My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and thirty-four, serious partiality

“Mr. .”

When the results were reported, the tiredness on Gao Lili's face disappeared, and she became full of energy.

She feels that starting this business is far more exciting and fulfilling than when she was running Lilith.

Because Weibo is a platform company, not an Internet celebrity agency that relies on the platform.

Every user that is added can be truly grasped in your hands. You don’t have to worry about one day when the relationship with the platform deteriorates and hundreds of millions of fans will be wiped out.

The thrill of watching the surge in registered users in the background, and the excitement of watching the company's strength grow rapidly every minute and every second, are incomparable to many entrepreneurs.

Perhaps as Xia Jingxing said, founding Weibo is equivalent to standing on the "mainstream stage of the Internet."

Xia Jingxing chuckled. He actually knew the results early this morning.

In the middle of the night, Gao Lili, a crazy woman, suddenly called him. She yelled at the top of her lungs: "Mr. Xia, it's over 15 million~"

"I accomplished the goal better than I expected, and I deserve a commendation!"

Having said this, Xia Jingxing turned to look at Zhang Yong, who immediately answered: "Because Weibo has exceeded its target, the company will grant you two an option reward."

Other executives attending the meeting were a little disapproving. How much resources did Weibo use from the group for promotion? Isn't it normal to achieve this result?

However, considering that this was the first time for the two of them to take options, and that they were personally praised by Mr. Xia, no one jumped out to question it.

After Gao Lili and Shen Xinyi stood up and thanked each other, Gao Lili continued to report: "In this Olympic Games, the Chinese team won 51 golds, 21 silvers, and 28 bronzes, a total of 100 medals.

Therefore, we need to distribute 2,230 Fuxing FX2 mobile phones to the same number of lucky users as rewards. The total market value of the prizes is approximately 11.15 million yuan.

At present, most of the prizes have been distributed to users or are on their way to express delivery.

After confirming and checking the winning information of yesterday's lucky users today, the last batch of mobile phone prizes will be sent out. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. The more than 2,000 mobile phone prizes actually did not cost more than 10 million yuan in purchasing costs. If the domestic holding group purchased from the Fuxing Industrial Group, there must be a discount. You only need to pay 40% off the retail price.

Fuxing Industrial earns a small profit, sells more mobile phones at the same time, and the domestic holding group can also save some activity expenses, which is a win-win situation.

"I heard that many award-winning users show off online, and some even post long posts to thank Weibo?" Xia Jingxing asked with a smile.

Gao Lili smiled and nodded, "This is probably because there are too many false activities on the Internet. I have never seen such vigorous and real activities as ours. I speak from my feelings, and every word I say is from the bottom of my heart!"


Xia Jingxing laughed. He was much more generous than Tiao Cong. Each time he gave away thousands or tens of thousands of mobile phones. Tiao Cong usually won dozens of mobile phones in one draw.

By the way, where is the onion now? Weibo has been officially launched. You still need to come over and criticize people online for everyone to enjoy, otherwise the topic will not be popular.

"Okay, pay attention to check the winning information, make sure there is no mistake, and make sure that every mobile phone is distributed to the real winning user.

We may have many lucky draw activities in the future, but please don’t ruin our golden brand.

This man travels around the world based on the word "faith".

Since everyone believes in Fuxing Mobile, believes in the overseas holding group, and believes in me, then we cannot let everyone down. "

The executives all smiled, but after thinking about it carefully, what Mr. Xia said was entirely true.

As a well-known technology tycoon across the country and even internationally, Mr. Xia's credibility is worth a fortune.

Business people, once their credit goes bankrupt, will only have cash on their books, and may not even be able to keep the cash, because large companies are basically operating with debt, and Internet companies operating with light assets are in a slightly better situation.

Xia Jingxing looked at Gao Lili and said: "By the way, remember to give all the 2,230 winning users a small and optional request. Let them post on Weibo and say that they have won the prize and received their mobile phones. The event is real and effective. , and upload physical pictures of the mobile phone at the same time.

Then, you ask programmers to change the recommendation algorithm in the background to give these winning users a wave of traffic exposure.

We have carried out activities with real money, there is no need to be secretive, and we are not afraid of any investigation or questioning. "

Gao Lili smiled lightly, I think you want to squeeze out all the remaining value. As expected of an old capitalist, you know how to play.


Xia Jingxing looked at Gao Lili confused, what do you mean?

"Let me explain!"

Shen Xinyi took over the topic and introduced it.

After listening, Xia Jingxing understood and asked, "Create an internet celebrity?"

"Yes, we believe that after the Olympics, Weibo will need to find new hot topics. Brother 639 is our carefully selected Internet celebrity who is worth cultivating."

Shen Xinyi smiled slightly, with two beautiful dimples showing at the corners of her mouth, and explained: "First of all, Brother 639's deeds are very funny.

Why is he called Brother 639? Because he has left messages on the Weibo of every Chinese participating athlete, he is a diligent player who can make up for his shortcomings.

Secondly, his real identity is a Chinese teacher with good literary skills. His messages to each athlete are not words like "come on" or "work hard", but a poem or a sentence.

For example, he left a message on Guo Jingjing’s Weibo: Her perfect appearance is shocking to the world, and her hibiscus is so beautiful.

Leave a message to Wu Minxia on Weibo: The whole body is stretched out and the arms are stretched, and everyone is shocked. When you enter the water to pick gold and reflect the blue clouds.

There are too many similar praise poems. Many athletes who have won medals have posted @639 on Weibo to thank him for his blessings and praise.

Therefore, before the Olympics were over, Brother 639 immediately became popular on Weibo and became the first non-athlete celebrity with millions of fans on our platform.

Even without our help, he should be able to become an Internet celebrity.

Until now, people on Weibo are still appreciating his poems and discussing his award-winning deeds.

However, Brother 639’s popularity is still related to the Olympic elements. Later, we plan to let him comment on current social events and evolve with the platform! "

Hearing the word "evolution", Xia Jingxing's heart moved and he nodded: "You are right. We can no longer ride on the popularity of the Olympics. Weibo must find a new breakthrough as soon as possible, otherwise the growth of the platform will soon be Stagnation.”

"It's stalled."

Gao Lili stared at Xia Jingxing and said sternly: "In the first few days of the Olympics, our daily user growth reached two to three million, then it became one million, and then it became four to five million.

If we don’t count the users diverted from overseas networks, our natural growth of users is only 20,000 to 30,000 every day.

Nowadays, the outside world still thinks of Weibo as “an interesting Olympic website”, “a website where you can interact with Olympic champions”, and “a website that gives away mobile phones”…

But our real positioning is: a broadcast-style social media and network platform centered on information dissemination, sharing short real-time information through attention mechanisms.

Now Weibo is like dancing with shackles on. The number of users has indeed increased, but it seems to be a little off track. "

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "It's not that I went off the rails, it's just a little biased. During the Olympics, the Olympic champion sucked up all the attention on the platform.

Now that the Olympic Games are over, it’s time to change this biased phenomenon. We need to fully develop moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor skills, and let experts from all walks of life join the platform as soon as possible to give guidance and inspire writing! "

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