seems that you still don't know the OTAKUs very well," Jiang Zi glanced at the fans who are constantly pouring into the team, and continued in a flat tone: "For those who are like the new eight haws who have no relationship with women For Cheery, what they want is disgusting. The more disgusting they are, the more heart-stirring they feel, persona? What is that? What they like is disgusting fantasies, little girl."

"No, I said, can you not take me as an example?" Bahui said silently.

"Cut!" Bit Chi'er gritted his teeth and cut with a look of resentment.

"Hello, Yinjiang, uncle, what's the matter Aru?"

"I have never heard of shaking hands in the toilet, Xinchan." A Miao also frowned and expressed dissatisfaction.

"No, sister!" Bahui hurriedly defended.

"It seems that it's not just the fans that will be shaken!"

The paper said unhurriedly: "No, because you are the first time to participate in the handshake meeting or something, it is normal to be too shy to dare to look at the fans."

Jiang Zi put up an index finger, squinted his eyes and took the words with a smile: "So we decided to let you go under the toilet and stretch out your hands to wait. In this way, it doesn't matter what shy things happen. "

The paper went on to add: "After that, you can shake hands with them one by one. You can relax without seeing anything. You can hold whatever you hold. You can hold it anyway. Just use your hands as toilet paper."

"For cleaning, a lubricating fluid with cleansing ingredients that is very affinity for the skin is prepared. Probably the process is like this." Jiang Zi clapped his hands, "Then prepare..."

boom! boom!

Ah Miao, who smashed both fists heavily on Jiang Cheng and Yinshi's faces at the same time, cursed with white eyes: "What kind of perversion do you want people to play with?!"

"Have you heard? What was said just now?"

"I'm going there!"

"I also need to go!"

In an instant, a crowd of fans with nosebleeds and excited expressions rushed to the HDZ48 venue to shake hands!

"Oh! More people have left the GKB48 team! HDZ48 has taken away more GKB48 fans with the terrible **** plan!"

"These nasty bastards!" Bit Chi'er cursed bitterly, with blue veins jumping on her face.

"Next is the main story, it's up," the paper with a nosebleed on his face hugged his hands and his face was relaxed and comfortable, "Keep your eyes open everyone, the power of the real bitch..."

"Let you see and see!" Jiang Zi and Juan Zi shouted at the same time.

But the next moment...

The two were beaten by Yueyong, Ah Miao, Jiu Biewei, and Xiao Yuan at the same time.

"Who is Bitcher?!" ×4

"Oh!" ×2

"What a joke, I'm not interested in the handshake meeting at all. I just came to make the president apologize." Yueyong frowned, her words full of unhappiness, "And now she says she wants to shake hands in the toilet. , You might as well hire all people from Yoshihara like this."

"The problem is not here, Miss Yueyong..." Bahui said silently.

"Isn't that just right?" The paper looked disapproving, and glanced at Jiang Zi faintly, "Anyway, you came to wipe this idiot's butt, right? So what's wrong with going directly to the toilet?"

"Hey, who's **** is dirtier than those OTAKU's [Beep—]?" Jiang Zi frowned and expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Jiang Chengsang, no one said that." Bahui said again.

Xiao Yuan said solemnly: "Anyway, needless to say, I was originally a meat maker for humans."

"Just shut up!" Bahui vomited.

Kubei also expressed his dissatisfaction: "I am a samurai before idols, how can I hold that kind of dirty stuff? The only things a samurai can hold are the weaknesses of the sword and the dignitaries, the time control and inheritance of the Yagyu family. Inheritance rights include stock rights and rice balls."

Don't hold the rice ball anymore after holding so many dirty hands, you sect warrior!

"Also, letting the fans go to shake the hand out of the toilet is too disrespectful to the fans present. We have to cherish the fans even more, so..." As he said, A Miao looked in front of him and stretched out from the toilet. The hand that came out, "shove the fans into the toilet."

Please cherish your fans!

"At the same time, considering the hygiene aspect, only simple lubricating fluid is not enough, so in the end it was decided that we are not holding hands, but the fate of Clift (the death beast in DQ4)."

Don't think of fans as mud-handed monsters, okay? Don't hold Clift's foot either! It is Clift who is holding back!

"Then, although a lot of things have happened," said, Amiao pulled down the toilet drawstring, "just flush it away with water~"

Can't wash away! Your evil deeds and Clift's resentment can't be washed away with the "big" current!

Miao clapped her hands and walked out. He raised an index finger and said indifferently: "Anyway, it's the same as Gintama in the theater. You only need to let the fans buy tickets to enter the venue. Even if the movie doesn't make sense, the money I'll keep my books obediently."

Don't talk nonsense about such terrible things! Don’t compare with your nightclub, okay?

At this time, a crowd of fans gathered around the fan who had just been rushed out to ask questions.

"Hey! What happened?"

The wet fan returned: " seems to have touched something soft like Kerry..."

"Kerry?! Soft things?!"

"In the end, it seems that some water spurts out..." Wet continued.

"Squirting out holy water?!"

In an instant, the fans were not calm, and rushed towards Ah Miao.

"I'm going to line up at OTAE!"

"The appearance is beautiful but unexpectedly bold and open, OTAE race high!"

Seeing the fans rushing forward, Hachie vomited: "Everyone miraculously misunderstood what is coming in line!"

"Okay, okay," Ah Miao said with her crescent eyes, and waving her hands to the fans in front of her, "Don't worry, please enter the toilet one by one in order."

"Well, it's okay for someone to line up anyway." Kagura on the side said indifferently.

But at this moment, Xiao Yuan's taunt suddenly came from the side.

"Puff, puff~I'm so ridiculous," the little monkey raised his eyebrows and showed a teasing expression. "Where can there be anything soft like that woman? At first glance, it is a cliff covered with Rocky Mountains all over the body. It's formed, the savage savage that gives people the illusion~"

"Don't be jealous of me just because nobody in your toilet?" A Miao replied with her crescent eyes bent, with a smile on her skin. "Monkeys should look like monkeys. How about sitting on hericium mushrooms? "

"OTAE, Hericium erinaceus is not for sitting, but a wild mushroom that has been decent for many years. You don't even have a hard-headed mind, do you?"

Seeing the two facing each other, Kagura hurriedly spoke out to persuade him: "Hey! Big sister! Little ape!"

But it didn't work.

A Miao still looked at the little ape in front of him with a smile: "So I asked you to sit on the "mushrooms" of those stinky men. "

"Have you heard?" Xiao Yuan deliberately yelled, "This is the nature of OTAE!"

"Who is your opponent!" Bahui frantically complained.

"What silly thing to say?" Xiao Yuan shrugged his shoulders and replied naturally: "Although this conference is the chief idol deciding game, before that, it will be the electronic perfume finals first!"

"The ghost knows!"

"I won't give up the C position! Compared to this kind of crazy woman, it is the right strategy to come to me to line up!" As he said, Xiao Yuan deliberately pulled his chest to reveal a little career line to the fans. Deliberately cast a wink, "Don't you want to shake hands with others? I have two softer East·West·Oh~"

The fans who were excited turned around and rushed towards the little ape.

"Sure enough!"

"Obviously she is a spectacles girl, but her body is so capricious and wild, it's a great one!"

Looking at the little ape who had robbed her fans, A Miao said bitterly, "Damn it! Cheeky woman!"

"Ahahaha~" Little Ape forgot to laugh, "The C will always be mine! Clift will stay in the carriage and sprinkle holy water!"

(Holy Water: A prop in the DQ series that tried to prevent monsters from approaching. UU Reading www.uukā


The little ape, who took a fan into the single toilet and closed the door, made a horrible noise after a short while.

"No way~ hold it softer~"

"Wait for me! What are you doing inside!" Bahui frantically complained.

"It will break if you hold it so hard~" The little ape who hugged Bly like a baby, and rushed Bly's crotch toward the hand that was out of the toilet, said pretentiously." Those two soft TAMA~"

"That's Bligh's golden ball!" A Miao who walked in raised his foot and stepped the little ape's head together with Bligh into the toilet.

"What the **** are you doing? Is this the handshake meeting of the graduate students of the DQ48 carriage group (cold bench group)?!" Bahui said again, "By the way, these people are not at all a world-view person. Where did you get it from? what?!"

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