My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1094: Elite troops

1094 Elite Forces

Li Fan raised one foot and gave the cloned man's head to Fei Fei.

Looking at his head flying in the air, Li Fan couldn't help feeling.

"Probably only me can see such a landscape ..."

"The president is blessed, but not everyone can see their heads flying in the air!"

Jiang Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing.

"Would you like to take a look?"

"I don't want it!"

The little girl frowned.

At the same time, she was a fan, and flew out another sneak clone.

On the other hand, Jiang Fangfang's figure seems to have changed into several, making those clones who approached the ape strike a mess.

At the same time, the real Jiang Fangfang held the gossip knife and quickly passed around them, each killing a clone.

"Sister is fast."

When Jiang Yuanyuan's fan waved, the violent wind set off a sneak attacker.

"Don't underestimate her!"

Jin Jiumao was stunned, where did Li Fan find two such strong girls!

Li Fan was quite relieved that the two sisters had greatly improved under his teaching. This is a good thing, indicating that his teaching method is indeed correct.

The dragon girl sat there comfortably, eating potato chips while watching the lively.

"Li Fan, there are many you here!"

The Dragon Girl groaned as she ate, "They are so weak!"

"It's just some cottages, of course weak!"

Li Fan pouted his lips, "How can it be compared to my authentic brand!"

"I think it's almost the same."

"That's too bad."

Li Fan grinned, then raised his hand and slapped a hand at the clones who came around in the distance.

A powerful palm wind flew out and crushed the clones' bodies directly!

It was the power of one palm, Li Fan killed a dozen clones in seconds.

The snow in front of it was also cleared out of a large open space, which seemed very abrupt.

Li Fan stood there, hands in his pockets, and asked slowly.

"Sir, should you come out and see?"

"It is worthy of being a bully, and its strength is extraordinary."

A man came out from behind the clone and slowly came to Li Fan. "However, if I were you, I wouldn't flow this muddy water. Ming Zhe protects himself, not to mention that you are now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river. . "

Although the man was wearing a black veil covering his face, Li Fan recognized him at a glance.

"Well, isn't this my second elder brother? It's a coincidence that you also work for the government now?"

Jiang Feng slowly took off his mask, "How do you recognize me?"

"How to say this, even if you become ashes, I know them all."

Li Fan laughed, "But it was the first time everyone met so frankly! Jiang Feng, when have you been a dog for the government?"

"Don't you scold yourself, too?"

Jiang Feng sneered.

"That's the same thing. Everyone is in a hurry, and I won't ridicule you."

Li Fan nodded. "But it doesn't seem to be for a wave of people. My task is to protect it. What about yours?"

"You knowingly?"

Jiang Feng's face was gloomy. "Li Fan, playing tricks should also look at the difference."

"Fuck me, look at these faces, who is playing who?"

Li Fan pointed to the clones around him, "Everyone is an alliance of rivers and lakes, can you explain?"


Jiang Feng nodded, "You should know the jihad plan, this time it is the behavior of the state machine, you better not stay in front, otherwise you will be crushed into slag."

"Don't say it so early, I want to stop here to see, how can you help me?"

"Li Fan ... Have you thought about it, if there were no rivers and lakes, how wonderful the world would be."

Jiang Feng was not eager to attack, but tried to persuade Li Fan, "Just because some people have unique powers, they are unscrupulous. Whoever they want to kill, they kill! Such rivers and lakes, don't you think it should end? You and I are not from the rivers and lakes, I think we will be good friends. "

"It's pretty beautiful."

Li Fan taunted rudely, "But how is your behavior different from the kind of person in your mouth?"

"If it can end all this, I'm willing to do evil. You can hate me, it's okay."

"You think it's beautiful, good and bad people let you do it."

Li Fan said politely, "You are just an idealist! Especially this big snow mountain, with many of my friends, I cannot let you do whatever you want!"

"It seems that we are destined to be enemies."

Jiang Feng resurrected the face towel. "The jihadists attacked Li Fan! Regardless of everything! Abandon life and death!"

These clones were like cold-hearted fighters. When they heard the orders, they immediately rushed towards Li Fan desperately.

There were hundreds of Li Fans, and it was a bit scary to rush over.

"You're welcome, get more people."

Li Fan encourages those around him.

"Hey, I still can't do anything in front of the president ..."

Jiang Fangfang sighed in exchange for Li Fan's eyes.

Isn't that right? Don't be too happy when you just cut it up!

"Okay, you protect them both, and leave the rest to me."

After all, it belongs to your own evil fate, so let yourself handle it.

Li Fan stepped forward and walked towards those clones.

Li Fan's momentum at this time is amazing. If it is a normal person, after seeing it, he will surely be paralyzed and lose his mind of fighting. But these clones are different. They don't have the slightest feelings, they just want to complete the task that Jiang Feng arranged for them.

Just like Jiang Feng said, desperate, give up life and death!

In a blink of an eye, these clones had already rushed to Li Fan. Li Fan punched them one by one and blasted their heads one by one.

This cloned face made Li Fan upset when he saw it!

"It's too weak!"

Li Fan slaughtered these clones at will, without forgetting to ridicule, "What use is it for you to develop such waste?"

"An army naturally has cannon fodder."

Jiang Feng glanced up and said, "There is also an elite."


Li Fan also looked up subconsciously, and at this time, a man suddenly fell on his head. With flames on his feet, he came towards Li Fanfei.

Li Fan raised his fist and hit him.


The flame and power were accompanied, and the powerful impact force pushed Li Fan back a few steps.

The figure of the man on the other side also reversed, and then fell to the ground, and the flames on his feet slowly disappeared.

Another Li Fan, and another clone!

"It's this guy who has caused us great damage to rely on the sword ... what's the fire on his foot?"

Jin Jiumao frowned deeply, "Li Fan, is it your secret technique?"

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