Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 428: Skinning Incident

Zhao Wuyang nodded: "I have no backbone. They both went. Aren't you afraid of leaving me alone? So I went with them."

Zhao Wuyang lowered his head in grievance.

I'm really not good at comforting people. After thinking about it, I could only say to him awkwardly: "The tea is cold. I'll pour you another cup."

Zhao Wuyang thanked me gratefully, and then said: "We quickly entered the restricted area, and then saw an abandoned grave! The grave was so big that it took four or five people holding hands to hug it. The grave was full of weeds, and it was so deserted. After so many years, I can’t even read a single word on the tombstone.”

I said you are very courageous. You entered someone's restricted area rashly and you thought you couldn't see the words on someone's tombstone clearly.

Zhao Wuyang seemed to recall the scene at that time, with an extremely nervous expression: "Although I am a doctor, I am very afraid of dead people, so I chose a dentist. As soon as I saw the grave, I immediately did not dare to go forward. I asked What does Zhang Qinghai mean? Zhang Qinghai mysteriously told Xue Peng and me that he had recently been working on a picture album with the theme of tomb robbers, but he found a few old tomb robbers to collect materials. As a result, they either closed the door and thanked guests. Or just make a few random remarks. Zhang Qinghai felt that they were just trying to prevaricate him, so he decided to rob a tomb himself and experience the feeling of robbing a tomb. This way, the things he drew would be more realistic!"

That's not true, that's crazy.

Zhao Wuyang told me that both Zhang Qinghai and Xue Peng were a little excited at the time, and they discussed splitting the stolen treasure in half. However, Zhang Qinghai seemed to have planned it, because he actually took out an engineering shovel from his backpack!

The two people started digging quickly. Zhao Wuyang felt scared at the time and did not dare to go alone. He could only hide and watch them from a distance. They dug all night, and it was not until dawn that they heard the sound of surprise.

"Did they open the coffin?" When the story reached its most tense moment, my tone became serious.

Zhao Wuyang nodded: "It's open. Zhang Qinghai didn't know where he heard a set of fallacies, saying that a candle should be lit before opening the coffin. If the candle goes out, the contents of the coffin cannot be touched. He heard it from a fellow villager I stole half of the candles and lit them, and Xue Peng and I worked together to pry open the coffin."

"What's in there?" I asked.

Zhao Wuyang shook his head and said: "I don't know. I was far away at the time and didn't dare to go up and take a look. I just listened to them from a distance talking about getting rich. Getting rich. Zhang Qinghai is quite interesting. I thought I would see the burial objects. Later, he would have conflicts over the uneven distribution of the spoils. Unexpectedly, he actually gave Xue Peng a lot of funerary objects, and he only took a mirror. Later, Xue Peng secretly told me that the mirror was neither gold nor silver. It should be a mirror. The bronze mirror was rusty in many places and was not worth much at all. When he said that, he seemed smug. He obviously regarded Zhang Qinghai as an ignorant fool! But I think he underestimated Zhang Qinghai. Zhang Qinghai He is definitely extremely smart, from Zhang Qinghai’s expression, I even think he tricked us here just to get that mirror!”


Could this incident have something to do with the mirror? I quickly captured a key point.

Zhao Wuyang continued: "At that time, the more I thought about it, the more suspicious Zhang Qinghai became. After we bought the medicine and returned to Wuyan Village, we wanted to go back immediately. When asked by the fellow villagers, Zhang Qinghai never mentioned that he had gone to the restricted area and left the funerary objects with him. It was well hidden. Xiao Sisi took medicine and was fine the next day, so Zhang Qinghai suggested leaving. Of course I agreed without even thinking about it. But when I was packing my things, I found something under Xiao Sisi’s pillow. thing……"

"What is it?" I asked.

"A pill." Zhao Wuyang said cautiously: "It was the medicine we fed her when she had a fever. I felt there was something wrong at the time, so I hid the medicine secretly. On the way back, I had a heart attack, so I left the house on purpose. Zhang Qinghai was far away, and he had no time to talk to me. He talked happily with Xiao Sisi and Xue Peng, and even showed the mirror to them mysteriously."

Zhao Wuyang seemed to be particularly impressed by this mirror. He had mentioned it no less than ten times in such a short time.

Zhao Wuyang said: "After I returned to the hospital, I asked a colleague from the laboratory department to help me test the pill. Guess what I found?"


There's no way it's poisonous, right? I showed an expression of disbelief.

Who knew that Zhao Wuyang actually nodded: "It contains the ingredients of sleeping pills, and actually contains botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin can cause normal people to have high fevers. The medicine was brought by Zhang Qinghai. Thinking about this, Xiao Sisi's high fever will not go down, It's not a coincidence at all, but Zhang Qinghai's plan. The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong, and I feel that I have been pulled into a trap by him without knowing it..."

If the so-called trip to the mountains was all a game planned by Zhang Qinghai in advance, what was his purpose?

Just for that mirror? I couldn't help but wonder.

Zhao Wuyang suddenly raised his head, stared into my eyes, and said seriously: "Xue Peng is a lavish person who loves to spend money. He may have complained to Zhang Qinghai. So Zhang Qinghai took advantage of his need for money and took him with him. The purpose of this trip was to find someone to help me rob the tomb."

I looked at Zhao Wuyang: "According to what you said, why would the old and cunning Zhang Qinghai drag you in?"

"Because I am a doctor." Zhao Wuyang said with confidence: "He needs my cooperation to complete Xiao Sisi's scene. He knows me very well, and naturally he also knows the cowardly side of me."

I nodded: "What happens next? You came here to find an expert named Zhang, isn't it just to investigate Zhang Qinghai's affairs? Then you should find a private detective."

"No, no, no!" Zhao Wuyang waved his hands repeatedly: "Things have just begun here! You don't know yet, right? There have been two skinning incidents in Wuhan recently, and the faces of two people were peeled off alive by gangsters..."

Before he could finish speaking, I stopped him: "Those two people, could they be Zhang Qinghai and Xue Peng?"

Zhao Wuyang shook his head: "Xue Peng is indeed inside, but the other person is not Zhang Qinghai, but Xiao Sisi."

"Xiao Sisi?" Even I was stunned.

It stands to reason that if a ghost takes revenge through ghost objects, it should find someone to open the coffin. Xiao Sisi was still having a fever in the village at that time and had never participated in tomb robbing. Why would it harm her?

I glanced at Zhao Wuyang: "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Zhao Wuyang said with a pale face: "If I am not sure about this kind of thing, do I dare to tell you? The two of them are living in our hospital now, and now it has spread in the hospital. But because the methods of this case are too It was too bloody and bizarre, so the police told us to keep it secret until the case was solved, so the news didn't spread."

Xiao Sisi, Xiao Sisi...

I recited her name silently twice. Why is this matter related to her?

I thought about it and asked, "Does Zhang Qinghai know about this? Did you contact his mother later?"

"After returning from Wuyan Village, Zhang Qinghai seemed to have evaporated from the world and completely lost contact." When Zhao Wuyang said this, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes: "If something like this happens, the first thing I will do is to Zhang Qinghai called, but the call never got through. I went to his house twice and knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered. I don’t know where this guy escaped with that bronze mirror! What do you think he is? What, if it was for money, and there was a burial object that was more valuable than the mirror, but he didn’t want it and took the mirror, I’m really puzzled.”


Bronze mirror.

My eyes suddenly lit up, and I grabbed Zhao Wuyang's arm and asked, "You just said that when you came back from Wuyan Village, Zhang Qinghai, Xiao Sisi, and Xue Peng showed off in the mirror, right?"

Zhao Wuyang nodded.

"Then both of them have looked in the mirror?"

"Of course." When Zhao Wuyang said this, he suddenly opened his mouth and looked at me in disbelief: "You mean..."

Yes, it seems that this skinning incident was entirely caused by the mirror.

Because Xiao Sisi and Xue Peng had looked in the mirror, their skin was cruelly peeled off.

If this is the case, Zhang Qinghai, who was the first to look in the mirror, must have encountered something unexpected.

But does he know the power of this mirror? Did he really bring people to Wuyan Village just to get this mirror?

How did he know about the existence of this mirror?

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