Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 427 Barren Mountain Restricted Area

Li Mazi and I looked at each other in surprise. Even if we don't welcome strangers, we can't say we hate them, right?

Is this Zhao Wuyang exaggerating?

Li Mazi pointed to his head at me, indicating that this guy had something wrong with his brain.

Zhao Wuyang did not notice Li Mazi's sarcasm, and continued: "We worked hard for most of the night. We were tired and hungry. The weather in the mountains was too cold and not suitable for camping in the wild. The girl in the team, Xiao Sisi, was in a daze. She was almost dizzy. If she couldn't find a place to rest, I was really worried that something would happen to her! Another boy, Xue Peng, had already started to complain, but I stopped him. Since he's already here, what's the point of complaining anymore? The best thing to do is to seize the time and put Xiao Sisi in a good place."

Zhao Wuyang's unique compassion as a doctor was demonstrated.

I nodded in agreement: "Then where did you live?"

Zhao Wuyang took a breath and said: "The poorest family in the village has straw everywhere in the yard. The dilapidated house is about to collapse. There are no lights, no running water, only candles, and even the quilts are dirty. I feel terrible when I think about it now. How did we persevere? Zhang Qinghai begged for a house like this. The villagers there are self-sufficient. They don’t need money and don’t recognize RMB. They want things. Zhang Qinghai gave his watch , a travel radio, and a few daily necessities were all given to the fellow, and he agreed to let us in for the night. The fellow lived with an old couple and a crazy girl, who was almost thirty years old. He was so crazy that he barked when he was called. He had an iron chain around his neck and was kept in the yard like a dog. We were extremely surprised when we saw it. We really didn’t expect that there are still people in today’s society who are such beasts..."

Zhao Wuyang is definitely the type who is well protected. All he saw was the bright side of the world, but he had never experienced the dark side at all.

So he found it unacceptable to tie a person up like a dog.

But there are countless more terrible and cruel things in this world.

Li Mazi showed a hint of disdain and snorted softly.

Zhao Wuyang glanced at Li Mazi and said sadly: "Master, you can say that I am hypocritical, but I just can't accept it! Maybe we were too surprised, and the fellow villager noticed it, so he explained to us that it was his own house. My daughter was chained at home because she was mentally ill."

"His daughter was so crazy that she often went out with a sickle to kill people. The villagers were frightened and forced him to send his daughter to the mountains to fend for herself. But the villagers were reluctant, so they came up with this strategy. Although it was a bit cruel . But at least I can save my daughter’s life..."

"As soon as he explained this, we understood immediately. While my wife was cooking for us, I asked about the crazy girl. The fellow said that the crazy girl was actually very smart and very lovable when she was a child. Who knew? When she was a teenager, she went to the mountains with her friends from the village to play. When she came back, she became mentally ill! The old man in the village said that she must have seen something and was so frightened that she became like this. She was also a good fortune teller, so she finally picked it up. A life. There is still no news about the girl who went to the mountains to play with her. She is alive and dead and her body is not seen. When this incident first happened, the village organized people to search the mountains, but there was no clue at all. Come on. If you ask the crazy girl, she will be so scared that she will hide under the table and do nothing but cry. Later, everyone gradually gave up and didn't bother to look for it anymore..."

It seems that the experience of the crazy girl must be related to what happened to Zhao Wuyang, otherwise he would not have said so much.

I listened carefully.

Zhao Wuyang said: "The conditions in the village are not very good. The fellow villagers spent a lot of effort to come up with four dishes. One scrambled egg is the best treat. We have been hungry all day, and our chests are pressed against our backs. Even then The steamed buns looked dark, but I still ate three of them in one go. Even the picky Xiao Sisi ate one steamed bun. After the meal, I measured Xiao Sisi's temperature and found that she had a slight fever. I begged my fellow villager to have a fever. A pot of hot water and wiped Xiao Sisi's face."

"Hey, you are quite good at caring about people." Li Mazi smiled mischievously: "How about that girl's face? Is it smooth?"

Zhao Wuyang blushed in embarrassment: "I just took care of the patient from the perspective of a doctor. I had absolutely no dirty thoughts." His explanation was crisp and clear, which made me very fond of him.

Li Mazi laughed, obviously disdainful of Zhao Wuyang's words. I was afraid that Li Mazi would do something bad, so I sent Li Mazi to play on the computer.

Without Li Mazi, Zhao Wuyang was obviously much more relaxed. He looked at Li Mazi's back and asked me uncertainly: "Is he really an expert? Why do I feel so weird?"

I smiled and said, "Don't be suspicious of others. Now that you have entered this door, we will definitely help you to the end! Tell me quickly, what happened to you later? Who asked you to come to Zhang Gao?" Human?"

Zhao Wuyang nodded and continued: "To be honest, I have been to many places over the years, including the harsh conditions in the Northwest, but the small village in front of me, I don't think it is suitable for travel. I really don't know Zhang Qinghaian What's the point? Why did you bring us here? In just one morning, Xue Peng and I walked around the village. By the way, we asked the fellow villagers what scenic spots we could visit nearby? The fellow villagers looked at us inexplicably. , tell us that apart from the mountains and broken villages, how can there be any scenic spots? Xue Peng and I were even more surprised now. We asked Zhang Qinghai, and he said that he had done his homework before coming here. There are indeed scenic spots here, maybe online. There are errors in the information.

Zhang Qinghai is a veteran traveler. It is impossible for him to make such a low-level mistake. I think he must have brought us here for some purpose, but if he doesn't say it, we can't guess it. Later, I secretly discussed with Xue Peng that we would leave immediately as soon as Xiao Sisi's fever subsided! "

Zhao Wuyang told me that Xiao Sisi's condition not only did not improve the next day, but in fact worsened. Her forehead was frighteningly hot and she fell into a drowsy state. But all the antipyretics in the bag had been used up, so they could only go to the villagers anxiously. The villagers said that there was no health clinic in the village at all. If they wanted to buy medicine, they had to go over the mountain to another village. Zhang Qinghai immediately decided to take the medicine with him. He took everyone to buy medicine, leaving Xiao Sisi to be taken care of by the fellow villagers.

I don’t know if it was Zhao Wuyang’s intention to convey it, but I always felt that the Zhang Qinghai he spoke of was a bit strange.

Zhao Wuyang continued to tell me that he felt very strange at the time. He was just buying medicine. Why did Zhang Qinghai take everyone up the mountain? He had to leave one of his own to take care of Xiao Sisi, right? As a result, Zhang Qinghai explained that it was safer for three people to go up the mountain to prevent one person from having an accident. It was very safe for Xiao Sisi to stay at the fellow villager's house. In order to get the fellow villager to agree, Zhang Qinghai also gave him one of his outdoor searchlights.

He and Xue Peng had no choice but to bite the bullet and go up against Zhang Qinghai.

When Zhao Wuyang said this, he took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and then said: "Before setting off, the fellow villager drew a map for us. He specially drew a circle on the map and told us that it was a restricted area in the village and we could not go there. After buying the medicine, come back quickly and don’t run around. Zhang Qinghai happily agreed, but after entering the mountain, he still took Xue Peng and me to the restricted area intentionally or unintentionally. I felt that it was dark and cold there. It was scary. The trees there were taller and denser than the ones next to them, almost blocking all the sunlight. When the wind swept away, the leaves rustled, giving people a creepy feeling. I felt a little uncomfortable and reminded Zhang Qinghai to hurry up. Buy medicine, do as the Romans do, and stay out of other people's restricted areas."

"Zhang Qinghai definitely didn't listen to your suggestion..." I interrupted with a smile.

Zhao Wuyang couldn't laugh. He nodded stiffly: "Zhang Qinghai said that since he is here, he must explore this paradise. Traveling is an adventure. Maybe there are unknown secrets hidden in this restricted area? Xue Peng can't resist the temptation. , I agreed at that time.”

"Did you go too?" I looked at him and asked.

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