My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and thirty-two, life is like chess, no regrets for your moves (Norns Leader

capital Airport.

Xia Jingxing said goodbye to Kristina who was holding her son.

There was a hint of reluctance in Kristina's eyes. The time they spent together was too short and passed too fast. They had only lived together for just one week, and now they had to part ways again.

Seeing Kristina's reluctance and sadness, Xia Jingxing held her delicate face in his hands and kissed her gently on the forehead, "There are still some things that need to be dealt with in China. I will come next month. U.S."

Christina sighed quietly in her heart, but she still forced a smile on her face and said: "This is what you said, you can't break your promise."

Then she lowered her head and asked her confused son, "Enoch, do you think what mother said is right?"

"Of course you're right!"

Xia Jingxing reached out and pinched his son's chubby cheeks. It felt like jelly and full of elasticity.

Even if he encounters a big event next month, he will go to the United States to bring a complete and successful conclusion to such a big event.

After the two chatted for a while, with Xia Jingxing watching, Kristina turned back three times to join her family and walked into the boarding gate together.

After seeing Kristina's family disappear completely, Xia Jingxing let out a long breath.

This week, he took Kristina and her family to watch the Olympic Games, climb the Great Wall, and visit the Forbidden City. He treated their family so comfortably that he didn't even care about his own family.

Fortunately, his father is very capable and takes good care of his grandparents, uncle, and family.

Yesterday, his father returned to Chengdu with his whole family, and he didn't have to worry at all.

For him, once the two extended family members leave, he can free up energy to do things.

He had only given up his job for a week, but he had already accumulated a lot of trivial matters on his hands.

After walking out of the airport, Xia Jingxing got into the car and said to Zhang Chenguang, who was sitting in the front seat driving: "Go to Sohu Tower!"

The car slowly drove away from the airport. Xia Jingxing sat in the car and thought deeply. How should we make things smooth when we meet later?

During this period, due to Weibo’s Olympic marketing, Sohu, a portal, suffered a huge loss in traffic.

As the only Internet content service sponsor for the Beijing Olympics, Sohu helped the Beijing Olympics build more than a dozen Olympic-related official websites. It also has the exclusive right to access the official Olympic information system, delivering the latest and latest content 60 seconds ahead of other websites. The fastest and most comprehensive Olympic Games information...

But these are of no use. Weibo directly broke Sohu's defense.

These days, dozens of Olympic medalists make various remarks on Weibo, interact interestingly with netizens, and grab a lot of Internet traffic.

An emerging website that has only been born for a week is more like a legitimate sponsor than Sohu, a genuine Olympic sponsor.

Blocking people's way of making money is like killing your parents.

Sohu discovered something was wrong a few days ago, and Charles personally called Xia Jingxing and wanted to ask Xia Jingxing to sit down and talk.

But Xia Jingxing was busy taking Kristina and her family around the capital and had no time to talk to Charles.

Xia Jingxing estimated that he had offended a well-known good guy like Charles this time.

If it were any other Internet tycoon, he would probably be preparing to receive a letter from a lawyer.

But if it's Charles, he can still make up for it.

After a while, the car arrived at the Sohu Building in Tsinghua Science and Technology Park.

Xia Jingxing got off the car and walked into the building. Under the guidance of a female secretary waiting at the front desk, he took the elevator to the top 13th floor of the building.

"Bang bang~" After approaching Charles's office, the female secretary knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A lazy male voice came from the room.

The female secretary opened the door, and Xia Jingxing followed her into the office.


Xia Jingxing smiled and looked at Charles, who was sitting cross-legged on a futon. He was wearing a white training uniform and meditating with his eyes closed.

After hearing Xia Jingxing's voice, Charles opened his eyes for a moment, then closed them again, and said calmly: "Darren, please sit down for two minutes. I have to run another small week."

Xia Jingxing smiled, knowing that Charles might still be a little angry with him because Charles called him a few days ago and his reply was to ask him to wait for two days.

Although his worth and status in the business world may have far exceeded that of Charles, he was, after all, the number one person on the Internet in China, and he had nothing to ask of himself, so it was okay not to look good on him. normal.

Weibo may use the Olympics as a gimmick for marketing. Whether it is big or small depends on how he and Charles discuss it.

Therefore, Xia Jingxing still smiled and said: "It's okay, you practice your skills and I'll just sit and have a cup of tea."

Charles still didn't open his eyes and just asked his secretary to make Xia Jingxing a cup of tea.

After making tea, the secretary quickly exited the room, leaving Xia Jingxing and Charles alone in the room.

While Xia Jingxing drank tea, he looked at Charles who was practicing some unknown magical skill.

In the past two years, Charles has become crazy about yoga and Buddhism. When he was interviewed by reporters some time ago, he also said that he wanted to teach meditation to students in Tsinghua University. This incident caused great controversy on the Internet. The former entrepreneurial hero finally became I followed the same path of my previous life.

But Xia Jingxing didn't bother to care about how Charles lived. What he cared about was how to resolve the dispute with Sohu.

If you can reduce big things to small things and make small things small, it is naturally the best.

Because to be more serious, Sohu paid real money, but Weibo didn't. It took advantage of some connections to allow athletes to join Weibo.

If this matter breaks out, it will not be so beneficial to Weibo.

Xia Jingxing also didn't expect that Weibo and champion athletes could be so powerful, swallowing up a lot of traffic that originally belonged to Sohu.

After almost half an hour, Charles finally opened his eyes, and his hands formed dazzling handprints, as if he was finishing his work.

Suddenly, he stood up, walked towards Xia Jingxing with a smile, held out his hand and said, "Dailun, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"No, no, I should say I kept you waiting for a long time. My family came here two days ago and I was really busy. Please forgive me."

Xia Jingxing's attitude was quite helpful to Charles, and the anger he had been holding back for several days dissipated somewhat.

But in order for him to completely vent his anger, Xia Jingxing needed to show some sincerity.

Charles sat down on the chair opposite Xia Jingxing and said calmly: "Darren, let me tell you straight.'s newly launched product Weibo has seriously infringed on Sohu's exclusive Internet Olympic sponsor rights."

On the word "exclusive", Charles specially emphasized a few points of tone.

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Charles, I know that Sohu is the only company in China, and even in the global Internet industry, that has sponsored the Beijing Olympics.

But there’s no rule that other Internet companies can’t cover the Olympics, right?

If you ask me, Sina, NetEase, and Penguin are the three companies that are the most outrageous. You just came out with the news, and they took over behind you.

We at Weibo have never tried to grab Sohu’s news attention. You know when we make social products, people are the most important thing, so we invited a few athletes to help warm up our new products.

Whether in the past, present, or even in the future, Domestic Holdings is not Sohu’s enemy.

The relationship between our two companies has always been good. There is no need to get unhappy over trivial matters. "

Charles smiled, but quickly put away his smile, and said very calmly: "Darren, do you know how much traffic Weibo has sucked from us these days?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head gently.

"At least this number!" Charles pointed three fingers.

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "Be more cheerful, the Olympics will be over in one week, and by then you can continue to digest the advertising dividends brought by the Olympics.

Weibo has returned to its original state and is honestly seeking development. "

Charles said with a calm expression: "Darren, this is not about me not giving you face, it's about Sohu's collective interests, and I, the CEO, can't make the decision and just let it go."

Xia Jingxing thought for a moment and replied: "We are a small company on Weibo. We are so poor that we don't have anything we want. How about I ask Weibo to divert traffic to you?"

Although Weibo is very weak now, it will grow into a towering tree in the future. "

Charles shook his head and laughed, "Darren, come on, don't continue to fool us, we are old and our brains are not as bright as yours.

Weibo is China’s Twitter, right? To be honest, I don’t think Twitter can develop in China.

There are too many SNS websites in China with overlapping functions, such as QQ Space, Friends Network, and your domestic network. "

Seeing the disgust and disapproval on Charles's face, Xia Jingxing didn't say much, and immediately changed his words: "Let's see, and Sohu will establish a strategic cooperation. You will join the open platform, and users can easily and quickly access Sohu's news. Share to, and users can also access Sohu easily and quickly.

Facebook cooperates very well with several large media groups in Europe and the United States. Facebook provides users and traffic, and they provide content. It is a win-win situation. "

Charles remained silent and thought silently.

In fact, he was already slightly tempted, because is currently the largest SNS website in China, with huge traffic and high user quality.

Giving a small amount to Sohu can increase Sohu's advertising revenue by a small amount, and Sohu doesn't need to spend any extra money.

"Exclusive! News on the open platform of Overseas Network is provided exclusively by Sohu." Charles looked straight at Xia Jingxing and his tone was quite strong.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Since it is a strategic cooperation, it must be exclusive."

Charles finally showed a satisfied smile and said: "Okay, Darren, I will settle the matter with the board of directors. Joining Weibo is an athlete's personal behavior. What does it have to do with the Olympics?

Besides, who in China doesn’t mention the Olympic Games? What about not allowing other Internet platforms to mention these three words? That doesn't make sense. "

Xia Jingxing smiled brightly. A good old guy like Charles would say anything as long as you give him face.

"Darren, there's something I want to ask you." Charles suddenly looked directly at Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jingxing pretended to be calm and said, "What's going on?"

Charles' eyes were a little playful, "I heard someone say, how much is one fox?"

Xia Jingxing thought to himself that something bad had happened. He had only told Ma Huateng about this matter.

Ma Huateng definitely leaked it on purpose! I want him to turn against Sohu.

In fact, he also blamed himself for this matter, just playing for fun, making trouble for fun, making fun of other people's good old people.

Things are not easy to handle now!

However, Xia Jingxing reacted quickly and immediately answered: "One fox is equal to two times four raccoons and eight geese."

Charles' originally gloomy face immediately brightened up, and he burst into laughter.

He pointed at Xia Jingxing and said, "Darren, it's over, I'm talking like the leader of the Internet.

But I really don’t care about market value, revenue, etc.

I'm different from you people who focus on their careers. I'm just a layman. I have enough money to spend a lifetime, so why should I work around, eat, drink, and climb mountains? It's pretty good! "

Xia Jingxing sighed and said, "Your state of mind is extraordinary and others cannot envy you."

Charles laughed wildly, and after a moment he said slowly: "Life is like chess, you have no regrets when you make a move."

Xia Jingxing smiled, I hope you won't regret today's choice in the future!

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