Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 117 Transparent Fruit and Special Instructor

A skinny boy was driven out of the cemetery. He wore a broken hat and a bandage on his forehead.

He had no clothes on his upper body and only a pair of shorts on his lower body. He was skinny and the most valuable thing on his body was probably the broken shovel.

In Mitchell, the main livelihood is related to graves. There are people who dig graves for a living in every cemetery.

After all, there are only a few people who need this service. In order to compete for more business, these cemeteries have also given birth to local snakes.

People with thin bodies are easily excluded.

The person called Absalom is one of them.

Although this place has left the ice field, it is not warm at all. A gust of cold wind blew, and Absalom sneezed several times in succession.

"Just wait! I will become the king of the tombs in the future, and I will have the final say over all the tombs here!"

"Heh, you are as thin as a bamboo pole, and you still want to be the king of the tombs? What are you kidding? Letting you stay here will only affect the efficiency of digging graves, get out of here!"

Another man walked out of the cemetery. He was much stronger than Absalom. Looking at Absalom's appearance, he was very disdainful and wanted to hit him with the shovel in his hand.

But when he raised the shovel, he found that he couldn't swing the shovel at all.

"Strength is not for bullying people. Why do you, an adult, bully a child like him?"

The man wanted to see who was getting in the way, but when he turned around, he saw a girl who was much taller than him.

Although she was tall, her childish face could not deceive people.

He could insult Absalom at will because he knew that Absalom could not resist him even if he tried his best. He could throw Absalom out like a chicken.

He was also a local boss in this area, and no one would stand up for Absalom.

But today he happened to meet a busybody, and it was hard to deal with him.

He tried to pull out the shovel in his hand, but Leliana's hand did not move at all, and she grabbed the handle of his shovel like a pair of pliers.

This strength has shown to some extent that he is no match for this girl.

"It has nothing to do with you. This is our private matter. This is the rule here."

"That means your rules are wrong. Since whoever is stronger here has the final say, then I am stronger than you, so I have the final say. I think it's not good for you to do this. Let's shake hands and make peace."

As Leliana said this, she held one of the other's hands, pressed it down effortlessly, and stretched it towards Absalom.

"What a joke."

The man wanted to resist, but the difference in strength made him powerless.


With a crisp sound, the man's wrist suddenly softened. In the wrestling with Leliana, the first thing that could not bear it was his wrist, which was dislocated under the external force.

"Ah! Let go, let go quickly, my hand is broken! I promise you, I agree to shake hands with that kid and make peace!"

The man finally succumbed to the external force and was forced to choose to shake hands with Absalom, but at this time, Absalom disappeared.

"Hey, that kid ran away by himself. It has nothing to do with me now, right? He used to be like this, always sneaking into the cemetery."

One party had disappeared, and Leliana also let go of the man's hand. He did not stop at all, and even ignored Leliana's words to push his dislocated hand back.

"How strange! He was just here. When did he disappear?"

Originally, Absalom was standing on the side. Leliana didn't notice how he disappeared. She even moved a large stone more than one person tall to see if Absalom was hiding here.

"Don't worry about this little thing. If you want to survive in this world, you must have some tricks. That kid really has some little secrets."

Olan took out a pair of glasses and looked around. He came to a conclusion in his mind. Through special equipment, he could see the thermal energy outline of a human being nearby.

"Okay, but Dad, this country is a member state, right? No one cares if these people do bad things here?"

"This is related to the situation in various places. You can see that this country is full of a lifeless feeling. Perhaps in other places, this behavior is normal."

"But this is not right."

"Yes, it is not right, but Riley, you know, good and evil are born with the rise of human civilization. In places with lower civilization, there is no good and evil, only strength and weakness.

Even in this sea, it is the same. Only if you are strong enough can you maintain the order you want and make others accept your ideas.

So we need stronger power to make Piltover a utopia, not a fat sheep in the eyes of others."

"Yeah, I have become very powerful. I have also mastered the previous boxing. Dad, when will you teach me something new?"

It was still the unlucky stone just now. Riliana gathered a breath on her fist and hit the center of the rock.


The place hit by the fist cracked inch by inch, and in the blink of an eye it shattered into a pile of debris.

"Good, it seems that you have mastered it. Next, you should try to integrate the power of Armament Haki."

Leliana is currently majoring in Armament Haki. Compared with Observation Haki, she has mastered Armament Haki faster and has already entered the door. This made Zefa very impressed at the time.

After all, Zefa himself only mastered Haki when he was in his thirties. Compared with Leliana, the gap is really huge.

The three people did not stop and walked towards the port until they were about to leave this area, and then a voice came from behind.

"Um. Please wait a moment!"

A figure gradually emerged in the air, it was Absalom who had just disappeared out of thin air.

"Hey? You're still here? Where did you go just now? I wanted that person to shake hands with you and make peace."

"Riley, he was nearby just now, but he used his fruit ability to become invisible, and he has been following us all the way. I thought he would never show up."

"Is he a devil fruit user? This ability sounds good."

"I don't know what a devil fruit is. My name is Absalom. Once I found a very strange tribute in a cemetery. After eating it, I gained the ability to become invisible."

To be precise, it is not invisible, but transparent. The fruit is a superhuman transparent fruit that can make the body of the eater transparent.

When using the ability, the body of the ability user neither reflects nor absorbs light, and will appear invisible from the perspective of the viewer.

At first, this name just made Oran feel familiar. After discovering that he has the ability to be transparent, he realized who this kid is.

Perhaps Oran and Moria have a deep connection. Not long after moving Oz's body away, he met one of his three weirdos in the original timeline.

"So you come out at this time, what do you want to do?"

"I want to gain power! I just overheard your conversation, I also want to have the power to smash the stone with one punch, please let me follow you!"

Mitchell is just an ordinary member of the West Sea, and there have been no monsters in the country. Although Leliana is big, this kind of power to smash the rock into pieces with one punch makes him yearn for it.

When Absalom appeared on the horror three-masted ship, he was already a monster transformed by Hogbag.

Lion jaw, elephant skin, bear and gorilla muscle strength, in order to gain power, he can give up a lot of things.

This is also the reason why Orlan did not recognize him at first. Compared with the appearance of the transformed man, the gap between them is too big.

"Gain power, a very straightforward reason.

But there is no free lunch in this world. I can give you power, what can you give?"

"This power will work for you!"

Absalom seemed to see some hope and immediately expressed his opinion loudly.

He longed for power. Although he had eaten the transparent fruit, it did not add any substantial power to him, but it made it much easier for him to sneak into some places.

In this country, it was quite rare to break rocks with one punch. From Leliana's words, Absalom misunderstood something again, thinking that everything about Leliana was taught by Orlan.

If you change your perspective, this understanding is not wrong. After all, Orlan handled Leliana's birth and growth.

Absalom wanted to seize this opportunity to become stronger, and Leliana's casual behavior made him think that this group of people was not bad, so he lifted his invisibility before Orlan and the others were about to leave.

"It's quite interesting. Come on."


"Boy, let me remind you first that gaining strength also comes at a price. It may be sweat or something else. Your body may not be able to achieve the effect by relying on conventional methods."

As the saying goes, the rich rely on technology, the poor rely on mutation. Hextech is more inclined to technological transformation, but Orlando has more than just technological enhancement. Zaun's genetic modification is also one of his projects.

"I know that if I can become powerful, I won't care. If you can give me powerful power, then you are my master!"

At the dock, Orlando bought a ticket to O'Hara and took Absalom away from the island.

That night, Kate quietly sneaked into Orlando's cabin and saw Orlando still reading documents.

"Kate? What's wrong?"

"Oran, should we trust the kid we brought on board today?"

"Let's see, his fruit ability is pretty good."

Absalom himself is not strong, but the ability of the transparent fruit is pretty good. If the intelligence work is not done well, then the transparent fruit can work wonders in the raid.

The bloodline factor of Delhi, the dead Forward Fruit ability user, can be used to make special potions in Oran's hands, so Absalom, as a living ability user, will provide more functions.

The invisibility method of the transparent fruit is much stronger than the general optical invisibility method. Using this bloodline factor, Oran can even create an invisible armored unit.

In addition, there is the problem of Absalom's personality. In theory, his loyalty will not be a big problem. In the original time, he was quite loyal to Moria.

Even though the World Government issued an order to wipe out Moria, Absalom used the power of the Transparent Fruit to rescue Moria from the war at the top, and then followed Moria until he died in the dark. The Beard Pirates had their abilities taken away from them.

"But that's it. Just treat him as a newcomer. You don't need to explain most things to him. We'll see what happens later."

The inspection cannot be reduced. It is actually very difficult to enter the core layer around Olan.

Loyalty is a good characteristic, but compared with machines, this characteristic is far inferior.

Frankenstein, Leliana, Blitzcrank, and Zach were all lives born through Oran's hands. Even the dragon Terra was hatched by Oran.

Kate, Bear, and Ginny are the first group of comrades in Oran. They have experienced life and death together. It is extremely difficult for those who join later to catch up with this relationship.

"Then we need to focus on training him? Together with Riley?"

"No need, just go back and let Brand take him for basic training."

"Olan, have you heard that the residents of Firefly Island seem to say Brand is a gay?

If you let him take it”

Hearing the name Brand, Kate suddenly remembered some rumors. Brand's reputation on Firefly Island was quite strange.

"Not only have I heard about it, but Brand didn't even deny it, but it doesn't matter. This attribute may be just right."


Now Kate is really confused. After all, she doesn't know that Absalom still has the attribute of lust in the original timeline.

Although it is not certain when this attribute appeared, giving him to Brand will definitely eliminate this possibility to a great extent.

"It's nothing. If you are tired, just rest first. Zach will keep vigil tonight. The world is much more peaceful than the Grand Line, so there is no need to be so vigilant."

After several days of sailing, the ship docked in O'Hara. Although the days of sailing at sea were relatively boring, Olan was also a man with abundant funds, so the days on the ship were considered comfortable.

The World Government's passenger ships are also divided into classes. He has the capital to enjoy it, so there is no need to experience the small ordinary cabin.

Leliana and Kate didn't feel anything, they were used to it, and Zach didn't care even more. Under special circumstances, Zach could even treat the wine bottle as his home, but Absalom fell into sugar-coated bullets.

The first-class life was something he had never imagined before, which made him more convinced that his choice was right and more determined to follow Oran.

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