My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1092: Dragon Girl's Attraction

1092 Dragon Girl's Attraction

After all, the dragon girl seemed too young. Li Fan resisted his indiscriminate thoughts and waved his hands to let Zhenqi scroll the quilt to cover the dragon girl.

"Oh ... this is not the time to cover the quilt!"

Li Fan suddenly remembered that he had come to wake her up. It won't be long before they depart.

Originally this kind of rivers and lakes dispute, Li Fan did not want to take the Dragon Girl together. But she didn't follow her, and Li Fan was not at ease. After all, there is a group of guys named Four Holy Beasts, waiting to get rid of her! And this girl, apart from eating, will not know anything!

Wake this guy up quickly! You can rest assured when you are by your side.

"Dragon Girl, get up."

Li Fan screamed, but the Dragon Girl couldn't hear it, and she was sleeping happily.

"Dragon Girl?"

Li Fan's voice was amplified a little, but the dragon girl still fell asleep.

Ordinary screaming doesn't seem to work.

Li Fan stepped forward, reached out his hand, and gently pushed the dragon girl's forehead.

"I don't wake up this day."

Li Fan was in trouble. He sat on the bed and stared at the dragon girl's cheek.

This girl sleeps really well ... Li Fan's mind makes up the look of the dragon sleeping, it feels completely different!

I really don't know what the Dragon Clan looks like, but since the Dragon Girl is transformed by the Divine Dragon, shouldn't her ability be at the Holy Level? After all, that is the pinnacle of humanity. However, her actual strength is not so high. Although she has great strength, her fighting ability is not outstanding, and her overall strength can only reach the peak.

There are mysteries everywhere on the Dragon Girl, which really makes people want to study it.

Li Fan wanted to know the structure of the dragon girl. He couldn't help but reach out and pressed it on the quilt. This is exactly where the dragon girl's abdomen is.

Li Fan's true energy passed into the dragon girl through the quilt.

He felt the flow of power in the Dragon Girl. This energy really does not belong to Qi, but a power that seems to be the source.

Everyone is more or less in the body and has strength. Not just humans, animals, and even insects. This is the constant energy in the living body, which is the basis of the existence and activity of living things.

The energy in the human body can be cultivated in many forms. For example, Li Fan, their martial arts fighters, can slowly cultivate their strength into authenticity. The Western Magic Association can be used to communicate elemental spirits and use magic.

This energy in the Dragon Girl is indeed different from other powers. Li Fan seems to be able to feel it.

The dragon is a symbol of Huaxia since ancient times. The development of Qixiaquan has reached a late stage, and it has indeed reached a bottleneck. If you can imitate the power of a real dragon, you may have a breakthrough!

When incarnation of Dragon God himself, many of the moves used are imitations of the legendary dragon.

For example, Dragon Ball, Dragon King Seal, and Double Dragon Scissors.

However, Li Fan always felt that this was just a form of resemblance, unlike Qi Xiaquan, which had imitated the extremes of seven kinds of animals.

Martial arts wants to compete with magic skills, Li Fan must progress!

Li Fan felt the power in the dragon girl, he felt the difference in this power, and the contempt feeling. He must be able to make further progress. Li Fan has a faint faint feeling. It seems that if he catches it, he can leap forward and make another big step!

Li Fan's heart suddenly pounded. This was an urge to combine with this woman!

Only by combining with this woman can you get supreme power!

Li Fan's eyes were red, and his heart was a little strange. Mr. Yang should have been completely crushed by his own mental strength, and it should not affect himself!

What is it that affects you, so that Li Fan has such a large desire for reproduction!

The Dragon Girl is like a magnet, attracting herself deeply, making Li Fan unable to help.

Loli's youthful body was in front of her, and seemed to be at her fingertips. But just then, a cold voice came into his ears.

"Sure enough, it's a sexual-mad man, not even a little girl!"

Looking at Jin Jiumao, who was holding his arm against the door, Li Fan's cold sweat was completely awake.

"Ahem, you misunderstood, I just want to wake her up."

Li Fanxin said, this is his original purpose ... although some changes in the middle.

"Hum, will I believe your funny words?"

Tsukumo sneered, "Your personal evil habits have nothing to do with me, and you don't have to explain it to me. I'll ask you, when will you start!"

"Wake her up and go."

"Why take her? At any time, you can't forget Wenxiang nephrite?"

"Nonsense. I am the guardian of this person. Protecting her is my mission."

Li Fan said immediately, "So, I can't let her have an accident, I can only take it with me."

"Will I believe it?"

Jin Jiumao didn't believe Li Fan's funny words, "Then don't you wake her up quickly?"

"Can you wake you up!"

Li Fan spread his hands. Once the Dragon Girl fell asleep, she must naturally wake up.

After returning, once she slept for three days and three nights before getting up!

"How can she sleep?"

Jin Jiumao pouted, "Can you sleep till you can't eat?"

"time to eat?"

The dragon girl suddenly sat up, her quilt fell off, and her upper body was gone.

Li Fan immediately waved her hand, letting the quilt wrap around her, covering her maiden zone.

"Can you be careful ... don't show it casually!"

Li Fan was very helpless. "And if you don't eat ... you won't get up ..."

"I'm hungry. Besides, our dragons don't have to wear clothes at all. Which dragon do you think is wearing clothes when they fly in the sky?"

"There are scales too! Besides, I have never seen a dragon!"

Li Fan was very helpless.

"Hee hee, don't you see it now. Say, what are you eating now? Is my instant noodles ready?"

"Speak later, we're going to Daxueshan."

"Xueshan? What are you going to do there?"

The Dragon Girl didn't quite understand. Sitting on the bed, she picked up a bag of potato chips from the side and asked while eating.


Jin Jiumao couldn't understand their conversation, but she was more worried about her compatriots on the Snow Mountain.

"I don't want to go to the Snow Mountain. It's too cold there. Our dragon doesn't like it."

"The last time I went, I remember there were special products on the mountain."

Li Fan recalled, "The roasted pheasant there seems to be delicious."

"Ah, it ’s okay to dress up occasionally, and it's okay to walk around the snowy mountains."

The Dragon Girl drooled and said.

"Well, that's right."

Li Fan reached out and pressed her head twice.

"Then when shall we leave?"

Tsukumo was very anxious.

Li Fan took a potato chip and put it in the air, squeezing his eyes at Jin Jiumao.

"It's now."

There was a roar outside the window.

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