Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 424: Pointing to the Yin Ship

The illusion just now was different from the previous one. It led me to the road with purpose.

I remember Meng Dongye said that after possessing the wonderful pen of Shenghua, as long as he imagines the plot in his mind, pictures will appear in front of his eyes. It seems that that person can control the illusion with his subjective will!

Li Mazi and I rushed back to the guest house and saw Meng Dongye lying on the ground, but there was no injury on his head. I glanced at the ashtray next to me. There was blood in it, but it was not the blood coming from the wound, but the blood that Meng Dongye vomited. of blood.

Meng Dongye's body was almost dried out by Shenghua Miaobi, and he vomited a lot of blood. The paper basket was filled with tissues stained red by blood. There was an unfinished script on the computer. There was an infusion stand next to it with several hanging on it. The bottle of glucose has been infused.

"My dear, is this a rhythm that wants to move China? I'm still writing even though I'm vomiting blood. I can't find another dedicated writer like you in the world." Li Mazi joked.

We went over to help Meng Dongye up, and I tested his nose with my hands. He was still breathing, but very weakly.

I called him a few times, and Meng Dongye woke up leisurely and said: "Help... help me up, I can still write, I can still write!"

"Screenwriter Meng, please take a break. I'm really worried about your sudden death." Li Mazi advised.

"It doesn't matter if you die for China's film and television industry!" His mind was confused and his words were incoherent. He suddenly shouted: "My pen, who took my pen! Did you take it?"

"Where did you put your pen?" I asked.

"Put it on the table, look for it quickly, it's my lifeblood." As he spoke, he actually started crying.

I understood everything at once. When Li Mazi went out to pick me up just now, Wei Ge took the opportunity to sneak in. Seeing Meng Dongye fainted, he immediately stole the pen.

He might have been nearby when I entered the house, and he used his magic pen to create an illusion to get rid of me.

"Li Mazi, find something to hold water, a washbasin or something." I said.

I took a piece of paper and folded it into a paper boat. Li Mazi found an instant noodle bowl, washed it, filled it with water and handed it to me. I took out a small bottle of corpse oil from my arms, dropped a drop on the bow of the boat, and then put it into the water.

This Yin boat can automatically sense the nearby Yin energy, quickly spin in the water, and finally point in one direction.

"Hurry up!"

I held the bowl of instant noodles and chased Li Mazi outside the guest house. On the way, I told Li Mazi that the magic brush of making flowers can only create illusions that can be seen with the eyes. If you encounter something that doesn't feel right, you can touch it with your hands to know whether it is real or fake.

"What you said is easy. What if a beautiful woman comes towards me and you say I can't touch her? What if it's true and they don't say I'm a gangster?" Li Mazi complained.

"I'm referring to special circumstances, such as another me appearing in front of you!" I said.

"What if he took advantage of this and tricked me into touching high-voltage electricity? The last time I hit my head on the wall, it took three days for my bag to disappear..." Li Mazi said.

"Yeah, that's true."

So I made an appointment with Li Mazi to give me a password for my identity. In special circumstances, if I can’t answer it, it’s a lie.

Zhiyin Boat led us to a parking lot. I saw Wei Ge sitting in a car and was about to run away. Li Mazi rushed over to stop the front of the car and slapped the car hood: "You bastard, get out of here!"

Wei Ge got out of the car, stared and said, "Who are you? Are you mentally ill?"

When I heard that the voice was wrong, I looked again and saw that it was not Wei Ge, but a big man from the Northeast wearing a big gold chain. He was two heads taller than Li Mazi. There was also a disheveled woman in the car. The two of them had just They were hugging each other and making out, but Li Mazi spoiled their mood.

Li Mazi was so frightened that he apologized repeatedly, saying that he had admitted the wrong person, but the big man refused to give in and grabbed Li Mazi's collar to beat him.

"Brother Zhang, please help me quickly." Li Mazi's voice sounded like he was about to cry.

"You hold on for a while, I'll be right back!"

I saw Wei Ge getting into a car, so I had no choice but to abandon Li Mazi and chase him.

But when I arrived, I found that there was no one in the car at all, which made me furious.

When I turned around, a group of people appeared in the originally empty underground parking lot, including men, women, old and young. This must be another illusion, and Wei Ge wanted to escape under the cover of the illusion.

I took out the Sirius Whip and flicked it, and the 'person' I touched immediately disappeared into thin air.

"Brother Zhang, please save me!"

Suddenly I heard Li Mazi calling for help. When I looked in that direction, I saw that he was beaten like a pig's head and fell to the ground. His teeth were knocked out and his mouth was full of blood. My heart skipped a beat, it was me who had hurt him.

"Brother Zhang, why did you leave me alone? You are too unloyal. I saved you just now, but you actually repaid me with kindness." Li Mazi said as he was dying.

I suddenly realized something was wrong. As the saying goes, don’t hit someone with a smiling face. A guy like Li Mazi, who was so eloquent, would definitely beg for mercy. If he couldn’t pay for it, how could he be beaten like this in the blink of an eye?

These illusions annoyed me so much that I simply took out a lighter, lit the tassel on the tip of the Sirius whip, and flicked it up. A puff of green smoke instantly filled the air. The Sirius whip is made from Mobei Canglang. Made of leather, it has a strong anti-evil effect.

Sure enough, when the smoke blew away, all the illusions disappeared, and I saw Wei Ge standing not far away with a panicked look on his face.

"Don't run!"

I immediately chased him, and he ran away. I threw out the Sirius Whip and wrapped it around his ankle. Wei Ge fell to the ground, and something in his hand flew far away. It was the wonderful pen that he had stolen. .

I suddenly felt angry and went over to wrap his throat with the Sirius whip, telling him to tell him the whole story.

"We are all colleagues. If you have anything to say, please talk to me. I also want to make money to support my family." Weige begged again and again.

"Earn money? What you earn is unintentional money. I will clean up this cancer of yours for the world of evil today!" I roared angrily.

I didn't have anything with me, so I took out a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva talisman, kneaded it into a ball and forced him to eat it. I told him that as long as I recited the mantra, the thing would torture him to the point where he would not be able to live or die.

Wei Ge was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he promised to tell the truth, so I let him go.

"Actually, the five novel writers in front are just the foreshadowing, and there is still a big financial backer waiting behind." Wei Ge explained.

I asked him what he meant?

Wei Ge said that he received this wonderful pen from an old farmer six months ago, and immediately contacted a buyer, who was a very famous novel master, and the other party was willing to buy it for a high price of 10 million.

Wei Ge took his pen and went to meet the buyer, demonstrated it to the buyer just like Xian Bao, and ended up writing a wonderful classical Chinese essay.

This wonderful pen can indeed absorb people's talents and continuously accumulate them, but there is a problem. It had absorbed the talents of ancient literati before, and what it wrote was of course ancient prose. The buyer said he didn't want it at that time.

Wei Ge didn't want to let the duck fly, so he vowed to use the money to write a modern novel within half a year.

So he began to look for prey. The first one was an Internet writer who wrote fantasy novels. Because the style of the novel was semi-classical Chinese, the book that could write ancient prose was exactly what he wanted. Viagra sold it to him for 100,000 yuan.

Within a month, the writer was indeed tortured to death. Wei Ge tried every means to take the pen back and sold it to a second person. In this way, he killed four people in a row. He was looking for a fifth one a while ago, and it happened that Meng Dongye gave it to him. Came to the door.

I asked him: "How can the buyer who offered 10 million dare to take this deal if it has such a huge negative impact? Have you made it clear to him?"

"No, no, in fact, the negative effects of this pen can be avoided." Wei Ge told the truth.

"What?" I was shocked.

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