Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 158: Whether you are chasing a girl or a boy, you must first understand the ideal type of th

After Baihua's work was finished, it was already late at night. Yamazaki lay on the bed in the dormitory, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

[Should I run away quickly? It must be miserable to be caught in this situation, right? 】Thinking of this, Yamazaki once again thought of the bloody mosaic, Σ_(???」∠)vomited...

After vomiting out the contents of his stomach, Yamazaki finally wiped the gastric acid from his mouth, "There is no other way but to run away. This kind of task is simply not something humans can do!" 】

Just when Yamazaki was about to leave, he suddenly heard the whispers of the girls Baihua coming from the door.

"Now at this time..."

"That's right. At this time, that confidential mission..."

"That's the only time this can happen..."

"let's go!"

After Yamazaki leaned against the door and secretly overheard these conversations, [Confidential mission? ! Could it anti-barbarian campaign? ! ! 】

Thinking of this, Yamazaki no longer wanted to run away. After the girls Baihua walked away, he quietly opened the door and followed the girls silently.

So, Yamazaki came... outside Jiang Cheng's room...

"Isn't this a little bad?" a young lady from Baihua said in a low voice.

"Shh, keep your voice down." Another Baihua girl replied, "I've read it in the book. This time is the best time. This kind of behavior also has a name: rebellious! !”

"Hey, what on earth did you read?!" Miss Baihua next to her complained, "What's going on with such a terrible name?!"

[These people... are really hopeless. 】

Not far away, Yamazaki complained silently in his heart.

But at this moment, Jiang Cheng's voice came through the room, "Hello? What's going on? Is the footsteps too loud?!"

[Has it been discovered? It must have been discovered! 】 Yamazaki thought to himself, "As expected of Yoshiwara's boss, he is still so vigilant at this time. 】

"It seems that we have been discovered." The leader, Miss Baihua, pouted with regret on her face.

"In that case, today's secret mission failed..." Another young lady answered.

"There is nothing we can do. Let's withdraw today..."

After saying that, several Baihua ladies left dejectedly.

Yamazaki, who saw this scene, was also ready to leave. After all, he didn't find anything useful in his investigation.

"Aren't you leaving?" Jiang Cheng's voice came again, "Come in quickly! I need to remind you several times!"

【Discovered! Definitely found out! ] Yamazaki had just turned around, but before he could take a step, he heard Jiang Cheng's voice again, [What should we do in this situation? What exactly should be done? 】

"Come in quickly, you weak soul!" Jiang Cheng's cursing voice came again.

【no solution anymore! I can only kneel down and apologize in the hope that the boss will let me go! 】 Yamazaki showed a decisive expression on his face, resolutely walked to Jiang Cheng's room and opened the door, first bowing at 90 degrees,

Shouted loudly: "Private Marseille! Things are not what you think!"

For ten seconds, Yamazaki didn't hear any other sound except typing on the keyboard.

Then, Yamazaki secretly raised his head, "Boss?"

I saw Jiang Cheng sitting in front of the computer with headphones on, staring at the computer screen with great energy, and his hands were constantly operating the keyboard and mouse in front of him.

"How many times have I told you?! Take off your shoes, do you understand?!" Jiang Cheng cursed and communicated with his teammates through the headset, "A good infiltration was discovered by the enemy! This chicken is gone again! Are you an idiot?"

Seeing this scene, Yamazaki silently exited Jiang Cheng's room and closed the door.

【Are you just playing games? ! ] Yamazaki roared in his heart.

"I didn't expect that I would continue to stay here..." Yamazaki said with tears in his eyes after opening his eyes. In fact, after leaving Jiang Cheng's room last night, Yamazaki ran into Yue Yong who was patrolling. In the end, after using the lame excuse of "can't find his dormitory", Yue Yong sent Yamazaki back to his dormitory with a look of helplessness.

The second day of Yamazaki’s probation period at Momoka~

"You're adapting well, newcomer." After finishing the day's work, Miss Baihua on the side praised Yamazaki, "I didn't vomit after seeing that scene today. It's really amazing."

"Thank you for the compliment," Yamazaki showed a forced smile, "I couldn't eat anything at all from yesterday to today!" How could he possibly vomit it out! 】

"Let's go have something to eat together?" Miss Baihua suggested.

"No, no need," Yamazaki replied quickly, "I'd better go back to the room and rest. I'm already very tired from today's work."

"That's it..." Miss Baihua replied, "There's nothing you can do about it. Remember to have a good dinner."

After saying that, Miss Baihua left in groups.

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Yamazaki began to prepare to escape again. However, before he could finish packing his luggage, the whispers of the girls Baihua came from outside Yamazaki's door...

"Are you going to perform that mission today too?"

"Of course! Do you give up just because of a little setback?!"

"But we have failed too many times, haven't we? Including yesterday, we have failed nearly a hundred times, right?! But then again, have we ever succeeded?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant silence.

"Don't worry so much. The probability of success today must be much higher than usual! There are new people participating today!"


"who is it?"

【Newcomer? ] Yamazaki, who was hiding behind the door and eavesdropping, also secretly wondered.

But then, there was a knock on Yamazaki's door.

"Tui Zi? Tui Zi? Is Tui Zi sleeping?" Miss Baihua knocked on the door and shouted.

[The newcomer I'm talking about...could it be me? 】 Yamazaki complained in his heart with an expressionless face.

"Hey, I'm here." Yamazaki opened the door and replied.

"Listen up, Tuizi, there is a secret mission waiting for you to complete! This is the most important mission that affects whether you can integrate into the Baihua family!" Miss Baihua, who was the leader, said seriously.

"What kind of mission is it?" Yamazaki pretended to be confused, but in his heart he was roaring: "No!" That kind of mission! Absolutely not! I'm a man! I definitely don’t want that kind of mission anymore! 】

"That's: Reverse Netori! Jiang Chengsama's chastity!" The leader of the group, Miss Baihua, said seriously. Then she turned her head and looked at the group of Baihua members behind her and explained: "Zuizi is very powerful. , the day before yesterday, I was secretly hiding in a corner and peeking at Jiang Chengsama without being discovered."

【I'm not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense! 】 Yamazaki had a rejection in his heart, but a forced smile appeared on his face and said: "It's an incredible plan, but I feel very sleepy."

"That's it..." All the Baihua ladies were a little disappointed for a moment.

Seeing everyone's disappointed expressions, Yamazaki also felt a little embarrassed, and quickly said: "Well, I think your plan may be a little too hasty."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Shouldn't we first find out Jiang Chengsang...sama's type? Then..." Yamazaki explained.

"That makes sense!" Miss Baihua, the leader, praised, but then she showed a look of distress, "But how should we find out? Should we just ask Jiang Chengsama directly? What if he doesn't say anything? manage?"

"I don't think it's good to ask me directly about this kind of thing," Yamazaki quickly replied, "But I did hear an interesting thing. Maybe it will be helpful to you."

"Interesting things?"

"Ah, I heard that Esege-san...sama has an old friend who runs a master house in Kabukicho." Yamazaki explained, "If you are embarrassed to ask me, maybe you can get useful information by asking the owner of the master house. Maybe~”

"Tuizi, you are really a genius!" Miss Baihua, who was the leader, praised.

"After all, a lot of investigation work has been done..." As soon as Yamazaki finished speaking, he realized that he had leaked something and quickly covered his mouth.

Fortunately, none of the Baihua members took it seriously.

"Then, today's battle plan has been changed! It has been changed from inversion to taking out the ideal type of Eunari-sama from the side of the silver-haired natural curly mouth! Do you understand? Sisters!"


So, at two o'clock in the night, a group of Hyakuhua members quietly slipped out of Yoshiwara's gate. Even Yamazaki is among them.

"So, why exactly? Why are you dragging me?" Yamazaki asked the leader, Miss Baihua.

"Because you proposed the plan, right?" the young lady replied matter-of-factly, "Also, since we are participating, we must participate together! We are a complete team! Don't you think so!"


In front of the Wanshiwu House.

"Yoshi, it's open now." Yamazaki unlocked the door of Wanshiwu and made an OK gesture to the Baihua ladies on the side.

"It's true that you can even open a lock." Miss Baihua praised, and signaled the two Baihua members behind her to enter the Master Room to lock Gintoki's position and bring him out.

[After all, I often do infiltration work... I know a little bit about this level of unlocking. 】 Yamazaki thought secretly in his heart.

"There is no one here!" Miss Ermi, who had just entered the Wanshi House, shouted towards the door.

"How could it be..." Miss Baihua, the leader, was instantly lost and murmured, "Did that silver-haired natural curler predict our actions in advance?!"

"No, I don't think so." Yamazaki replied, "I just remembered that the boss of Wanshiwu seems to have been injured and is recuperating at an employee's home. It's the home of the boy with glasses."

"how do you know?"

"Uh...actually I got the news from overhearing Jiang Chengsang...sama talking to his niece the day before yesterday, but I forgot about it when I was nervous...I just remembered it now." Yamazaki explained quickly.

"Yoshi! Then change the mission location! Let's go to that boy with glasses' house!" Miss Baihua, who was the leader, shouted again.


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