My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and sixty-eight, brothers who share weal and woe

In the afternoon, Xia Jingxing was going to take a look at the project that Fu Jixun said was "unsure", so he and the latter took a car together to the Xuzhou Street area.

"President Xia, this is it."

After Fu Jixun got off the car from the other side, he went around the rear of the car and came to Xia Jingxing's side.

Xia Jingxing looked in the direction of Fu Jixun's finger. There were several commercial and residential office buildings. The upper part looked like a residence, and the lower part was a commercial building. The business district is even more incomparable.

However, this place is located in the West District of Zhongguancun after all, and it is still very bustling. There are people coming and going in and out of the stores on both sides of the street, and there are trucks parked in front of the store, loading and unloading, a busy scene.

"Let's go, let's go shopping."

Xia Jingxing took the lead and walked in front, while Fu Jixun followed closely behind the boss.

After walking dozens of steps, the two stopped at the gate of Yinfeng Building.

"Mr. Xia, that's it. Look, this is their company's signboard."

Xia Jingxing glanced at the signboard with blue letters on a white background hanging on the ground floor of the building that Fu Jixun was pointing at. It said "Jingxi Online Mall Headquarters Self-pickup Center" in large characters.

Looking up again, there is still a signboard with white letters on a red background hanging on the third floor - computers, mobile phones, digital, home appliances...all in Jingxi Mall.

Just as the two of them were about to move in, they saw an electric tricycle jumping out from behind with its horn honking.

A courier boy in red-gray overalls and a motorcycle helmet parked the tricycle in a hurry, and then, without stopping for a moment, began to unload large cardboard boxes from the car.

At this time, several courier brothers who wore the same style of work clothes but did not wear helmets rushed out of the room to help unload the goods.

"Don't worry about me, hurry up and go to your business!"

"By the way, this customer's phone number has not been answered. Please contact me later. Don't make him wait for a long time."

"Oh, there is also this computer. The customer tried it out and felt dissatisfied. He wanted to change it."

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, everyone has worked hard for a few more days, the company has already bought tickets for everyone to go home, and also prepared red envelopes for everyone."


The courier boy wearing a helmet seems to be a little leader,

The level of speech is very high, and he is very good at mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees for work. After a few words, a group of courier brothers around him will smile.

"Brother Xi, don't worry, the brothers will risk their lives these days, and they will deliver all the goods before the end of the year."

"That's right, Brother Xi, hurry up and rest, let the brothers come and see you off."


Looking at this group of fighting brothers, the courier boy wearing a helmet smiled, and after taking the last courier box off the car and handing it to the person beside him, he finally took off his helmet and wiped the sweat off his head .

"Mr. Liu~"

Fu Jixun walked forward with a smile, looking at Liu Ruoxi who was still tired and sweating profusely in the winter.

Seeing Fu Jixun's appearance, Liu Ruoxi was stunned, and her hand wiping sweat froze in the air.

"Fu...Fu Boss, why are you here? It doesn't mean that you have released..."

Halfway through the speech, Liu Ruoxi realized that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly passed his hand over, "Boss Fu, please come inside!"

As soon as he handed it out, Liu Ruoxi realized that his hands were covered with stinky sweat, so he quickly wiped it on his clothes before handing it out again.

Seeing Fu Jixun in a high-end suit in front of him with a calm smile, and looking at his own sloppiness, Liu Ruoxi felt inferior for a while.

Fortunately, Fu Jixun didn't have the slightest intention to dislike him. He held his hand tightly and shook it vigorously, jokingly said, "You, a big boss, still deliver the goods yourself?"

Liu Ruoxi smiled: "Idle is idle, the courier department is short of manpower, so I'll come to help."

"Rise up as a general, and share food and clothing with the lowest soldiers. You don't have a seat when you lie down, you don't ride when you walk, and you get food for yourself, and you share the labor with the soldiers."

Fu Jixun laughed loudly, and made no secret of his admiration for Liu Ruoxi: "In ancient times, you are a famous general, and you can bring out a fighting force."

Liu Qiangxi is also a top student at the National People's Congress, so he has heard of these allusions, so he smiled embarrassedly: "It's not that noble, I just want to make the company a good one."

Fu Jixun nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "I'm here today..."

Hearing this, Liu Ruoxi immediately held his breath and stared at Fu Jixun.

"I just want to talk to you again!" Fu Jixun deliberately whetted his appetite, and took the opportunity to observe Liu Ruoxi's expression.

Hearing this, Liu Ruoxi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't directly refuse, there was still hope.

In order to support the company's expansion, he has approached dozens of venture capital institutions recently, but most of them directly rejected him, and his words were ugly!

for example:

"Do e-commerce? How can you fight Ahri with a small stall? You can't beat Dangdang!"

"It's too late, jumping in will only lead to death!"

"Sell CDs honestly, the water of e-commerce is very deep, you can't grasp it at all."

These words greatly hit Liu Ruoxi's enthusiasm and hurt his self-esteem a little.

In addition to these venture capital institutions that directly rejected and ridiculed him, there were also a few venture capital institutions that talked with him and said that they would study it, and then there was no news from them, including Vision Capital.

Liu Qiangxi thought that he had been abandoned, but he didn't expect Fu Jixun to come to his door again today, which surprised and delighted him!

Vision Capital is now famous, and there is a rich man behind him, who is an ideal candidate for institutional shareholders.

Although Vision Capital has also invested in Ahri, Liu Ruoxi doesn't care much about it, because there is no extra choice right now, and the most important thing is to survive and become a big company.

"Besides me, Mr. Xia is also here today."

Following Fu Jixun's gestures, Liu Ruoxi looked behind him, and a tall and tall young man wrapped in a coat was walking towards him with a smile.

Liu Ruoxi also noticed that there were three bodyguards following the young man. Although they were dressed in casual clothes, they couldn't hide their sturdy aura. He had only seen this kind of temperament in the bodyguard of his ex-girlfriend's father, and it left a deep impression on him.

Liu Ruoxi naturally recognized Xia Jingxing, but he didn't go forward recklessly or obsequiously, but silently sighed Xia Jingxing's youth in his heart.

In fact, when he was the other party's age, he also relied on self-taught programming and earned his first pot of gold in his life by taking jobs outside. He also opened a restaurant with 240,000 yuan and bought a mobile phone with 26,000 yuan. He is more prestigious than the head of the department.

It's just that this little achievement is completely incomparable with the person in front of him, not to mention that his restaurant finally collapsed, and was ruined by the chef and his waiter girlfriend. He was still in debt of 160,000 yuan, and even his hair was grey. .

Why is this person in front of him so lucky? The first venture was a success!

Liu Qiangxi felt a little sour in his heart, either targeting someone or feeling that fate was unfair.

"Mr. Liu, hello!"

Xia Jingxing held out his hand, and smiled at Liu Ruoxi, who had a bunch of white hair on his forehead and a somewhat vicissitudes of face.

He also didn't expect that the project that Fu Jixun could not make up his mind about turned out to be Jingxi.

Liu Ruoxi came back to his senses immediately, and took Xia Jingxing's hand with both hands: "Mr. Xia, I have known you for a long time, and you are welcome to visit the west of Beijing."

The couriers around saw this scene and heard "Mr. Xia". Many young people who love surfing the Internet immediately recognized Xia Jingxing, and their eyes widened.

However, because Brother Ruoxi has learned from the failure of the restaurant, he pays equal attention to kindness and power when managing Jingxi, and there is no courier brother who is out of line, and they all secretly watch from the sidelines.

What does Xia Jingxing appearing in his small shop mean?

Liu Ruoxi forcibly suppressed the joy in his heart, with a calm expression on his face, and straightened his arms towards the door of the store, "Mr. Xia, please!"


Xia Jingxing returned a salute, and then, led by Liu Ruoxi, walked into the store.

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