Life is hard without money.

Especially for wealthy families, where do they not need money for socializing?

Not mentioning gifts, just saying that there are guests at home, and they can't even bring out good tea. This alone is enough for others to speculate behind his back.

Anyway, the Du family is so proud of themselves that they will never tolerate others laughing at them behind their backs about their poverty and the decline of their family fortunes.

So, it’s time to use your family’s resources.

Mr. Du's three sons who are in charge have all asked for leave recently and chose the same day to rest.

The keen person immediately smelled something abnormal and informed Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao took action immediately.

She didn't need to ask for leave, she just walked away and arrived at the small village on the outskirts of Beijing that night.

She parked her car outside the village, walked into the small village on foot, and found the abandoned courtyard according to the map.

Sure enough, several boxes were found underground.

These boxes were buried far and wide, in the yard, in the cellar, and even in the ground outside the yard.

It seems they don't want to put their eggs in one basket.

But they were unlucky and met Hua Zhao.

The plants were swaying, and it didn't take much effort for her to figure out what was beneath the entire village.

Not only were things buried here, but there were also things hidden in the yards of several families.

But there are only a few of them, a jar, a jar, filled with copper coins, silver dollars, a little gold and silver jewelry and so on.

It might have been saved for generations, but she didn't touch it.

As for the Du family, she was not polite.

Hua Zhao dragged the box out and dumped everything onto the jeep.

Then he filled the empty box with stones and buried it back.

When the Du family opens the box, they will definitely be surprised.

Hua Zhao went home happily.

"It's so late, where have you been?"

When I got off the car, I looked up and saw Ye Ming.

Hua Zhao suddenly felt guilty... afraid that he would tell Ye Shen.

"I'm going for a drive...Brother, it's rare that you're still here at this late hour. Are you waiting for me? Is there something wrong?" Hua Zhao asked.

Ye Ming glanced at the jeep. It was dark at night and he couldn't see what was in the car, but his intuition was that it was definitely not as simple as a ride.

But since Hua Zhao didn't say anything, he didn't ask.

"Brother Shen told me when he left that you were interested in the Du family's treasures. I think they are going to take action recently and came to ask you if you still want them." Ye Ming said.

Hua Zhao...

Yes, if she keeps hiding it now, she is doing something wrong.

She opened the door of the jeep, and the light shone in. The shining gold and silver, and the glaze of porcelain flashed Ye Ming's eyes.

"...I knew it would be like this." After a while, he sighed.

"Haha." Hua Zhao laughed awkwardly.

"You asked those capable people for help again?" Ye Ming asked.

"Yes! Brother is so smart!" Hua Zhao said immediately.

Ye Ming always felt that her tone was a little guilty. But other than this, he couldn't think of any other answer.

Hua Zhao couldn't dig it with her bare hands. Although she was very strong, it would take time.

Calculating the time it took her to get back and forth, she only reached the place where she could pull her things and leave.

"I won't do this next time! Don't do this kind of thing yourself in the future. Just ask someone to pull you back. Don't you know what's going on with your body now? What if something goes wrong..."

Ye Ming bala bala trains people.

Miao Lanzhi was about to come over, but after hearing a few words, she quickly left with her child in her arms.

She knew that if she went there now, her son would definitely take her with him and blame her for not being optimistic.

Hua Zhao listened humbly. She estimated that she would have no chance to dig up other people's treasures in the future.

She doesn't intend to touch anyone else's property except her enemies', and she probably doesn't have that many rich enemies...

"Brother, drink water." Hua Zhao flattered Ye Ming and poured a cup of tea.

No matter how much he said, he always cared about her.

Ye Ming picked up the teacup, glanced at her, and shut up for the time being.

Hua Zhao immediately said: "Brother, have you dealt with Xu Jie's matter?"

Ye Ming immediately glared at her: "Didn't I tell you to help me handle it? I came here today just to ask you. It's been so long. If you don't take action, you might call her sister-in-law."

Hua Zhao was shocked: "So fast! Is she so powerful? What happened?"

Ye Ming sighed. To be honest, he didn't know how things got to this point.

In his opinion, he only had a little more contact with Xu Jie, and Xu Jie always ran to his office by herself when nothing happened.

He kept the door open every time!

But in the eyes of outsiders, somehow, they have become that kind of relationship, so close that they are about to set a date.

He was really baffled and unable to resist the little tricks women used.

"There are several ways now." Hua Zhao said: "First, you find a partner immediately and announce it to the public so that Xu Jie can retreat."

"No." Ye Ming said immediately: "Next one."

"Two, you declare to the public that you have nothing to do with her, and you don't plan to find another partner."

Ye Ming frowned, shook his head for a while and said: "This is not good, I think if I say it, the result will be detrimental to me."

For example, he always gives up, is irresponsible, and so on.

"Third, let mother come forward and say that she is not suitable for her, and she will never be allowed to become the Ye family's daughter-in-law." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming's eyes lit up and he looked at Miao Lanzhi not far away. He thought this was feasible.

"What's going on?" Miao Lanzhi walked over curiously.

Ye Ming could only tell her the situation.

Miao Lanzhi's eyes immediately widened: "I hate scheming women the most in my life! If you want to marry into the Ye family through trickery, there is no way! Don't worry, she will be left to me!"


The next day, Miao Lanzhi and Hua Zhao went to Ye Ming's unit.

It was lunch time, and Ye Ming was eating in the cafeteria.

Xu Jie was sitting opposite him, talking and laughing.

Ye Ming didn't look up or answer, and she was content, chatting and laughing.

Anyone who takes a look at them will feel that this is their daily way of getting along. The silent man and the talkative woman are warm and natural.

Miao Lanzhi paused, hesitation flashing across her face.

To be honest, this picture is a bit eye-catching.

Handsome men and beautiful women.

Xu Jie is so beautiful and enchanting, but no matter how enchanting she is, can she still compare to Hua Zhao?

Therefore, in Miao Lanzhi's eyes, Xu Jie was not too beautiful, and she could accept her appearance.

A young and beautiful girl in her 20s, paired with her divorced son in his 30s...

Hua Zhao....I knew it would be like this! So she was right to follow.

Xu Jie is well-spoken and thick-skinned, but she is afraid that her mother-in-law, who actually has no real ideas, will not be able to play with her.

But she didn't expect that her mother-in-law would switch sides after just one meeting.

"Mom, the eldest brother doesn't like her at all, and she uses tricks to force him to marry her. Now everyone thinks they are a couple, but in fact the eldest brother will not marry her, so what kind of reputation will he get in the end?" Hua Zhao said.

Playing hooligan!

It has been 80 years, and hooliganism is still a serious crime, and you may be shot. This is a very serious matter.

Miao Lanzhi's face sank and she continued to walk over aggressively.

Ye Ming raised his head and glanced at Hua Zhao. He had a sharp ear and could see and hear.

Fortunately, Hua Zhao followed, otherwise he would have had to sell it to his mother.

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