"Stop!" Xu Zhiming shouted, and he rushed towards Hua Zhao.

But he was too far away and couldn't make it in time.

"Auntie!" Xu Yuanhang stopped being dazed and bumped into Xu Jie next to him, and Xu Jie bumped into her mother next to her.

But the water has been poured out and the angle has only changed a little, which doesn't help.

Hua Zhao is not too worried. For the safety of the guests, the hot water they serve is not 100 degrees, but about 70 degrees.

And it has been poured into the cup for a long time. This cup of water is more insulting than harmful.

Besides, she can avoid it.

But just as she was about to move, she was violently pulled back, and a figure blocked her in front of her.

A cup of hot water was poured on Zhang Guilan.

Xu Zhiming was already impulsive and asked nervously: "Guilan, how are you?"

Zhang Guilan held the first cold dish in her hand and blocked it for a while, but it didn't do anything.

But she was furious!

Her daughter is now a pregnant woman! Even if not, has she done something outrageous? Just pour hot water on someone when they meet!

This water is also quite warm. If you splash it on your face or eyes, something will happen!

Without thinking, Zhang Guilan threw the plate of cold dishes in her hand and hit Sun Xiaojuan in the face.

This is incredible. Sun Xiaojuan also has a bad temper. She rolled up her sleeves and rushed over to start a fight.

Mrs. Xu and Xu Zhide quickly stopped her.

"Let me go! Can't you see I was beaten? I can't spare this shrew!" Sun Xiaojuan shouted.

Her eyes were full of excitement. She didn't expect Zhang Guilan to be like this. She couldn't miss this opportunity!

She's going to beat her until she doesn't dare to come in!

Hua Zhao didn't want to let go of this opportunity. Either he would beat Sun Xiaojuan so much that he would be scared when he saw her in the future, or he would never beat her again. He would beat her first and then talk!

How far apart can a table be? Hua Zhao rushed to Sun Xiaojuan in a few steps, pulled her out of the hands of Mrs. Xu and Xu Zhide, and escorted her to Zhang Guilan.

She didn't dare to do it herself, because she was afraid that if she beat someone to death or maimed him, it would be bad.

She held him while Zhang Guilan took action, just in time.

Zhang Guilan's breath was still in her chest, and she didn't coddle her. She went up and slapped her twice.

Sun Xiaojuan was stunned, and the Xu family was also stunned.

Sun Xiaojuan doesn't often have the opportunity to act like this on others. In fact, she has never acted like this in so many years. Today is the first time.

As a result, he was beaten even more violently.

When Old Mrs. Xu thought about having such a daughter-in-law at home, and the two of them fighting like this every day, she couldn't even breathe.

"Oh, I can't do it anymore." Mrs. Xu leaned on her son and slid to the ground.

Zhang Guilan hit him a few more times before stopping.

She still had sense, she knew who she was beating, and who the "no" old lady was.

She glanced at Xu Zhiming, with some regret in her eyes.

They are probably out of luck.

But she doesn't care about this kind of family!

Hua Zhao grabbed Sun Xiaojuan again, put her into Xu Zhide's hands, and looked at Old Mrs. Xu on the ground.

He was still fair and plump with a rosy complexion, and he was looking at her through the slits of his eyes.

"Auntie, the ground is cold. Stop sitting on the ground. Get up quickly. You'll be able to eat soon," Hua Zhao said.


Are you still eating at this time?

The security guards who were standing outside the door to drive people out were also dumbfounded. Did they continue to eat?

Eat, why not? Anyway, she didn't suffer any loss, so she was willing to feed them.

Besides, it’s not like they don’t spend money.

But the Xu family obviously had no intention of eating.

"Today is not suitable. My mother is not feeling well. Let's try another day." Xu Zhide said reluctantly.

No matter how nimble his eyes are, they are a little gloomy now. Hua Zhao is so rude, and even if they become in-laws in the future, they will probably not get any benefits.

"Let's go! What else are you looking at!" Xu Caiyue pushed Xu Yuanhang who was in a daze: "Hurry up and help grandma go!"

Xu Yuanhang walked over blankly, picked up Mrs. Xu on the ground, and walked out.

Xu Jie also helped her mother out.

Sun Xiaojuan was unable to react at all as there were stars in front of her eyes.

Xu Jie walked to the door and glanced at Ye Ming, who was watching the show, with a hint of anger, but said nothing.

Xu Zhiming walked last.

"I'm sorry for what happened just now. I apologize to you on her behalf." He said to Hua Zhao.

"You never need someone to apologize for this kind of thing. It's not like she has no mouth." Hua Zhao said: "And there is no need to apologize. We didn't suffer any loss. It's even."

Xu Zhiming looked at her smiling face, sighed, and said to Zhang Guilan: "My family is actually very easy to get along with. My sister-in-law was a little surprised today... Maybe there is something wrong with her and she is in a bad mood..."

He didn't expect that Sun Xiaojuan would go crazy today, and he couldn't understand why.

"You don't have to say anything, go see your mother quickly. She's not feeling well." Zhang Guilan said while looking at the ground.

Xu Zhiming actually didn't want to leave. His mother had never suffered from heartache, and it didn't really hurt like she did just now.

He lowered his head and suddenly saw Zhang Guilan's hands were red: "You're burned! Take care of it quickly!"

He hurriedly took Zhang Guilan to find the pool.

The old lady Xu outside the door actually didn't go far. Her heart ached and she couldn't walk fast.

Seeing the anxious look on his youngest son's face, I suddenly felt angry.

His mother is going to die! Is he still thinking about the little fairy's burns? That's it, she hasn't even entered the door yet. Once she does, she will be kicked out!

Mrs. Xu's first impression of Zhang Guilan was extremely bad. It wasn't that Zhang Guilan had a bad temper, but that she looked "bad".

Zhang Guilan, who is in her 40s, looks like she is in her 20s. At first glance, she seems to be a troublemaker and not a stable person!

Now he still has his son under control.

"Ouch~ I can't do it anymore!" Old Mrs. Xu slid towards the ground again.

But Xu Yuanhang was young and strong and supported her.

Zhang Guilan has seen this trick many times. When she and Liu Xiangxiang were getting along, Mrs. Liu often felt distressed.

Seeing this similar scene, her heart ached.

"Go and see your mother!" Zhang Guilan pushed Xu Zhiming away.

Anyway, there is no future, so she said without politeness: "Auntie, you don't have to pretend to be sick. People say you will get sick if you pretend to be sick. You are so old, so be careful!"

Xu Zhiming was stunned by her rare meanness.

Zhang Guilan glared at him: "As you can see, I am such a mean person. I am not as good as you think. Don't come to me again in the future."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Ouch, ouch~" Old Mrs. Xu was really angry to death this time.


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