Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 453: Things like domestic cats becoming wild cats happen from time to time!

"Yinshi, are you sure you don't want to eat this French fries?" Gui glanced at the French fries on the ground in front of Yinshi.

"What do you want to do?" Yinshi said with a look of contempt, "Are you still going to eat?!"

"Throw away food casually like you, you can't be regarded as a real warrior." Gui shook and sighed softly, and at the same time stretched out his paw calmly, reaching for the last French fries.

"Wait! Katsura!" Kondo suddenly said, "There are regulations in the Zhenxuan team game, and the Zhenxuan team members are not allowed to waste food! When you see French fries on the ground, you must pick them up and eat them! Even if you violate the three-second rule! Violators apologize by harakiri! So..."

As he spoke, Kondo reached for the French fries on the ground, "Leave this to me! Katsura!"

"How could there be such a rule!" Gui scolded, and then Kondo fought for it.

"It's available now!" Kondo retorted angrily, "Because I'm the director, so I can join now! What the director said is the truth!"

"Bastard! Don't even think about succeeding!!"

Gintoki at the side looked at Kondo and Katsura who were fighting over a French fries that fell on the ground, and after a long silence, he silently complained: "These two guys...are they really going to change back?"

"Aren't you going at Yinshi?" Jiang Cheng leaned his head against the wall and sat on the ground, propped his paws on his pillow, yawned and continued, "It looks quite interesting, and it can be used as a bedtime show before taking a nap after eating and drinking."

After hearing this, several red # characters appeared on Yinshi's forehead instantly, and he said angrily with white eyes: "Believe it or not, I will kill you now?! You stupid idiot! Who would do that kind of thing like the two of them?! Don't be kidding! Doing that kind of thing for a piece of French fries is better than starving to death!"

"Then wait and slowly starve to death."

Before Gintoki finished speaking, Fangyi's voice came from behind him, and at the same time there was a sound of something falling to the ground.

The three cats and the gorilla turned their heads when they heard the sound, and saw Fang Yi squatting in the open space behind the three of them, and there was a dead mouse on the ground in front of Fang Yi.

"Fang... Fangyi!"

"That kind of boring self-esteem is of no use to those who are here to survive." As he said, Fang Yi directly lowered his head and picked up the mouse on the ground, raised his head and began to chew it.

"Hey...wait..." Jiang Cheng just wanted to say something, but just as he opened his mouth, Fang Yi had already swallowed the mouse.

"All you need here is the self-esteem you need to survive." Fang Yi hiccupped and stared at a few people and said, before spitting out the rat's tail stuck between his teeth, "Anyone who has the guts to survive, come with me."

After finishing speaking, Fang turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Jiang Cheng stood up and raised his paw to stop him, "Before that, there is one very important thing, I hope you can listen to it for now."

"What? You were irritated by what I said just now, so you want to refute?, cats and cats." Fang Yi snorted coldly, and after stopping, he turned his head and stared at Jiang Cheng and the others coldly.

"No, it's not about that." Jiang Cheng shook his head, then pointed to the mouse's tail on the ground and continued, "Fang Yi, the "where" of the mouse you ate just now showed signs of mold and festering.


"Huh?" Fang froze the whole cat.

"Ah, indeed, maybe you didn't see it clearly, but we did see it." Gintoki nodded, then raised his front paw and pointed to the mosaic part of Kondo's buttocks beside him, "It feels a little more serious than this orangutan, as if he was infected with some serious virus. It's a very special virus related to "there". "

"Huh?" Fang Yi uttered again.

"Indeed, I also found out." Gui nodded, "At that time, I wanted to stop His Royal Highness Fang Yi, but His Royal Highness Fang Yi was too fast."

"Are you okay?" Jiang Cheng took the words and said worriedly, "If you get infected with that virus, your buttocks will also fester, Fangyi!"

"It's so careless, really," Kondo shook his head, then pulled a bunch of hair from one of his mosaic parts and handed it to Fangichi, "Come on, eat this, now the only way to fight poison with poison is at this time."

"You guys should have said this kind of thing earlier!" Fang Yi, who came back to his senses, yelled loudly with his paws on his throat and his eyes blank.

"No, I stopped it at that time," Jiang Cheng pretended to be helpless and replied, "But your speed was too fast, and you swallowed that "poisonous ass" mouse before anyone finished speaking, but then again, it seems that the mouse is not a good mouse, hey~"

"Σ_(??????"∠) vomit..."

In the end, through unremitting efforts, Fang Yi still vomited out the eaten mouse before being infected by the suspicious virus, and everything went well! congratulations!


In an alley, Jiang Cheng and other cats and Kondo a chimpanzee were walking slowly behind Fang Yi.

"Well, is the method I used before really not working?" Jiang Cheng said as he walked, "But I personally feel that it is very useful. Let the wig and Yinshi go out and use it as bait to lure humans into the alleys where there are no people. I and the orangutans will grab their money. After that, go to the restaurant and order what you like. If you have money left, you can go to the pet store for grooming and maintenance."

"What's going on with your head?" Yin Shi glanced at Jiang Cheng speechlessly, "Why did you become a bandit after you became a cat? Why did you become a robber after becoming a cat? By the way, have you ever been to a pet store?!"

"Well," Jiang Cheng nodded, "on the first day when I became a cat, I met Fangyi by chance. As a gift for meeting him for the first time, I treated him to a meal. By the way, I invited him to the pet shop to let the lovely and gentle clerk take a bath and comb his hair."

"You... are really incredible..." Yinshi complained silently.

"For the kind of human beings who are malicious towards us, isn't it good to do this?" Jiang Cheng said indifferently.

"That's right! I agree!" Kondo echoed angrily: "For the hateful humans who covet our bananas, this kind of punishment is understandable! By the way, is the lady in the pet shop really that gentle?!"

"The only thing you care about is the clerk!" Yinshi cursed with white eyes, "And I told you already! No one covets your dirty banana anymore!"

"Jiang Cheng, what should I do with the bait?" Gui looked at Jiang Cheng who was at the side and asked, " the shop assistant married?"

"Do you want to go too?!" Yin Shibai yelled, but then his tone changed and he looked at Jiang Cheng, "Does hair care make curly hair soft?"

Jiang Cheng: ...

"Don't do that kind of thing again, Jiang." Fang Yi, who was walking in the front, stopped and said without turning his head: "It may not matter to you a cat, but if there are more and more incidents of that kind and the whole street starts to talk about it, the ending will get worse and worse. At that time, the conflict between the people on this street and the wild cats will become irreconcilable. If it continues, the wild cats may no longer be able to survive on this street."

Jiang Cheng stopped on the spot, lowered his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, raised his head and nodded, and said seriously: "Indeed, that kind of thing really can't be done anymore, sorry, I thought too narrowly before."

"It's good that you understand." After saying this, Fang Yi got up again and walked forward.

"So, the next time you do something like that, don't you show mercy?" Jiang Cheng continued on his own, "If you don't leave anyone alive, the news about being robbed of money by cats won't spread... Yo Xi, let's do this! Yinshi, wig, you guys are the bait, and I'm lurking here with the orangutan!"

"No way!!" Fang Yi stopped again, turned his head and shouted frantically, "What's going on with your head?! Do you want to become a murderer?! From robbery to murder and robbery?!"

"Hey? Can't you?" Jiang Cheng asked suspiciously, "Isn't the law of the jungle the rule in nature?"

"No!" Fang Yi shouted.

"Souga, since we can't kill them, we can only control the intensity so that they forget the memory of this incident. If it's that level, it should be fine." Jiang Cheng stood up, propped his chin on his paw and thought, "It's commonly known as "the plan to make the robbed one forget what happened", or "stealing heart plan" for short! "

"What kind of abbreviation is this!" Yinshi stood up, raised his foot and kicked Jiang Cheng's ass, cursing angrily: "And how do you control the strength so that a person just loses the memory of being robbed?!"

"No, isn't this kind of thing quite common?" Jiang Cheng got up and explained, "In Men In (Men in Black)."

"Oh!" Gui exclaimed, "The amnestics used by the agents seem to work really well! Just a simple press can reset people's memory of seeing aliens!"

"Now I'm going to Hollywood! You are waiting for me here!" Kondo volunteered.

"What's wrong with the heads of the three of you?!" Yin Shi shouted frantically holding his head, "Who...someone come and save the heads of the three of them!"

"Gorilla, by the way, help me get an autograph from Tommy Lee Jones," Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something, and continued, "Remember to ask him to write "for Jiang Chengjun" under the autograph. "

"I want Will Smith's," Gui said after taking the conversation, "Just write "For fans Katsura Kotaro" on the back of your signature. By the way, if possible, please let him draw a heart, this is a sincere request of a samurai, please! Kondo! "

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