"Well, what time has it been?" Zhang Shun opened his eyes in a daze and asked.

He drank a lot last night, and he had been working overtime recently and couldn't rest well, so he slept very deeply this time.

"What time is it? The sun is out now!" Li Sanniang couldn't help laughing when she heard Zhang Shun's voice.

"Ah?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but get out of bed, reached out and opened the window, letting in the cold air and dazzling light.

"Bang!" Before Zhang Shun could react, Li Sanniang stepped forward and closed the window again, "We're celebrating the New Year, aren't you afraid of freezing? His Majesty is bedridden now, and you're not careless!"

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Shun touched his nose and had to give up.

After finally washing up, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

It was the first day of the Lunar New Year, and suddenly Zhang Shun had nothing to do.

So, he played with Xiao Huaji and Xiao Ping'an for a while, set off firecrackers, played chess and cards with the ladies, traced their eyebrows, and had a lot of fun for a while.

After three or five days of this, Gao Qiqian suddenly came to report, and Kong Zhenyun, a cabinet scholar, asked to see him.

Zhang Shun quickly put down his work, tidied up a little, and then came to the front hall.

"Your Highness, please think of a solution quickly, Your Majesty. Your Majesty's fever persists, and the imperial doctor is helpless!" Kong Zhenyun said quickly when he saw Zhang Shun coming.

"What?" Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this.

The so-called "low-grade fever" naturally refers to fever.

Generally speaking, colds are self-limiting diseases. The fever subsides in three days and the disease disappears in seven days.

However, after five days since New Year's Eve, why is Sheng still having a fever?

"What is the situation and what medicine did the imperial doctor use?" Zhang Shun asked quickly.

"I tried ephedra decoction first, but after three days without any results, I switched to bezoar. The high fever started to go away and turned into low fever. The imperial doctor tried other medicines again, but it still didn't work." Kong Zhenyun couldn't help but said with a bitter face.

"This" Zhang Shun became anxious after hearing this, "Let's go and have a look!"

When Zhang Shun and Kong Zhenyun arrived, they saw the old doctor and the queen waiting on him. Zhu Changxun was still lying there.

Zhang Shun hurriedly saw it, and then took a closer look and saw that Zhu Changxun was in good spirits, but he looked a little weak.

"Your Majesty, what is going on?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but look at the old doctor.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, your Majesty has had excessive sexual intercourse, your waist is sore and your legs are weak, and your yin and yang are deficient. It is best to replenish both yin and yang." The old doctor wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said.

"Have you checked with other imperial doctors?" Zhang Shun couldn't believe it when he saw his hesitant words.

"After reading it, some said that the wind and cold have not healed, some said that the patient had kidney deficiency, and some said that there was a deficiency of both qi and blood. They are all different, and there is no end to the dispute." The queen replied with a bitter face.

"How is your Majesty's sexual intercourse going?" Zhang Shun frowned and couldn't help but ask Zhu Changxun.

"I'm not weak, I'm not weak at all, I can fight another three hundred rounds." Zhu Changxun couldn't help but become anxious after hearing Zhang Shun's words, and shouted quickly.

"Call the maid who attended the bedchamber earlier and ask!" Zhang Shun frowned, knowing that he would never hear the truth from him.

"No, no, I'm really right." Zhu Changxun was shocked when he heard this, and quickly looked at Zhang Shun with a pleading look on his face.

Okay, I get it, you have kidney deficiency!

Zhang Shun nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered: "Okay, let's make up for it according to the old doctor's plan first, and we will discuss it tomorrow."

"Ahem, I'm really worthy." Seeing Zhang Shun leaving, Zhu Changxun couldn't help shouting twice more to increase his momentum.

Zhang Shun ignored him and rushed back to Yangxin Hall.

"Where's Li Xiang?" As soon as he entered the door, he saw Li Sanniang coaxing the children to play, and couldn't help but ask.

"I'm feeding the child in the house. Come over quickly. You can still have a few bites while it's hot." Li Sanniang rolled her eyes at him and said.

"Ahem. I have business with her!" Today was Li Sanniang's "worker". It was indeed a bit inappropriate for Zhang Shun to ask someone like this, so he quickly explained.

When Zhang Shun arrived at Li Xiang's residence, Li Xiang had already finished feeding the child.

Zhang Shun glanced at it eagerly and said seriously: "I went to the east room just now. Your Majesty's fever has not gone away in the past few days. Is there any way to cure it?"

"How about a bezoar or a rhinoceros horn?" Li Xiang couldn't help but ask, knowing that the imperial doctor was very clever and must have used ordinary methods.

"I've used it, and it got rid of the high fever, but not the low fever!" Zhang Shun frowned, but said in his heart: I'm afraid it's not an infection like pneumonia or bronchitis.

"If it's about cutting off an arm or removing a leg, I understand. If it's about using medicine, I'm afraid I'm not much better than the imperial doctor!" Li Xiang spread her hands and said helplessly.

"That's true!" Zhang Shun thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed true.

As for Li Xiang's medical skills, in addition to studying and learning some prescriptions by herself, Li Xiang is best at battlefield surgery of "cutting off arms and removing legs."

"Okay then, get busy first!" Seeing that Li Xiang had no choice, Zhang Shun couldn't help but waved his hand and left.

"Ah, we're leaving now? Don't you want to take a bite?" Li Xiang tugged on his clothes and couldn't help but smile.

"No, no!" Zhang Shun smiled awkwardly but politely, and ran away quickly.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shungang ran outside and bumped into Li Sanniang, and was stabbed by her on the spot.

"Sanniang, you've learned too much!" Zhang Shun touched his nose and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "I really have something serious to do. Your Majesty's fever persists. I want to ask Li Xiang if there is any way."

"There are so many imperial doctors, but none of them are successful?" Li Sanniang finally stopped teasing her and asked.

"Who says it isn't? I used bezoars and rhino horns. They are all good things, but they are useless!" Zhang Shun spread his hands, feeling helpless.

"Well, if it's just a low-grade fever, I have an idea. It just doesn't taste good." Li Sanniang hesitated and said.

"What method?" Zhang Shun asked curiously.

"Do you still remember that winter, you also caught the wind and cold, had to stay up for several days, and finally ate my decoction before you recovered?" Li Sanniang said with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

"Ah? It seems like something like this happened." Zhang Shun really couldn't remember clearly.

"Actually, I didn't tell you the truth. The last potion was made by me without authorization. It was made from mulberry leaves and sheep excrement." Li Sanniang lowered her head, grabbed the corner of her clothes and wrapped it around her fingers.

"Ugh." Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel nauseous after hearing this. He almost vomited out his overnight meal. It really didn't taste good. "You, you."

No wonder he had no impression that Li Sanniang had cooked this kind of soup for him!

"Ah, Zhang Shun, don't blame me. There was nothing you could do at the time." Li Sanniang was startled and quickly explained while patting his back.

"Really?" Zhang Shun vomited for a long time, but nothing came out, so he had to ask seriously.

"It's really effective. Many people have been cured by this folk remedy!" Li Sanniang nodded affirmatively.

"Okay, I'll send someone to find some mulberry leaves and sheep dung in a while. If your majesty is not good tomorrow, I'll boil it for him to drink!" Zhang Shun thought about it for a while and thought to himself: I can't eat shit alone. Since Your Majesty, if you don't live up to expectations, don't blame me for asking you to "eat shit"!

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