Chapter 513 Plucking... plucking hair?

The lords, whether new or old, all have mobile phones. This area will soon have a local area network, so in the future, when everyone contacts each other, the chances of using mobile phones will increase a lot. Xia Qing decided to ask Daya for help to set the allies' mobile phones to anti-eavesdropping mode.

After the inspection team left, Xia Qing was weeding in the greenhouse for more than an hour when she heard the mobile phone in her pocket beeping.

Hearing the frequency of the sound, Xia Qing knew without taking it out that it was the broken waist wolf who liked the door. Other wolves entered her territory and followed the leader wolf to climb over the iron mesh wall, but only the broken waist wolf liked to go through the door, and repeatedly.

The sheep boss rushed out first. When Xia Qing put away the hoe and followed him out, she found that the sheep boss was already standing in front of a group of wolves, holding his head high and showing off his new clothes back and forth.

Seeing Xia Qing coming out, the broken leg wolf immediately jumped over and jumped around Xia Qing excitedly. The fierce broken-legged girl and the black wolf bared their teeth at Xia Qing, the broken-waisted wolf stared thoughtfully at the clothes on the sheep boss, and the head wolf looked at Xia Qing indifferently, waiting for her to walk over.

Xia Qing rubbed the head of the broken-legged wolf fiercely and greeted him, "My Queen, the one with a broken waist, you came so fast, I... I'll go!"

Xia Qing, whose body and home had not yet completely stank, was frightened by the small round-eared head trembling behind the head wolf, and took several steps back, "Plucker... Plucker?! My Queen, why is the Plucker here too?"

Xia Qing was really scared when she saw it.

Because she gave new clothes to every evolved wolf, except this evolved "weasel" wolf. Will it be angry later and release a stench in its own yard?

The stench of the poisonous gas evolved weasel will take half a month to eliminate, and she will go to special training in five days. Xia Qing suspected that Yanlong booked it in five days just to wait until the stench on her body was gone before starting special training.

If she smells strong again today, will Yanlong still take her? She has been looking forward to this special training for a long time.

The head wolf ignored Xia Qing and ran towards home. The trembling plucking weasel immediately followed. Xia Qing then discovered that there were seven large pheasants with ordinary or bright fur colors thrown beside the bushes behind the head wolf, the broken waist wolf and the black wolf!

Xia Qing asked the broken waist wolf who did not follow the wolf pack, "Broken waist, are these pheasants for me?"

The broken waist wolf who was studying the door turned his head and looked at Xia Qing thoughtfully.

Xia Qing suddenly understood, "These pheasants are for the pluckers to pluck the hair first, and then let me roast them for the queen to eat?"

The broken waist wolf then showed its snow-white, cute little fangs and smiled.

Xia Qing looked up at the sky speechlessly. Damn, she now doubted that this group of wolves knew how to count. Otherwise, why did six wolves bring seven chickens?

The sheep boss eats grass, not chickens, so the extra pheasant might be for her. Will the plucked weasel stay for dinner?

The sick wolf rubbed Xia Qing's legs, looked up at her and smiled.

Xia Qing's heart softened immediately. She rubbed the sick wolf's head and said softly, "It's great that the second brother invited the queen so quickly. You are much better now. After cleaning the chicken, I will give you chicken breast, okay?"

The sick wolf, who likes to drink chicken breast and vegetable porridge, laughed even more happily.

Xia Qing carried the heavy pheasant and took the sick wolf back home slowly. She found that the broken-legged wolf brother and sister were playing in the yard with the sheep boss who was wearing clothes, and the black wolf was squatting under the eaves to watch the fun.

The queen and the broken-waisted wolf who just ran back?

No need to ask, they must have entered the house.

Plucked hair? I dare not think about it, for fear that the truth is too cruel and I can't bear it.

Xia Qing pushed the door open and entered the house. She found that the leader wolf and the broken waist wolf had washed their feet and were resting on the brand new straw mat by the fireplace.

Brand new straw mat? No need to ask, the broken waist wolf must have taken it out from the tool room. Xia Qing carefully looked around and didn't find the plucking weasel. Then she relaxed and put the chicken in the yard.

As expected, the plucking weasel appeared just after the chicken was put down for a while, and the chicken feathers began to fly in the yard.

Xia Qing checked the pheasants, took out the only two green lights, brought them into the house and put them in the basin, boiled water, and started plucking.

The sick wolf also ran to play with the broken leg wolf brother and sister. The broken waist wolf squatted at the kitchen door and watched Xia Qing plucking. Suddenly, Xia Qing felt that she was quite similar to the weasel in the yard that was being plucking by the black wolf.

Because of the blessing of hot water, and Xia Qing's hands were bigger than the weasel, the two pheasants were quickly plucked into white striped chickens.

Seeing that Xia Qing finished so quickly, the broken-waist wolf went to the yard to fetch two more for her and put them beside the basin.

Xia Qing was about to wash her hands...

Broken-waisted, thank you. Actually, I don't want to compete with the weasel for work. The weasel was willing to work for the wolf pack, so it must have received "wages". Xia Qing worked for it, so whose wages should be paid?

The weasel saw that there was no work left, so it ran away. The broken-waisted wolf also brought the pheasant, which was still covered with messy small hairs after the weasel plucked its hair, to Xia Qing's basin.

Life is not easy, Xia Qing sighed.

"Broken-waisted, I've never seen you so particular before."

The broken-waisted wolf didn't understand and looked at Xia Qing thoughtfully.

Xia Qing also smiled, holding the white-striped chicken, and said with gestures, "After washing these pheasants, do you want to put them in the fireplace in the living room and roast them before eating?"

The broken-waisted wolf took action. It walked to the fireplace in the living room and turned to Xia Qing with a very cute smile.

"Okay, got it."

Xia Qing gutted all seven chickens, put the internal organs in the bowl used by the waist-breaking wolf, and placed them in the yard. She didn't need to call at all, the head wolf who was warming himself by the fireplace came out to eat.

The head wolf ate for a while and then left, and then the waist-breaking wolf came over to eat. The waist-breaking wolf ate a few bites, and then the leg-breaking girl came over to eat, and then the leg-breaking wolf. The black wolf didn't get a turn, because the leg-breaking wolf licked the bowl clean.

Why did the leg-breaking girl eat in advance? Xia Qing was a little curious.

After adjusting the grill to a hook type, Xia Qing hooked all seven chickens on the hook and put them in to roast slowly. Then she went to the upstairs storage room to take down the high-collared, fully enclosed snakeskin protective suits of the five wolves, and took out a wet cloth from the bathroom on the first floor, "My Queen, shall I wipe your mouth and put you in new clothes?"

It's impossible not to wipe it. These wolves have just eaten the internal organs, and their mouths are dirty.

The leader turned his head to the other side, expressing his refusal with his actions, and the broken-waisted wolf came to Xia Qing.

It didn't matter to Xia Qing which wolf put on the clothes first. She wiped the dirt from the mouth of the broken-waisted wolf neatly, put on the protective suit, zipped it up, and praised him earnestly, "Brother Handsome Wolf, you look so handsome in this protective suit! This way, you will never lose your hair when you go out to fight with a bear or a python."

After praising the broken-waisted wolf, Xia Qing began to talk about the deal, "Brother Handsome Wolf, do you want to look in a full-body mirror?"

Thanks to the book friend Zhang Laonye for the reward, and to all the book friends for their subscription and voting support. The second update is here today.

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