My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1093: Bagua Knife and Bagua Fan

1093 Gossip Knife and Gossip Fan

A helicopter flew to the top of Yixian Daxue Mountain.

At a distance of tens of meters from the ground, the helicopter stopped.

"Major Li, we can only get here."

A soldier saluted Li Fan, "The next way is up to you."

"Got it."

Li Fan was wearing a dark green military uniform today. He stood at the door of the cabin and glanced back.

In addition to Jin Jiumao and Long Nu, Jiang Yuanyuan and Jiang Fangfang also followed.

Today the anime troupe has a cos show, and the two of them have become cosplayers of Rem and Ram, performing nearby. As a result, when I saw a military helicopter flying over, I couldn't help but come here for fun, just to see Li Fan.

Jiang Yuanyuan kept clamoring to follow him, and Li Fan could only follow her.

One more martial artist, and one more help. And Li Fan also wanted to take this opportunity to exercise the sisters.

"Is this the legendary sword?"

Jiang Yuanyuan looked out the window and was very excited. She doesn't look like she is here to help punches, but instead she comes to sightseeing.

"Sister, wake up, here it is!"


Jiang Fangfang still seemed a little sleepy and was forced to wake her up by her sister. She glanced down, and then there was light in her eyes.

"I didn't expect this snowy mountain, it looks pretty good."

"Hum, the beauty of our snowy mountains, do you need to say!"

Jin Jiumao stood beside Li Fan and snorted at them, "Let you come, not sightseeing!"

"Anna, Ann, we're here to help punches!"

Jiang Yuanyuan still smiled, "By the way."

"A girl who doesn't care about the world!"

Tsukumo mocked a little, "You don't even know what a war is!"

Then, she had taken the lead and jumped straight from the helicopter.

"Well, this woman has injuries on her body, just go down!"

Li Fan couldn't help scolding, "She's crazy!"

"Major Li, please protect Lady Dragon!"

The officer gave Li Fan a meaningful look.

"Tell you generals, take a hundred hearts."

Li Fan said, holding a hand on the dragon's collar.

"Going down."


The Dragon Girl hadn't responded yet, Li Fan was already holding her collar, and the whole person fell from the sky and landed on the snowy mountain!

Two women, Jiang Yuanyuan and Jiang Fangfang, also fell afterwards. The two girls did not even take off their cos suits. Although they were thin, they had true-spirited bodies, so they could survive on this snowy mountain.

"Wow, it's cold."

Even so, Jiang Yuanyuan couldn't help shuddering.

"Let's wear more."

Jiang Fangfang said, took a scarf from his bag and wrapped it around himself.

"Hey! Sister! When do you get a scarf?"

"Oh, the boys from the community do n’t have time to throw it."

Jiang Fangfang smiled, "It just happened."

"Look, I'm your good sister. Do you want to make one of your favorite sisters?"

"Your skin is thicker and rougher than me."

Jiang Fangfang's words always strangle people directly, Jiang Yuanyuan is so angry.

"Well, don't bother you both."

Li Fan stood on the Daxue Mountain and looked around the white sky, "Someone has come to meet us."

Jin Jiumao also held a mantis fist and remained vigilant.

"Fang Fangyuanyuan, the two of you are guarding Jin Jiumao, let me here."

"President, protect such things as Yuanyuan."

Jiang Fangfang smiled again. She pulled out the gossip knife from behind, held it in her hands, and stepped on the gossip slightly under her feet. The whole person felt a sense of nothingness.

Jiang Yuanyuan shrugged his shoulders, took out two blue fans, held them in his hands, stepped on the ground with one foot, raised the other foot, and stood there with a golden chicken stand alone.

"Two little girls who haven't been on the battlefield."

Jin Jiumao despises them both, what use can the tender flowers cultivated in the greenhouse?

There is also the food, in this case, you can still eat potato chips, really drunk!

She couldn't even think about it, and a lot of figures had appeared around her.

One after another the teenagers came over, and everyone was wearing black special battle clothes, with a look of infuriating and fierce.

"Ah, many presidents!"

Jiang Yuanyuan exclaimed, "One is scary enough, why are there so many!"

"Nonsense, where am I scary?"

Li Fan emphasized.

"That is, the president is not terrible, but insignificant."

Jiang Fangfang made up the knife.

"You should go around gank first ..."

On this cold snowy mountain, Li Fan couldn't help wiping a cold sweat, "Jiang Fangfang, here are the rivers and lakes, can you go down to kill?"

"Hee hee, you don't understand."

Jiang Yuanyuan smiled suddenly, "You know, why did I learn the gossip fan, but my sister learned the gossip knife?"


"Because I like to stay on the line ... and sister, show no mercy."

The words fell, Jiang Fangfang had already carried a gossip knife into the crowd with a pink light.

Each of these fighters made of Li Fan's genes has good power. Moreover, they can all use Li Fan's Seven Chivalry Boxing. In this wave, tiger attack is the main thing, as if the tiger was hunting, and they all rushed towards Jiang Fangfang.

For a moment, at least ten clones rushed to Jiang Fangfang.

But Jiang Fangfang's mouth had a smile on her face. She was holding a gossip knife, short in shape, and rushed directly into the face of a clone.

Jiang Fangfang quickly drew a knife and directly cut through the clone's chest, bringing out blood and intestines.

The other clones had no feelings and stretched out their tiger claws and grabbed at Jiang Fangfang.

Jiang Fangfang turned quickly, wiped the gossip with his hands, and cut off the palms of the two clones.

Then she wiped her knife quickly, leaving two human heads on her knife.

"You are too slow."

Jiang Fangfang said.


A voice sounded suddenly, seemingly directing the clones.

Immediately afterwards, the clones who besieged Jiang Fangfang suddenly started to retreat.

Then, another wave of clones approached, all of them with afterimages, quickly approaching Jiang Fangfang!

"So fast……"

Even Jiang Yuanyuan couldn't help but exclaim.

"This is the pace of the monkey."

Li Fan explained, "Of the kung fu I practice, the most important is speed. It seems that Jiang Fangfang will fall into a hard fight."

"That's not necessarily true, my sister's swordsmanship has just begun."

Jiang Yuanyuan is full of confidence.

At this time, a clone jumped up from the snow next to it, but it had been hidden for a long time and suddenly launched an attack.

He just made his appearance, and Jiang Yuanyuan's fan has been photographed on top of his head.

The clone was slammed into the snow and passed out.

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