Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 425 Money has a price, talent is priceless

Wei Ge said that dripping blood into the pen is equivalent to dedicating his soul to the wonderful pen of Shenghua. He can write a masterpiece in a short time, but the price is death!

As long as there is no blood dripping into the pen, the negative effects will not be so strong, that is, the level of dizziness and hair loss. In that case, the effect of the wonderful pen will be relatively weak, but if the water flows slowly, the inspiration it provides can still make a writer Popular for many years.

I asked him who the writer was, and he mentioned a name. I was stunned for a moment. He was really an Internet giant.

Of course I accepted the deal. Wei Ge begged me to remove the spell. I told him to wish for good luck. If he does evil again in the future, I will use more vicious methods to torture him to death.

If this kind of scum were in my grandfather's time, a few fetish dealers would have gotten rid of him behind closed doors, but in today's legal society, I can't just kill people casually, even though I really want to kill him. .

I went back to look for Li Mazi, and what surprised me was that he was smoking and chatting with the Northeastern man, as if they had hit it off.

"Brother Zhang, you are back. Let me introduce you to the friend I just made." Li Mazi greeted.

The Northeast man said with a smile: "I was blind just now. Mr. Li told me, it turns out you are in this business, and you have offended many people."

He told us that he was in business and his financial fortune had been bad recently, and he hoped that we could sell him a piece of feminine stuff to improve his fortune. So I left him a business card and asked him to come to my store when he had time.

When I left, I told Li Mazi the whole story, and Li Mazi scolded me: "This is so unscrupulous. This is not how to make money."

Then he smiled playfully: "But I didn't expect this broken pen to be worth ten million. Brother Zhang, are you planning to meet that writer?"

"Of course!" I nodded heavily.

I asked Li Mazi to go back to the guest house. Meng Dongye was very weak now and might have to be sent to the hospital.

I went back to the antique shop by myself, closed the door and formed a formation to remove the connection between Shenghua Miaobi and Meng Dongye, and then sealed it up.

I kept the wonderful pens in the store, and the ghosts of the four writers followed me. However, with the completion of the filling plan, they also got their wish and disappeared one by one. I paid 100,000 yuan for the manuscript fee alone. Money, but I don’t feel bad at all.

Soon Meng Dongye also recovered. He paid a visit at home and said that he was really obsessed at the time, thanks to my help.

I asked him how the script was going, and he said he was writing it. Of course it wouldn't be that soon, but it should be able to sell for a good price.

About half a month later, the Internet giant took the initiative to contact me, hoping that I could sell him the pen and the price could be discussed in detail.

I made an appointment with him to meet and discuss in detail, and then went to the appointment with Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue, because he was also a celebrity. We met secretly in a hotel.

This writer was also popular all over the country at that time. He wrote many online masterpieces with over 100 million hits, and several of them were adapted into large-scale games. Later, he made more and more money. He was busy socializing and participating in various programs every day. Gradually, The talent is wiped out, and in the end nothing can be written.

Apart from the fact that Jiang Lang is exhausted, I can't think of a better word to describe his current situation.

He hoped that I would sell him the wonderful pen of Shenghua no matter what. I asked him: "Do you know that the last ghost dealer who promised to sell you a pen killed four writers for your sky-high price of 10 million."

"Is there such a thing? I'm sorry, I don't know about it at all." The other party expressed his regret politely.

"They are not as famous as you, but they are more diligent and hardworking than you are now! They also had lofty dreams, but they were killed by this pen. As long as you have this pen, you can continue to use their talents to write your own Novel, enjoy the praise of the world. I'm sorry, I can't sell it to you, because a person's talent is priceless, you have as much as you have, one day the talent will be exhausted, and you must face the reality..."

The other party frowned and said: "From your tone, you want to raise the price? Tell me, how much do you want."

I sneered and did the most awesome thing in my life. I folded the Shenghua Miaobi into two pieces with a click and threw it in front of him. Li Mazi on the side opened his mouth in astonishment.

I spread my hands and said, "This pen shouldn't exist!"

The other party was furious: "You are so ignorant and arrogant. Do you know that feeling like a ray of light on your back when you sit in front of the computer all night but can't type a word? Do you know that you are urged to be insulted by readers, and even insulted by them? How heartbreaking is it to be abandoned? Do you think I want to be told that I am a good person all day long?"

After saying that, he held his head and cried.

I think all this is simply his fault. I have seen his Weibo, where he shows off his luxurious life every day. He opens a bottle of red wine for 1 million, buys a table for 10 million, and is completely overwhelmed by material comforts. , indifferent to reality.

Inspiration comes from life. When a writer closes himself in a castle in the air, his inspiration will gradually dry up. Just like Jiang Yan, who had a prosperous official career, when literature reached its highest peak, his talent was exhausted.

No matter what life circumstances are like, a writer should never forget his original intention, so that he can have a steady stream of creative inspiration.

After leaving the hotel, Li Mazi kept scolding me: "Did you really break that pen? That's 10 million! It's worth more in banknotes than you! Have you been a little too noble recently?"

"No, why am I so noble?"

I took out the intact Shenghua Miaobi from my arms with a smile. Of course I'm not that stupid. What I broke just now was just a replica. In order to make the writer give up, I will keep it temporarily until I find the most suitable buyer I know. .

But last night I tried it out for a little while, and the writing style of Shenghua is indeed extraordinary. As for the result of my creation, it is a love letter to Yin Xinyue.

I handed this love letter to her, and she took it in her hand and read it, with tears in her eyes: "Brother Zhang, I never thought you could write such a beautiful love poem. I'm so touched."

"Actually, I had a dream to be a writer when I was a kid, but unfortunately I didn't have the talent. If you're moved, would you like to kiss me?" I said shamelessly.

Yin Xinyue came over and kissed me on the face. Li Mazi shouted: "In front of the public, would you please pay more attention to the impact?"

"Just leave if you don't like it!"

"Okay, I'm going home to find my wife. You two should get tired of it." Li Mazi walked away angrily.

Yin Xinyue took my arm and asked: "My dear, the incident is over, should we go on a trip to relax."

I said, "No, I promised that classmate that I would talk to him about my experiences in the past two years and provide him with some creative materials."

"Well, if this book is written, I will be the first to read it!" Yin Xinyue said excitedly.

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