Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 426 Crazy Donkey Friend

During this time, I have been talking to my old classmate about my business dealing in illicit goods in recent years.

At first he just talked on the phone, but then he simply couldn't wait any longer and traveled all the way to my store. Apart from eating and sleeping every day, he just listened to my stories with relish, which made me salivate.

He told me that the strange and strange things I encountered were simply challenging his worldview. They were so damn mysterious and so damn exciting!

If he could write a novel, it would definitely be a big hit. He had already thought of a name, and it would be called "The Merchant of the Underworld"!

I smiled slightly and said nothing.

After staying up for three full days and nights, I finally finished telling my story, and then I coaxed and coaxed this old classmate to the airport. When I said goodbye, I promised him that I would not hide any new stories in the future.

It was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night when I returned to the antique store. I fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning and washed up, I was shocked by the haggard look on my face in the mirror.

It took me a long time to react before going to the market to buy an old hen, a pack of wolfberry, and a Northeastern ginseng to replenish my energy.

Just as he was about to go out, there was a knock on the door.

With my sleep-deprived panda eyes, I walked slowly to the door: "Who is it? My store is closed during the day. If you have anything, come back in the evening."

As a result, the banging on the door was still so loud that my head hurt.

I immediately became angry and angrily opened the door, only to find a boy in his early thirties with a crew cut standing outside the door. He was wearing an Adidas sportswear and was clean-shaven, but his expression was very uneasy. He knocked on the door and looked back in horror, as if something was chasing him.

My first reaction was that trouble was coming.

He looked him up and down and asked warily: "Who are you looking for?"

"Excuse me, is there an expert named Zhang living here?" Xiao Pingtou poked his head into the store curiously.

"What are you doing with an expert named Zhang?" I frowned slightly.

This little crew chief is so sneaky, he is definitely not someone sent by Longquan Villa.

"My friend said that there is an expert named Zhang living in this antique street. Only he can save my life. I came to the antique street early in the morning to inquire about it. Everyone said that the expert lived there. It was in the small shop at the end, so I came..." Xiao Pingtou said.

"Oh. That's it. Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea?" I asked.

Xiao Pingtou thought for a long time, finally nodded, and cautiously entered the antique store.

While I was making tea, I took a sneak peek and saw that the little boy was sitting on the bench with a hapless look on his face. He couldn't even hold the tea cup steady, and his hands were trembling.

It was obvious that this kid was extremely frightened.

I really couldn't bear to shut out such a person, but I always felt that his sudden visit was a bit suspicious.

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to call Li Mazi and ask him to play the role of the master named Zhang. I would be Li Mazi's apprentice. I would first test this guy's tone. If something was wrong, I would try again. .

Li Mazi was still angry with me because of Shenghua Miaobi, but as soon as he heard about the new business, he immediately became happy, put on a crisp suit and rushed over. As soon as he entered the door, he said in a fairy-like manner: "Little Brother, you came to my door early in the morning, what are you doing?"

Xiao Pingtou raised his head in surprise and looked at Li Mazi's ugly face: "Are you the master named Zhang?"

"Of course." Li Mazi deliberately looked at his watch and said, "If you encounter any trouble or want to sell something, just tell me quickly! I have a lot of work on hand today, and I have to go to the market later. The center is collecting an antique.”

I also echoed and said: "Although my master looks weird, he is very capable! Hurry up and tell me about the difficulties you encounter, and let the master give you some advice."

Xiao Pingtou was confused by Li Mazi and I's double act, and finally nodded and said: "That's right, my name is Zhao Wuyang, and I am a member of a travel club."

"Ass friends?" Li Mazi blinked: "Then we have similar hobbies."

Zhao Wuyang glanced at him inexplicably.

Li Mazi continued with a smile: "My favorite thing to eat is donkey meat roasted. Why, now everyone who sells donkey meat roasted has opened a club. Is it so formal?"

The corners of Zhao Wuyang's mouth twitched obviously.

I also looked embarrassed, thinking to myself whether I had done something immoral in my previous life, otherwise how could I know this cheater like Li Mazi in this life.

Zhao Wuyang obviously didn't know how to respond to Li Mazi's words, so I had no choice but to laugh and say, "My master likes to joke the most. He believes that joking can cultivate sentiment. You can continue talking and ignore him."

Zhao Wuyang nodded dully: "Half a month ago, the club organized an outdoor trip! Counting me, a total of four people signed up. Three boys and one girl. The girl's name is Xiao Sisi, who is interning in a bank, and the other two boys are one His name is Zhang Qinghai, and he is a painter who likes to collect styles from everywhere. One is named Xue Peng, and he is a college student."

I looked at Zhao Wuyang for a few times and asked curiously: "I would like to ask, what do you do?"

Zhao Wuyang replied without thinking: "I am a dentist. I especially like to travel. I will not miss any holidays every year. I have traveled almost all over the country in the past few years. That man named Zhang Qinghai is one of my patients. , often came to me to have my teeth cleaned, and we became acquainted with him after two visits. It was he who introduced me to join the travel club. He also chose the location for this trip, which is a small village deep in Shandong. It is said that it has never been developed. In the mountains, it’s as beautiful as a paradise!”

I nodded and motioned for Zhao Wuyang to continue.

Zhao Wuyang took a sip of tea and said with great regret: "Because I only take a few vacations a year, so when I was planning to travel to Bali, I had no interest in the so-called search for paradise! But Zhang Qinghai kept persuading me, and I also I can only agree. Alas, I wish I had known better than to go. It would have been a nightmare..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Wuyang began to tremble again. It seemed that his horrific experience happened during this trip.

I immediately pricked up my ears and listened carefully.

Zhao Wuyang continued: "Zhang Qinghai initially told me that there were six people participating, and they were all boys, so I didn't take it too seriously. But when we gathered at the airport, I found that only four people came, including Xiao Sisi. I was a little unhappy at the time. Zhang Qinghai explained to me that the other two people had something to do and couldn't come. Xiao Sisi was a junior at his university and was interning in a bank. She wanted to take advantage of her last vacation to go out and gain experience. It was hard for him to refuse. I agreed. That Xiao Sisi is pretty, can speak well, is a well-rounded girl, and everyone was here, so I didn’t say anything."

After hearing this, Li Mazi smiled maliciously: "You boy, this is a typical sex word with a knife on your head."

"No..." Zhao Wuyang hurriedly differentiated: "I am several years older than her, and I didn't think about it at all. This trip was very difficult. We first took a plane to Shandong, and then transferred to a train to a place we had never heard of. After passing the small station, we finally hired a farmer's tractor, and then we arrived at the paradise in the mouth of Zhang Qinghai. Oh my God, what kind of paradise was that? It was clearly a poor ravine! The village was called Wuyan Village, and there were ten people in total. There were many houses, we arrived at night, it was pitch dark and there were no lights on, every house had their doors closed, and no one opened them no matter how they shouted.”

Salt-free village?

The name is quite interesting.

Zhao Wuyang sighed: "We worked hard to find a paradise, but we ended up in such a place where birds don't shit. Although they were not angry on the surface, everyone's faces were not good-looking. Only Zhang Qinghai was particularly excited. Every household knocked on the door of the fellow villagers, begging them to stay overnight. In my impression, the people in the countryside are very simple and hospitable, but this village is completely the opposite. No one paid any attention to me from the beginning to the end. We are like a ghost village."

When he said this, he looked at me in horror.

I smiled at him: "Sometimes people who live in the mountains don't like to interact with outsiders. This is normal."

"No, that's not the case at all." Zhao Wuyang explained to me seriously: "It's not that they don't like to deal with us, but they are hostile to us! It's like they hate us very much and want to kill us all!"

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