My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and sixty-nine, Jingxi Mall

Under the leadership of Liu Ruoxi, Xia Jingxing and Fu Jixun visited the three-story office building in West Beijing.

The first floor is storefront display and storage, the second floor is the IT technology department of, and the third floor is dozens of customer service seats.

In the current west of Beijing, although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs, and there are quite a few functional departments that should be there.

Seeing the boss leading the guests in for a visit, the employees of Jingxi did not panic, or watched, looked up and continued to work hard.

Standing on the third floor, Xia Jingxing could only hear the phone ringing "beep beep" and "Hello, this is Jingxi Online Mall."

The customer service just hung up a call, and immediately connected to the next call. The work was extremely busy.

Fu Jixun was a little puzzled and asked: "Mr. Liu, Jingxi deploys so many customer service seats and occupies an office building exclusively. In your eyes, this department should be very important, right?"

"Boss Fu, you can just call me Weixi."

Liu Ruoxi smiled and pointed to the customer service seats around him, and said, "Yes, the customer service department is very important to me, others think this job is low-end, but I don't think so.

Customers who want to visit Jingxi Mall and inquire about products must first go through the online customer service, or directly call the customer service number.

In other words, this is a window department that has taken on important responsibilities.

First of all, you have to give the customer a good impression, so that subsequent orders will be converted. In other words, if customers feel that the shopping experience is good, there will be repurchases and referrals, and a certain reputation will gradually be formed.

This is also the experience I accumulated from opening a store in Zhongguancun and selling CDs. My superficial views made Mr. Fu laugh. "

"No no!"

Fu Jixun waved his hands again and again, and then praised: "This kind of meticulous attitude towards business is very good! I heard that Jingxi Multimedia had a good reputation in Zhongguancun before. products, I will teach you by hand..."

Liu Ruoxi's eyes almost narrowed into slits. Not only did Fu Jixun mention his glorious past, but more importantly, he revealed a key piece of information—Envision Capital had thoroughly investigated him.

This makes Liu Ruoxi more confident in the next financing.

"I heard Mr. Liu..."

"President Xia,

You can also call me weak west! "

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "Okay, I heard that Jingxi Multimedia in Ruoxi had opened 12 stores at its peak and aspired to become Suning in the IT industry. Why did you suddenly want to do e-commerce?"

This question hit Liu Ruoxi's heart, even if Xia Jingxing didn't ask, he planned to ask it later to give himself extra points.

"In 2003, when the SARS epidemic broke out in Beijing, the retail industry in the whole city was hit hard at that time, including our Zhongguancun sellers.

Jingxi lost 8 million in less than a month. At that time, the company's book capital was only 20 to 30 million, and it would die in two or three months.

I had no choice but to ask the staff to figure out a solution together. Someone had a sudden inspiration and went to the Internet to post and sell the CD.

It turned out there was an order!

In the beginning, our method was relatively primitive. We used paper and pen to record the scattered orders from the BBS forum, asked customers to remit money, and then sent the CD through the postal system.

Later, we simply launched our own e-commerce website, replacing the mode of manually recording orders..."

Xia Jingxing listened carefully, it was exactly the same as the news about how Jingxi started his business that he had learned in his previous life.

An epidemic made Taobao successful, and Jingxi also seized the opportunity of the times by mistake.

This also confirms a point of view: To succeed in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs need to have strength, but luck is also indispensable.

Brother Ruoxi has stepped on the cusp of the times and has become a flying pig.

Of course, Brother Ruoxi is also hard enough. In the past few years of transforming into an e-commerce company, he bought an alarm clock and got up at four or five in the morning to reply to customer inquiries.

Ari did not focus on the B2C business at that time, which gave Jingxi a chance to develop.

"I judge that e-commerce will definitely replace retail in the future, or seriously erode the market share of offline retail stores."

Liu Ruoxi sighed, "In 2003, Jingxi Multimedia's offline store achieved a yearly sales of RMB 80,000,000 to 90,000,000, but after we transformed into an e-commerce company, employees didn't understand and lost a lot of money.

Last year, our Jingxi Mall only caught up with the performance achieved in 2003.

It is equivalent to self-funded martial arts, never practice again!

But I don't regret it! "

Liu Ruoxi's eyes were full of firmness. He looked at Xia Jingxing and Fu Jixun, and said loudly, "Because the upper limit of the current Jingxi Mall is far higher than that of the previous Jingxi Multimedia!"

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly. If it was a coincidence that Jingxi employees posted online to promote products, Liu Ruoxi's AllIn e-commerce business was not lucky, but a kind of keen business sense and determination.

The 12 stores with an annual turnover of 80 to 90 million, if you don’t want it, you don’t want it. For Liu Ruoxi, who was born in the grassroots, it can be called a big gamble.

By the way, I would also like to thank the restaurant that caused Liu Qiangxi to be in debt of more than 100,000 yuan. If there was no such debt, Liu Qiangxi would not come to Zhongguancun to set up a stall to pay off the debt. Maybe because of the failure of the restaurant business, he went to be a restaurant in frustration. civil servants.

Liu Ruoxi's ex-girlfriend Xiao Jing, who had an extraordinary background, never disliked him, not only supported him in setting up a stall, but also gave birth to a child for him.

Opportunities never wait for anyone. If Jingxi starts to enter the e-commerce field now, the upcoming Tmall may beat Jingxi to the ground.

"I heard that a venture capital institution invested 2 million in Jingxi last year, and then regretted withdrawing at the end of the year?" Xia Jingxing asked.

Liu Ruoxi nodded, he got angry when he mentioned this matter, and said it without any shyness.

"An FA financing consultant named Yue Yong approached me on the BBS forum and said that Beijing West had good service and development potential, and asked me if I needed to introduce VC funds.

How do I know about venture capital?

In a daze, I signed a contract with them. I agreed to invest 5 million yuan, but only paid 2 million yuan. Later, the investment turned into a loan. "

Seeing Liu Ruoxi's resentful expression, Fu Jixun smiled and comforted him: "The VC industry is also a mixed bag these days, and some people cheated and cheated, ruining the reputation of the entire industry."

Liu Ruoxi nodded: "Yeah, I learned better later, so I just went to find a venture capital institution by myself."

Xia Jingxing smiled lightly. What Liu Ruoxi encountered could not be called an irregular venture capital investment. It can only be said that the food was ugly. Once the subsidiary agreements of many financing terms were triggered, the equity investment would immediately become a debt investment, and the invested company would also be required to Pay interest.

As for how to stimulate it? It mainly depends on the development trend of the enterprise in the past six months or a year.

Therefore, this is also the reason why venture capital institutions have always been unhappy in raising money and do it in batches.

It's just that there's no need to explain these truths to Liu Ruoxi for the time being.

Moreover, with the strength of Vision Capital, it has never signed such a financing clause of "clear equity with real debt" with a start-up company.

"Riaoxi, Envision Capital invested in Ali before, and now invests in Jingxi, do you mind?"

Xia Jingxing shouldn't mind Liu Ruoxi's attitude, but he still thinks it's better to ask.

"As long as Mr. Xia doesn't mind, Jingxi has no objections at all."

Liu Ruoxi paused, "But..."

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