My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and thirty-three, the earth will continue to turn regardless of who is away

A week later, the Olympic Games officially came to an end, and the last batch of Chinese and foreign tourists also left the capital with various wonders and unforgettable memories.

This capital city is still very prosperous, but it has become much quieter after losing some of the hustle and bustle.

There are gradually fewer voices discussing the Olympics in the streets and alleys. Whenever this topic is brought up, most of the adults in the alleys will proudly say that "the Chinese team has the largest number of gold medals" and "China has beaten the United States, which has been the leader for thousands of years." "Have a horse"...

The white-collar workers and programmers in Zhongguancun are not as free as the uncles and aunts, and have long since resumed their normal work routine. Many of them just watched the opening ceremony on TV or computers.

In fact, they also want to watch the 16-day game without missing a beat, but their families really don't have the conditions. They have to work honestly to save money to buy a house and strive to integrate into the city as soon as possible.

Standing by the floor-to-ceiling window, Xia Jingxing looked down at the crowd of office workers rubbing shoulders with each other downstairs. He sighed slightly in his heart. He was actually quite reluctant to let go of the Olympics as they ended so soon.

Since the Olympics are over, what hot topic marketing should Weibo bundle?

With doubts, Xia Jingxing turned to look at the executives of the Overseas Holding Group sitting on both sides of the long table, his eyes lingering on Shen Xinyi and Gao Lili for a while longer.

Both of them looked a little haggard, with four panda eyes, but their eyes were burning with the fire of career.

Speaking of which, the two of them are really hardworking. They have been working overtime for as long as the Olympic Games have been held, and they are busier than the participating athletes.

However, the results were also impressive. Not only did they successfully complete the tasks assigned by him, the two of them also underwent radical changes and began to adapt to China's entrepreneurial environment and pace.

Towering trees cannot grow in a greenhouse, and a slacker cannot accomplish great things.

Xia Jingxing saw the achievements and changes made by the two of them, and was quite satisfied with them.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Xia Jingxing waved his hand and said: "Let the meeting begin!"

After that, he sat back on the main seat.

Zhang Yong, who was sitting on his left, began his routine reporting work: "Mr. , all achieved good results..."

Xia Jingxing listened carefully, commenting and asking questions from time to time.

"The labor dispute lawsuit between Zhang Dalong and Penguin has finally come to an end. The court pronounced its verdict in public, terminating his labor relationship with Penguin and exempting him from the restrictions of the non-competition agreement..."

Zhang Yong introduced the lawsuit in detail. At this time, major domestic companies did not attach much importance to non-compete agreements. There were many problems when signing relevant agreements, and many of them did not have legal effect.

For example, some companies will deduct a portion of employees' wages as a "reserve fund" every month. After the employees formally submit their resignation, this part of the money will be distributed to the resigned employees as "compete compensation."

This means that the non-compete clause was "successfully" activated without spending any more money. The human resources, finance and legal departments were very flexible and worked together perfectly.

However, if you meet a serious person and can collect relevant evidence, this is exactly the flaw that will determine that the non-compete clause is invalid.

Zhang Yong said: “At present, many domestic companies either do not sign non-compete agreements at all, or they only sign them with a few senior executives. Even if they sign them, there are loopholes of one kind or another.

More importantly, the labor law is also very vague in this regard, and the lawsuits are also confusing.

I heard that the newly revised labor law next month has relatively clear provisions on the use and scope of non-compete agreements and confidentiality agreements.

Maybe poaching people in the future, especially some senior managers, senior technical staff, and confidential personnel, will not be as easy as it is now. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly. The newly revised labor law was issued by the decree signed on the 2nd, which is of far-reaching significance.

After the promulgation of the Labor Law, the use of anti-competition agreements by domestic large and small enterprises has become more and more popular, especially in the Internet industry, where it has almost become a form of agreement abuse.

In the past, the non-competition agreement was only signed with senior executives. In the future, even junior supervisors and even ordinary employees may have to sign one.

The most exaggerated thing Xia Jingxing has ever heard is that a programmer's monthly salary is 30,000 yuan, but the nominal basic salary is only 3,000 yuan. The original employer only needs to pay 30% of the basic salary every month, that is, 600 yuan can limit the monthly salary of a programmer to 3,000 yuan. Employment scope for millions of programmers.

There are also Internet companies that list China's top 100 Internet companies as competitors and write them on the list of non-compete agreements, which almost eliminates the possibility of employees jumping to other major companies.

No matter how exciting the world outside is, employees can only stay in their original units, which is euphemistically called "low employee turnover rate."

This abnormal phenomenon made the "People's Daily" unable to stand it. It wrote an article: Don't let "non-competition restrictions" become "employment restrictions." Some employers arbitrarily include ordinary workers in the scope of restrictions, which not only infringes on the freedom of workers. The right to choose a career and find employment also affects the normal flow of labor resources.

Almost in the era of mobile Internet, compensation cases related to anti-competition agreements have frequently made headlines. Even the most ordinary programmer has been compensated by his original employer for RMB 1.8 million.

Most people keep a low profile when they change jobs. They act like espionage for fear of being discovered and killed by the manpower of the original unit.

At this time, many executives changed jobs without even receiving RMB 1.8 million in compensation. They even didn't even hear about this statement, so they just left.

The two job-hopping disputes encountered by domestic holding groups, Zhang Yong and Zhang Dalong's job-hopping, were more or less involved in the face of Chen Tianqiao and Ma Huateng, otherwise there would be no need to go to court.

Xia Jingxing smiled faintly, "As long as the people come here, forget about the rest. Let's send some more employees to Yangcheng to help Zhang Dalong set up the Yangcheng R\u0026D Center and the Mailbox subsidiary."

Zhang Yong nodded in agreement. Regarding Zhang Dalong's appointment, he and Xia Jingxing had communicated many times and had a clear and clear plan.

Then, Ling Haihui, who succeeded Wu Yimin as the new president of Domestic Games, reported: “Mr.

In addition, we have also conducted a series of cooperation with Kugou Music and MOMO Voice.

Kugou Music attracted a lot of game users to us, and then we used the dating feature of the game to bring a lot of voice dating users to MOMO Voice. "

Ling Hai is a bit older than Wu Yimin, nearly forty years old, and his temperament is much calmer. When he talks about these achievements, his face is plain and there is no trace of pride or arrogance.

While Xia Jingxing was listening to the work report of the newly appointed game general, he was also observing him carefully.

There are rumors that if Ling Hai continues to stay at Shanda, he may be promoted to president of Shanda Games this year and chairman of the Korean listed company that developed "Legend".

However, the other party chose to join the domestic game, and his career prospects are not bad at all.

The newly built game giant Domestic Games has more forward momentum than Shanda Games, which has been in disrepair and is gradually decaying. It has launched popular games one after another.

Xia Jingxing encouraged: "The results are very good. If we dig deeper in the future, the number of people online at the same time for this game should reach one or two million."

Ling Hai smiled and said, "The current results of "Dazzling Dance Era" rely more on the resources of the group.

The game developer Yonghang Technology has previously accepted investment from Haihai Holdings, and Shanghai Intranet has continuously diverted users to the game. The team and I are just launching and operating the game step by step, which is not worth mentioning. "

Xia Jingxing smiled lightly. These words were not entirely self-effacing by Ling Hai. The other party had only taken over the domestic game for two short months. Even if he had leadership skills, he could only smooth out the business.

The achievement of "Dance Era" is indeed inseparable from the overall resource support of the domestic holding group, as well as a very complete and elite game operation team.

The game business segment is basically on the right track, reaching the point where, as he puts it, "the earth will continue to turn even if it's away from you."

Then, Lai Binqiang and Liu Yingqi each reported on the operations of MOMO Voice and Haipay.

What is worth mentioning is that Lai Binqiang reported with a smile: "Because most of the players of "Dazzling Dance Era" are girls, now MOMO Voice is almost becoming a country of girls, and it is jokingly called MM sister voice by countless netizens."

Xia Jingxing's eyes lit up, this name was so good, how could there be a girl but a lack of male netizens?

The true meaning of social interaction can never be separated from the things between men and women. Zhang Dalong is also a sultry type, and he is quite good at this. He can float a bottle and shake it to make it fly.

After praising and encouraging the two of them, Xia Jingxing turned his attention to Gao Lili and Shen Xinyi who were sitting at the end of the table.

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