Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 812 Go on a blind date

"Eat." Miao Lanzhi walked up to Ye Ming and greeted him.

Ye Ming pretended to have just discovered them and said in surprise: "Mom, why are you here?"

Miao Lanzhi stood, squinting, and looked at Xu Jie next to her: "I heard from my little sister yesterday that you have someone to get married to? With whom? I, a mother, don't know about such a big thing? Today I specially Let me ask you."

Everyone fell silent and looked at them.

Miao Lanzhi still doesn’t know about Xu Jie’s existence?

This is somewhat different from Xu Jie's statement that the two families only have to discuss the date.

Xu Jie stood up calmly: "Auntie, you're here, have you eaten? It shouldn't be yet at this time. I'm going to order you your favorite braised pork ribs. You two can chat first."

After saying that, she turned around lightly and really went to prepare food.

The audience watching the show looked puzzled. They actually knew Miao Lanzhi’s favorite dish? Is this recognition or not?

Miao Lanzhi was a little confused. Her favorite dish was indeed braised pork ribs.

She looked at Ye Ming: Did you tell her?

Ye Ming shook his head.

Hua Zhao whispered: "I just asked around, it shows that I am really serious."

One sentence made Miao Lanzhi dislike Xu Jie even more.

Hua Zhao secretly smiled, suddenly feeling like she was playing a vicious supporting role.

"Go on!" She pushed Miao Lanzhi gently.

Miao Lanzhi immediately asked Ye Ming loudly: "Who is this?"

"A colleague I don't know well, you don't need to know the name." Ye Ming said.

The voice was neither loud nor quiet, and the expression and tone were cold and serious.

Everyone watching the show took a breath.

Now everyone in the unit really thinks that Xu Jie is in love with Ye Ming. Although there are rumors that Ye Ming has denied it, Xu Jie said that the wedding date has not been decided and Ye Ming is considering her reputation.

Everyone believed it.

But in front of so many people, as well as his own mother, Ye Ming made such a statement. This was not considering Xu Jie's reputation, it was a slap in her face!

Xu Jie paused in her steps, turned around and glared at Ye Ming with tears in her eyes, as if to blame him for his ruthlessness.

Then she turned around and continued to cook.

Although he is ruthless, she understands him...

Ye Ming looked confused and annoyed.

Hua Zhao understood, this method is really high.

"Brother, Mom came to see you today for other things. She has arranged a few blind dates for you. Do you have time tonight? Meet the one she likes the most first, and the others will be arranged one after another." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming doesn't want to find a real partner, okay, then let him keep dating! Even though he showed his single status, he was not suspected of being a hooligan.

Going on a blind date and having a meal are now normal things.

As for the fact that he couldn't get it right even if he took 100 pictures, that's because Ye Ming was too visionary.

Ye Ming instantly understood what she meant and nodded immediately: "Okay, I have time in the evening, who is this person?"

Miao Lanzhi blinked, this had never happened before, how could she know who it was!

"It's the girl from the Zhang family that mom told you last time," Hua Zhao said.

There are so many people named Zhang in the capital that no one can locate them.

Ye Ming nodded: "Oh, I remembered, it's her, okay, see you tonight."

The people around them immediately turned their attention to Xu Jie. She really had nothing to do here. They were all going on a blind date!

Xu Jie couldn't finish the meal anymore, so she turned around and walked out of the canteen.

After she was out of everyone's sight, she turned back and glared at the cafeteria.

Hua Zhao? She remembered!

Miao Lanzhi also snorted at her back, clearly indicating her displeasure.

Ye Ming packed the lunch box and sent the two of them away.

After leaving the unit door, Miao Lanzhi immediately asked: "Is this okay?"

"There should be no problem." Ye Ming said easily: "Even if there is a problem, it is a small problem. She can't have anything to do with me anymore."

At most, he could say some specious words and find a way out for her.

"That's fine." Miao Lanzhi thought for a while and suddenly asked: "Who is this Xu Jie? Why does it sound familiar to me?"

Ye Ming glanced at Hua Zhao and said, "She is Xu Zhide's daughter and Xu Zhiming's niece."

Hua Zhao was stunned, and he turned here?

Speaking of this, Ye Ming asked again: "How do Aunt Zhang and Xu Zhiming get along?"

If the future between two people is promising, then he still has worries.

Hua Zhao paused and said, "Xu Zhiming confessed his love, but my mother refused. Xu Zhiming continued to pursue her, but my mother did not refuse. The two of them are still in a romantic relationship. As for the future, I can't say for sure."

However, she had not originally planned to meet Xu Zhiming's family so early, but now it seemed that she had to bring it forward.

Hua Zhao found Zhang Guilan when he returned home.

"Mom, what do you think of Uncle Xu?"

Zhang Guilan was shocked, thinking that Hua Zhao wanted her to make a decision. If it went well, she would get married, and if it didn't go well, she would break up.

"No, no, I'm just asking." Hua Zhao said.

Zhang Guilan breathed a sigh of relief, paused and said, "He seems to be a very good person at the moment. As for the future, no one can say for sure."

Zhang Guilan is extremely unsure about looking at people, especially men.

From the current point of view, Xu Zhiming is very good, allowing her to experience being cherished, cared for, and respected like never before.

She was reluctant to break up right away...but she felt it was too soon to settle down now.

Hua Zhao knew what she meant and didn't ask any more questions. He planned to contact Xu Zhiming's family directly.


When Xu Zhiming returned home, he found that the house was very lively today. His eldest brother and his family were all here, and his mother was busy cooking in the kitchen.

Through the door, he could hear the cheerful laughter of his niece Xu Jie inside.

Xu Zhiming smiled and said that no one could compare to Xu Jie when it came to the old lady's favor.

"Second uncle is back!" Xu Jie came out with a plate and smiled sweetly at Xu Zhiming.

Xu Zhiming replied with a gentle smile: "When did you come?"

"I came right after get off work, but my second uncle came back late. Why, did you go on a date again today?" Xu Jie said, winking mischievously.

Xu Zhiming smiled: "No, she is not free today."

"Are you really not free or are you pretending that you are not free?" Mrs. Xu came out with a plate and put it on the table with a "clack" sound.

"A cook is very good at spoiling people." Mrs. Xu said in a strange tone.

Xu Zhiming's face turned cold.

Xu Jie immediately said: "Grandma! Her restaurant is very popular. I heard that she cooks it herself and makes more than a dozen tables of noodles every day. She really doesn't have time!"

"Humph, he's just a cook." Old Mrs. Xu was still dissatisfied.

Xu Jie shook her arm and smiled: "I am a master chef! My skills are very good! You will know when I have the opportunity to ask my second uncle to take us to try it!"


Although Mrs. Xu is still dissatisfied, her attitude has softened a lot.

Xu Zhiming smiled at his niece, so he said she was the most considerate in the family.

Xu Jie returned a sweeter smile.

She hoped that Xu Zhiming and Zhang Guilan would be successful, so that she and Hua Zhao would be a family, as well as Ye Ming.

Those who are close to the water come first, and since the identity of a colleague is not good, then she will change her identity to one that he can't get rid of!

In short, it is impossible for her to give up.

"Second uncle, when will you take us to try their craftsmanship?" Xu Jie asked.

Xu Zhiming looked at his mother and felt that it was time for her to meet Zhang Guilan. If she met someone, she would definitely like it.

"Tomorrow, I'll ask," he said.

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