
The Broken Waist Wolf immediately pulled at the side pocket of the protective suit he had just changed into, trying to take out the small mirror he carried with him. This small mirror is Broken Waist Wolf's favorite thing now.

no, no, no. It's not that mirror, it's an upgraded version of the mirror.

Xia Qing, who moved faster than it, took out a 90 cm high and 40 cm wide mirror from the back of the cabinet and asked the Broken Waist Wolf to inspect it.

This was something she spent a huge amount of money on - 30 points, asking Zhong Tao and Zheng Kui to help her bring it from the safe zone - something specially prepared for Handsome Wolf Guy. In order to attract the attention of the Broken Waist Wolf, Xia Qing also specially picked a pink frame.

Although the third brother said that wolves are color blind and the world in their eyes is composed of three colors: black, white and gray in varying degrees, Xia Qing felt that the wolf can distinguish more colors, and it especially likes to stare at pink ones. Something to look at.

Maybe the pink it sees is different from what humans see, but pink is definitely special in its eyes.

"Brother Handsome Wolf, take a look at this. This is much clearer than your little mirror."

The Broken Waist Wolf's eyes lit up when he saw himself in the big mirror.

Seeing the satisfied expression on the face of the transaction partner, Xia Qing felt that the transaction was likely to be successful, so he tried hard to sell it, "Brother Handsome Wolf's small mirror can be carried in your pocket, and this big mirror can be hung in your nest. Look, I also installed a rope for you to hang up."

After hanging the mirror on the wall, Xia Qing continued to spare no effort to promote the benefits of large mirrors, "Brother Handsome Wolf, look, does this make you more handsome? If you hang a mirror like this in your home, you will be a complete blue star. The wolf with the best living conditions and the most taste! If the Queen wants to look in the mirror, she has to go to your den..."

The alpha wolf turned his golden eyes to glance at the wealthy man, then turned back to stare at the pheasant in the fireplace.

The broken-waisted wolf showed the cute little tips of its fangs and looked left and right in front of the mirror. It seemed to be dissatisfied with its smile, and assumed a very fierce attack posture, having a great time.

Almost done, Xia Qing took out the Yi stone and started to discuss the transaction price, "Brother Handsome Wolf is so handsome and domineering like this! What do you think, this big mirror is good, right? As long as you have such a Yi stone, you can turn the mirror into a mirror." Take it back to the nest. You can’t be at a loss or be fooled when buying a Yishi. It’s truly worth the money!”

The Broken Waist Wolf stared at the mirror for a while, and then looked thoughtfully at the eager Xia Qing and the pigeon egg-sized Yi stone in her hand.

To Xia Qing's regret, the ugly wolf with broken waist did not make any move to exchange, but ran to the alpha wolf to show off its new clothes.

Could it be that this big mirror is not worth a stone in the eyes of the broken waist wolf? Xia Qing began to think about what else could be added to his home to show off his taste in life.

The alpha wolf yawned, stood up, sniffed each other with the Broken-Waist Wolf, and came to Xia Qing. The Broken Waist Wolf also came over and watched carefully.

Xia Qing put down the deal and changed the alpha wolf's protective clothing first.

This high-collar, fully enclosed protective suit was more complicated than the one Xia Qing had exchanged for the wolves before, which could only protect the back and abdomen. She slowed down and patiently explained how to put on the new protective clothing, how to pull the zipper, and how to fix the straps from the ankles and front legs to the back.

This huge advanced hardness evolved green light python was brought here by the wolves and asked Xia Qing to make protective clothing for them. Xia Qing received a processing fee for a walnut-sized Yi stone. In addition to making protective clothing for the six wolves, she also received thousands of kilograms of precious advanced evolved green light python meat and two leather jackets.

In exchange for a snakeskin coat, she asked Xin Yu to blow up Xu Pin. In exchange for the green light python's meat, a lot of precious materials and the help of Iron Rooster Yang Jin were obtained.

If Yang Jin knew the content and conditions of her deal with the wolves, he would probably immediately take the title Iron Rooster off of himself and put it on her.

The wolves were Xia Qing's companions, and they were also her cherished trading partners, so she spoke very seriously.

After dressing the alpha wolf, Xia Qing asked the broken-waisted wolf who was watching carefully, "You understand, broken-waisted?"

The broken-backed wolf said nothing, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Xia Qing called the Broken Leg Wolf who was making a lot of noise in the yard, asked the alpha wolf to use his aura to suppress the ADHD guy, and then demonstrated it to the Broken Waist Wolf again.

"Have you learned? Do you want to put on protective clothing for Black Wolf?"

The broken waist wolf still didn't move, thinking deeply.

It seems that he didn't learn it, so Xia Qing put it on the black wolf and the snarling girl with a broken leg again, and asked again. The broken waist wolf still remained silent, but its expression was not as serious as before. It should have understood a little bit, but not completely.

This is normal. If a brain-evolved wolf could learn to wear such complicated protective clothing after watching it so many times, the evolved Blue Star would be so crazy.

After all the wolves put on snakeskin clothes, the alpha wolf, who was adapting to the new equipment, touched Xia Qing's forehead with his head and walked out.

Without him saying hello, the other five wolves immediately followed.

The thick-haired wolf put on the hairless snakeskin clothes. Although he didn't look as handsome as he did without it, it gave Xia Qing a full sense of oppression. Because the weaknesses of this group of wolves have been protected.

I am lucky to have such companions, but terrifying to have such enemies.

The broken-legged wolf who was walking at the end noticed that Xia Qing had not followed and looked back at her.

Xia Qing inexplicably connected to the brain circuit of the legless wolf, pointed to the fireplace and explained, "I have to roast chicken at home. You go and play. Don't make too much noise and disturb the nearby humans."

"Da da da."

After the wolves left, the sheep boss used his hoof to pull the door handle, pushed the door open and walked in. He first rinsed his leather shoes by the door, and then rubbed them on the slightly damp hay a few times. He held his big head high and squinted at Xia Qing.

"Boss, you are great. You can wash your shoes so clean the first time you wear them. You are worthy of being the smartest evolved sheep on Blue Star. You are the pride of our territory and the soul of our territory!" Xia Qing immediately praised him.

The sheep boss walked to Xia Qing and continued to look up.

Xia Qing could see that he was in a very good mood, and asked softly, "Boss, are you so happy because the new clothes have strong defense, or because you have the same clothes as the wolves?"

The sheep boss still looked up, with an extremely arrogant expression.

"So cool, if the boss wears this and goes out to fight, he will definitely be able to defeat a wild boar!" Xia Qing wiped the mud and dirty snow off the snakeskin clothes with a wet cloth, and then took off the snakeskin clothes, "Let's keep this clothes well and wear it when needed."

The advanced hardness evolution snakeskin clothes were soaked in idol special potion. It is said that as long as it is well protected, it can be used for eight years.

In eight years, the fat lamb in front of him can become an old sheep with rough meat.

The sheep boss lay safely beside Xia Qing, staring at the fire in the fireplace comfortably, squinting his eyes and chewing the chew. Xia Qing also sat on the straw mat, leaning against the sheep boss and chatting with it.

"The book says that sheep before evolution can theoretically live 10-15 years old, meat-eating sheep will be slaughtered in about a year, and breeding sheep will be eliminated at 7-8 years old because of tooth problems."

"Boss, you are the pioneer of the history of sheep evolution, and we have a big brother as an ally, it is too unreasonable for you to live before 40."

"If you have problems with your teeth when you are a teenager, I will ask Uncle Huo to make you a set of dentures, and he will definitely do it..."

Amid Xia Qing's chattering and the chewing of the sheep boss, the sky gradually darkened, and the chicken in the fireplace was almost cooked. Xia Qing took out his own green light chicken, cut a few times, brushed it with barbecue ingredients, and put it in to roast slowly.

When the meat was cooked, Xia Qing didn't need to shout, the wolves came back.

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