My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and thirteen, really good means

"Brother Zhang, go slowly, let's drink together another day!"

Zhang Chenguang nodded slightly, then shook his mobile phone at several scalpers, "Keep in touch!"

After quickly greeting several people, Zhang Chenguang turned around and strode forward, catching up with Xia Jingxing who had gone far away.

"Okay, old Zhang, do you have a social overpowering disorder? Have you gotten to know a few little brothers so quickly?" Xia Jingxing put his arm around Zhang Chenguang's shoulder and joked as he walked.

"It's just nonsense! But I followed your instructions and brought all their contact information."

Xia Jingxing nodded, but did not speak.

It was not until getting into the car that Xia Jingxing began to inquire in detail about what he had ordered Zhang Chenguang to inquire about.

After listening, Xia Jingxing frowned: "So, this group of people turned out to be peddlers who resell train tickets, ball tickets, and concert tickets? They came here to resell mobile phones. Is it a temporary idea and a new way to explore?"

"It's about the same. They don't have much capital themselves. Five people bought a total of 100 mobile phones, and each invested an average of 80,000 to 90,000 yuan."

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, expressing his understanding.

The news that Zhang Chenguang came back from the investigation surprised him a bit. He thought that Fuxing mobile phone had been targeted by big scalpers, but he didn't expect it to be a few small scalpers who were eager to transform.

However, these little scalpers are quite smart, and they set their eyes on Fuxing mobile phone at a glance.

But this group of people is still a little timid, and they are eager to ship so quickly.

Xia Jingxing had a premonition that the 500,000 mobile phones would soon be sold out, and the second batch of replenishment would not last.

Although Fuxing Mobile's supply chain layout is early, smartphones are new products after all, and suppliers also need time to transform and adjust.

The speed of transformation and adjustment mainly depends on the orders of Fuxing Mobile. If there are many orders, the suppliers and assembly plants will definitely be willing to fully cooperate. The father of the funder needs to explode the production capacity, add production lines immediately, and recruit workers.

Fuxing Mobile's one million mobile phone order can only be regarded as a medium-sized customer, which is better than those counterfeit mobile phone manufacturers, but it is completely incomparable with mobile phone overlords who often ship tens of millions or tens of millions of units.

"Will those guys come to "purchase" tomorrow?"

Zhang Chenguang shook his head: "It's hard to say, they are a little worried that they won't line up tomorrow, and they also have to consider the e-commerce channel.


Xia Jingxing smiled, "These boys are still a bit smart, but they are a bit short of talent, more precisely, almost lacking in capital strength."

Zhang Chenguang nodded sharply: "Yes, yes, yes, after they heard that I wanted to cooperate with them, they were all very interested, and that's why they told me so many things."

"Do you have any spare money? Invest 1 million in their angel round for fun."

Zhang Chenguang was stunned for a moment, "Isn't it? Really want to cooperate with them? I thought it was just a cliché."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Zhang Chenguang, and said with a smile: "If you are short of money, I will give you 1 million as your activity expenses."

Zhang Chenguang hastily defended: "That's not what I meant. I'm not short of money. The company provides food, housing and play, and I save all my wages."

Xia Jingxing chuckled, the salary he offered Zhang Chenguang was not low, after three years of work, the other party should have saved several million RMB.

"I mean, can this phone scalper business really become an industry?"

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Of course, didn't you see it today? Some people are willing to spend money on mobile phones, and they spend a lot of money. The price increase of 100 yuan is just the beginning.

It is not impossible to make this business bigger if a lot of money is injected. "

Zhang Chenguang felt that Xia Jingxing's vision must be better than his own, and if he said yes, then he would definitely do it.

"Okay, then I'll contact them tomorrow."

Xia Jingxing nodded and said, "Besides, I'll give you another task to keep an eye on the movements of these scalpers for me..."

After Xia Jingxing explained briefly, Zhang Chenguang happily agreed.

According to Zhang Chenguang, the leader of this group of scalpers is called Lin Kuan, nicknamed Kuanzi.

From Xia Jingxing's point of view, Lin Kuan and his group still have a keen sense of business, and if they have financial support, they might become big scalpers.

If it can be used by Fuxing Mobile, it can become a secret weapon in their hands to monitor the scalpers and help them understand some market trends, so that Fuxing Mobile can flexibly adjust its market strategy.

Scalpers can never be suppressed.

The magic capital of the Republic of China has this business, pouring gold, legal currency, cloth, medicine; in the 1960s and 1970s, it poured tickets for sewing machines, bicycles, televisions, etc.; after entering the new century, it began to pour train tickets, football tickets, concert tickets.

Entering the era of mobile Internet, mobile phones began to be reversed.

As long as the relationship between supply and demand is unbalanced and profitable, scalpers will naturally be born. While acting as resource balance allocators, it is also easy to cause malicious monopoly and speculation of market resources, and even exist in the form of forming gangs to make trouble.

Right now, the ZTE mobile phone has just been launched, and a large number of ticket scalpers have not yet smelled it. When they see the profits, they will surely pounce on it like a shark smelling blood.

For the power of scalpers, mobile phone companies should love and hate. Love is that this group of people make models hot and popular, saving marketing costs for mobile phone companies; hate is that this group of people are out of control and cause accidents from time to time. , The mobile phone company also took the blame for them.

Wisdom Fruit has not yet entered the Chinese market, and Xia Jingxing reckons that Fuxing Mobile may take over the other party's role, and sooner or later scalpers will follow Fuxing Mobile on a large scale.

Yimei's defense is useless. He asked Zhang Chenguang to invest in Lin Kuan and his group in order to drive a nail into these scalpers.

When scalpers unite to engage in other mobile phone brands and make waves, they can just sit back and watch.

But the scalpers want to unite to develop Fuxing Mobile, especially when it is not good for Fuxing Mobile, they can learn the news and take precautions early, and they can even release some false news in turn to combat the arrogance of the scalpers.

Xia Jingxing felt that he was addicted to cultivating undercover agents. With Tong Shijie, the ace spy, as the case, he always wanted to copy the second and third ones.

However, he was not sure whether Lin Kuan's idle move would play a certain role, so he only asked Zhang Chenguang to invest one million to try it out, and if there was value in further cultivation, he would invest more.

Sitting in the car, Xia Jingxing thought about it all the way, and when the car arrived at Jingxi Company, he collected his thoughts and got out of the car.

Liu Ruoxi, who received the call notification, was waiting at the door of the company early.

As soon as he saw Xia Jingxing, he was closer than seeing his relatives, and when he came up, he held Xia Jingxing's hand with both hands, and his face was even more smiling.

"Jing Xing, your Fuxing mobile phone is amazing! It only took two hours to sell 800 units!"

Looking at Liu Ruoxi, whose face was full of red, Xia Jingxing was a little puzzled, so excited with only 800 copies? In the previous life, there were hundreds of thousands of units per minute and hundreds of thousands of units per hour, which is nothing.

Soon, he thought about it again, Jingxi Mall has just started at the moment, and last year's turnover was less than 100 million, only 80 million, so young that it can squeeze out water.

The launch of Fuxing mobile phone seems to have created a remarkable achievement for Jingxi.

Probably calculating in his heart, Xia Jingxing asked, "The sales of 800 mobile phones are more than three million yuan?"

Liu Ruoxi nodded madly: "That's right! It's only been on sale for two hours. If the sales can reach 10 million yuan today, it can surpass the performance of last year's two months."

Xia Jingxing immediately understood why Xi Ge was so overjoyed, it turned out that he had given Jing Xi an artifact!

Liu Ruoxi led Xia Jingxing to the company, and while walking, he introduced Xia Jingxing's various hot sales performances in Jingxi Mall.

The two and their entourage came to the third floor, and as soon as they entered the door, they heard dozens of customer seats busy at work.

"Hello, this is Jingxi Mall. You are inquiring about Fuxing Mobile, right?"

"It's in stock, there's no need to line up, and I can ship it to you today."

"It is guaranteed to be authentic. We have obtained the authorization of Fuxing Mobile Phone, and Fuxing Industry Group is also our strategic investment shareholder of Jingxi."


Xia Jingxing followed Liu Ruoxi and walked past a customer seat. He listened carefully, and most of the calls were inquiring about Fuxing mobile phone.

He completely understood Xige, and it looked like Jingxi was going to take off on the spot!

Along the way, Liu Ruoxi kept smirking. He didn't expect Fuxing mobile phone to have such great power. It seems that the shareholder of Fuxing Industrial Group has found the right one. kind of good.

Xia Jingxing went to the second floor with Xige again, and looked at the background data called up by the technical department. Today, Jingxi Mall's visit traffic has increased several times compared with yesterday, and more than 20,000 new registered users have been registered.

After reading this report, Liu Ruoxi was grinning from ear to ear, and the employees of the entire Jingxi technical department were also very happy. Everyone was very satisfied with this report card.

Only Xia Jingxing frowned, the conversion rate was still too low, the vast majority of people just registered to watch the excitement, and did not place an order.

What's the problem?

There is only one possibility, the price!

"Jing Xing, what's wrong with you? Is there something we didn't do well?" Seeing Xia Jingxing's expression was not right, Brother Xi asked a little nervously.

Xia Jingxing immediately put on a smiling face: "No, I am very satisfied with this result, everyone has worked very hard."

Then he changed the subject: "It's just...the conversion rate seems a bit low?"

Liu Ruoxi nodded solemnly: "I also discovered this problem. An average of 30 new registered users, only one person placed an order. We collected PV data on the page and found that almost all new users came to browse the products of Fuxing Mobile page, but just won't place an order.

To be honest, the price of Fuxing mobile phone is indeed a bit high. Consumers may want to buy it, but limited by the economic situation, they can only look at it for a while to satisfy their hunger. "

Xia Jingxing nodded in agreement: "There is no other way, the manufacturing cost is too high, it is impossible to reduce the price, but..."

Speaking of this, he gave Xi Ge a look and said: "Fuxing mobile phone can't reduce the price, but Jingxi can!"

Liu Ruoxi said with some embarrassment: "Jing Xing, we are still in arrears with you for the mobile phone payment, and we will pay you when we make money!"

Speaking of this, Liu Ruoxi seemed to understand something, and suddenly his face changed: "You mean to sell according to the wholesale price you gave Jingxi? Don't make money to gain popularity?"

Thinking of this, Xi Ge slapped his thigh: "This is a good idea! It's absolutely perfect! This is what Jingxi Multimedia did in Zhongguancun before. If you don't make money, you have to make a name for the company. Once you gain popularity and users, you will make money sooner or later." return."


Hearing Xia Jingxing spit out the word "good", Xi Ge immediately smiled, feeling that he had correctly understood the coup that Xia Jingxing pointed out to him.

As a result, Xia Jingxing's next sentence froze his face.

"Okay, okay, not good!"

Xia Jingxing stared at Brother Xi, and explained to him earnestly: "Your method can indeed attract traffic to Jingxi, sell at cost price, and Jingxi has not lost money obviously.

However, from the perspective of reviving mobile phones, the brand will be affected and the market will be chaotic. "

Xi Ge suddenly understood and patted his forehead. Isn't this detrimental to other people's revival mobile phones, Fei Jingxi himself? They could have made more money, but if they did it like this, they would not only make less money, but users who bought high-priced phones through Fuxing Home, Fuxing Mall and other channels would scold their mothers directly.

"Oh, it was my poor consideration, Jing Xing, don't be angry, I apologize to you."

Looking at Xi Ge who was sincerely apologetic, Xia Jingxing waved his hands, "It's okay, I know you are also working hard for the development of Jingxi. In fact, your general direction is right, but the specific method needs to be changed."

"How to change it?" Xi Ge's face suddenly rekindled hope.

"It's too rough to cut the price directly. You give every newly registered user of a 50 yuan or 100 yuan coupon for purchasing a phone, and you can only use it when you specify to buy a Fuxing phone, and you declare that Jingxi Mall will provide subsidies.

Old users can also participate in the event to get coupons for purchases, but new users must be invited, and each new user invited will be issued a 10 yuan coupon, with a limit of 100 yuan to prevent someone from taking advantage of the loopholes. "

Every time Xia Jingxing came up with an idea, Xi Ge's eyes lit up, his expression very pleasantly surprised.

"Also, Jingxi can hold a zero-yuan flash sale shopping event. Every hour or every two hours, a Fuxing mobile phone is loaded. Users wait for the next flash sale event if they miss or fail to grab it. The storage makes the users want to die, and their fingers are swollen!"

Xi Ge's mouth is wide open, can he still play like this?

Soon he understood that this was to create momentum on the Internet and take the opportunity to market Jingxi! Ox!

Xi Ge took a deep look at Xia Jingxing, he is indeed a master of the Internet, he really has a good trick!

Xia Jingxing smiled, why did he feel as if he was leading Xige on the road of no return to Pin Xixi?

Xi Ge waved his hand: "Jing Xing, I understand, all activities and subsidies are unilaterally initiated by Jing Xi, and have nothing to do with Fuxing Mobile!"

Xia Jingxing laughed out loud, Xige finally realized it.

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