May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 721: : When playing DQ II, do you want the 2 prince and princess to always be...

"Clift and Bly, it would be better to stop the "worries about the future" before the decisive battle! "

In the single-person toilet, A Miao yelled like this while "rectifying" the little ape.

"You two are HDZ48's Clift and Bly!"

Hachie had just finished complaining, and the paper on the side hugged his hands and hummed twice: "Hmm~ That’s it, it’s been hard work, Clift, Bly, Alina in DQ48 (Naughty Film Mage) ) And Ryan (old gentleman...knight), you know that these two are both exporters, why do more people choose Alina?"

Without waiting for a few people to speak, the paper first said the answer: "That's because compared to the single-handed Ryan, Alina, Clift and Bray."

"You mean..." Bahui's face showed a somewhat solemn expression.

"That's right," the paper nodded, and then slapped it solemnly: "They are also the same as the idol team. The light of Alina in the C position is even more dazzling because of the darkness of Clift and Bly! That is to say... "

With that, the paper looked at Jiubei who was standing aside a little at a loss.

"Sure enough, KYUBEI is the best!"

"It's not the same as the **** duo, so innocent!"

"The blindfold is also very cute, and the secret love attribute is cute again..."

"Orthodox idols are the best!!"

Looking at the hand stretched out in front of him, Jiubei was a little flustered for a while and he didn't know what to do.

But at this moment, the paper yelled: "Come on! Alina! Step on the bodies of Clift and Bly!"

Hearing the sound, Jiu Bingwei swallowed a mouthful of water, stretched out his hand nervously and shook hands with the fan in front of him, but then...

"Ah!!!" While shouting, Jiu Biewei threw the fans hard or smashed them out.

Seeing this scene of the scroll and Bahui, their faces instantly became expressionless, and the entire half of their bodies were filled with bleak black lines.

Ah... Alina or something, forgot that she would deliver a fatal blow...

"Do not touch me!!!"

Kagura explained solemnly: "Alina bears the same dark Aru as Pizarro (the devil)."

Bahui turned her eyes and spit out frantically: "It's nothing! Since she doesn't shake hands, why is she shaking hands!"

"Please wait a minute, I'm slowly getting used to it," Jiu Bing, who had just thrown a few fans away, raised his head and opened one hand in reply: "Throwing another 1,500 people seems to be able to overcome it."

Fans can't overcome it!

"Then throw Clift and Bligh 1,500 times."

With a gloomy face but a smile, A Miao and Little Ape, who were holding Bly and Clift, spoke at the same time.

Looking at the nine soldiers who had listened to the suggestion and smashed Cliff and Bly to the ground, Xin Ba Hao spit out again: "Don't listen to that dark advice! Forgive Clift and Bly!"

But at this moment, a hand was gently placed on Jiu Bingwei's shoulder, and at the same time the owner of the hand, Yue Yong, shook his head gently, and closed his eyes with the pipe in his mouth, comforting softly: "Okay. KYUBEI, don’t force yourself anymore."

"Your Excellency TSUKUYO..." Jiu Bingbei whispered in his mouth, who turned around.

"If you are not good at shaking hands with men, I will take your place."

"But how can you carry such a heavy burden on your own..."

"Don't worry, although I gave up this identity once, I was also a woman from Yoshihara, and I have long been conscious of dealing with men."

"Yoshihara's attributes are so cute!!" Jiu Bingbei, who was incarnation of Xiao Mimei, exclaimed in excitement.

"No! What are you cute about!" The paper vomited.

Hachie took a look at the words in disbelief: "As the final weapon to support Alina, a female warrior has stepped forward!!"

"Looks cold and glamorous but very good at taking care of others, so empathetic!"

"Sure enough, TSUKUYO is the best!"

"I can only bet on this one!"

In such cheers, a crowd of fans rushed to Yueyong.

Looking at the fans in front of him, Yue Yong still has a calm expression: "Moreover...I'm used to dealing with OTAKU a long time ago."

"Hey?" Bae noticed something wrong in these words, and at the same time, Bae found Yueyong's hand that stretched into his chest as if he was groping for something, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.


Knowing something, Bae hurriedly spoke, but... it was too late.

Looking at the fans who were killed by Yueyong (Kunai), the whole half of Bae's face began to twitch.

After taking a deep breath...

"Don't think of OTAKU like Jiang Chengsang!!"

"Hey? Can't it?" Yue Yong was puzzled, "Obviously, he can settle down by doing this in normal times."

"You are so big! The fans are all scared off! What to do! What should you do after all! Or you should take Jiang Chengsang home! Now go back soon! Let’s talk about Jiang Chengsang. ...Where did it go! I haven't seen it since just now! Hey!"


Jiang Zi, who opened the door from a certain single-room toilet and stepped out, yawned and looked at Bahui and others who were all looking at him.

"Why are all the members looking at me?" Jiang Zi asked, but then he waved his hand and showed a little indifferent or impatient, "Anyway, it's over on my side."

"End... End means..." Before finishing talking, Bahui suddenly discovered something. He looked at the countless wet women behind Jiang Zi's single toilet with wide eyes and an incredible expression.

"About nine hundred and seventy people..." Jiang Zi moved his shoulders and neck. "What about your results?"

"Twenty-seven...people." Bahui lowered his head.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng looked at a few people with a weird expression in an instant, and he made a "tsk" in his mouth, "Hey, are you serious? I'm too busy here, you guys? What are you doing? Can't even handle a few men? Are you still women like this? Or you should go back."

Listening to Jiang Zi's non-brainful complaints, the faces of the women present (Yue Yong, A Miao, Xiao Yuan, Jiu Bie Wei) were already completely black.

"There's really no way," Jiang Zi turned his head and glanced at the score board on his head after shook his head reluctantly. , The women at the door let in two or three casually."


The paper swallowed a mouthful of saliva, pupils quaked, and murmured: "I...remembered that before, when that guy was playing DQ2, the second prince and princess...the whole process was a corpse..."

"You told me about such a terrible thing earlier!" Bae yelled, but then he showed a little bit of rejoicing, "But that's all it takes. We still have a chance to win..."

"Go to hell!!" ×4

Accompanied by the roar of four women, Jiang Zi, who received a full blow from the four women at the same time...he wailed and lay on the ground and couldn't get up again.

"What are you doing?!" Bahui exclaimed, pulling her neck with her veins bursting.

A Miao put up an index finger with a smile on her face: "Ah? Nothing, just send the scum to where the scum should go, in other words, hell."

Yue Yong raised his hand and said: "Referee, the number of handshake of the scumbag just now doesn't count. The man just used Larry Ho."

(Larry Ho: The hypnotic spell in DQ2.)

"What are you doing! Miss Yue Yong!"

"Yes, that's right, that kind of behavior is equivalent to cheating on the referee and cancelling it." The little monkey nodded and said, holding his hand.

"Do you want to win in the end!!"

"Your Excellency Jiang Cheng, I can't accept this behavior." Jiu Bingwei clenched his fists with an expression of unbearable expression on his face.

"You guys will give me enough!"

"Then since most members have said that, then I will..."

With that, the referee pressed the remote control in his hand and changed 997 on the HDZ48 display to 27 again.

"Wait! Wait! There is no cheating!" Bahui hurriedly said, "Those handshake is real! There is no use Larry and no Mahoudong! Anyway, papers, hurry up and use Chaolic on Jiangzi! "

"Anyway, the score gap was only one person away because of HDZ48's blew back to the big score gap!"

"Hey! You listen to me, bastard!!" Bae shouted angrily with a burst of green veins.

"Huh~ I was really nervous just now." Bichier on the side wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Unexpectedly, that man had found so many idiot fans, he almost thought he was about to lose, but he didn't. Thinking of...Ha ha ha ha... I’m so lucky. Thank you so much for the accompaniment band behind the idols who want to behave badly...Ahahahahaha!!"

A Miao pointed to Bi Chi'er and said uncomfortably, "It's so hot! That woman is really so hot! New sauce!"

"Wow! What kind of attitude is that! It makes people uncomfortable!" The little ape also showed a look of dissatisfaction ~ That, it is indeed a bit too much. Yue Yong nodded lightly.

Kubei took the words: "Even a samurai, I can't accept such a woman."

"You guys have made people even more popular! What have you been doing from the very beginning! Isn't the fight within the electronic perfumes enough to satisfy you?!"

"On the other hand, GKB48 has broken through four digits! Although I don't know what happened in the curtain of charm, every fan who came out seemed to have lost their soul (clothes)!"

"The outcome is divided, HDZ48." Bichier said with a grin when he opened the curtain.

"Cut!" The paper cut, "Sure enough, I still have to shake hands with their honey and will take a little other way..."

At this moment, Bae glanced at Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up again, then clenched his fists and stood up, pulling off the women's clothing on his body, and said firmly in his eyes: "And... HDZ48 is not over yet. The temple gate is far from over!"

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