Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 815 That woman is pretty good

"Let's go!" Xu Caiyue turned back and pushed Xu Zhiming out.

Xu Zhiming looked back at Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao spread his hands towards him.

Today, the Xu family gave her a very bad impression, except that Xu Caiyue was a little bit "cuter".

This is a little girl who shows her thoughts on her face. If she doesn’t like her, she just doesn’t like her.

It's different for others.

Everyone left, and all the people watching the show in each room withdrew their eyes.

It was peak dinner time and it was fully booked.

But no one dares to laugh at Zhang Guilan's "joke", just look at it and that's it.

"Is it over?" Ye Ming came over and asked Hua Zhao in a low voice.

He asked about the relationship between Zhang Guilan and Xu Zhiming.

"I think it will take a while." Hua Zhao said, "Xu Zhiming doesn't look like someone who gives up so easily."

Ye Ming was noncommittal. He neither encouraged separation nor reconciliation. He didn't want to touch other people's feelings. It was too troublesome.

"Thank you!~" Ye Ming smiled at Hua Zhao and went back to have dinner with his colleagues happily.

Just as Hua Zhao was about to go back to see Zhang Guilan, he saw the security guard at the door coming in and looking at her with a speechless expression.

This expression was familiar to her.

"The Zhang family is here again?" she asked, "Who is it this time?"

"It's the old lady and Zhang Daquan," the security guard said.

The Zhang family always comes, but usually they are blocked by security guards on the grounds that it is full.

It's full and no one can come in, not even my own mother.

But after all, she is a real mother, and they don't want to be violent.

Fortunately, the Zhang family didn't want to be aggressive and didn't act recklessly.

Hua Zhao suddenly thought of something, smiled, and said to the security guard: "Let them in."

The answer surprised the security guard, but he turned around and walked out without asking anything.

After a while, Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Daquan also came in with surprise on their faces.

They didn't expect to be let in, and thought they would have to wait outside the door until Zhang Guilan got off work.

Is Zhang Guilan soft-hearted?

The two of them were thinking about it when they looked up and saw Hua Zhao, and immediately threw away this unreliable idea.

It wasn't Zhang Guilan who relented, it was Hua Zhao who was looking for them.

The two of them stopped in unison and didn't want to come in for a moment.

Hua Zhao smiled and waved to them: "Sit over here."

She turned around and took the two of them to the private room.

It is of course impossible to have a full room. She will not only set aside a private room, but also two mobile single rooms in case of emergencies.

Although this private room is not more luxurious than the ones that Mrs. Zhang and others had entered before, it feels more advanced at first glance.

Mrs. Zhang and her son looked at each other and sat down with some anxiety.

They all saw the scene when Liu Xiangqian and his son were dragged away by the Zhu family, and they did not dare to underestimate Hua Zhao's methods.

Who knows one day they will be taken away by this little goblin!

So now they don't dare to be aggressive with Hua Zhao.

After sitting down, without waiting for Hua Zhao to speak, Zhang Daquan took the initiative to please: "I saw that man going out just now. The people with him were all his family members, right? Why are you still cursing? It is said that he even fought with my sister?"

Zhang Daquan rolled up his sleeves: "Who hit my sister? I'll hit her back right now!"

Hua Zhao secretly laughed in his heart, he was really on the right track.

"Do you know Xu Zhiming?" she asked.

His original name was Xu Zhiming?

Zhang Daquan nodded.

Although they didn't know Xu Zhiming's name before, they knew about his existence.

They circle around Zhang Guilan every day, even if they want to lose sight of her.

Because they tried to find Zhang Guilan several times, but they were "cut off" by this guy!

Seeing Hua Zhao's good attitude, Zhang Daquan boldly asked: "What is his background? What happened today?"

"Well, you don't need to know Xu Zhiming's background, but Xu Zhiming's eldest brother, Xu Zhide, is the director of the No. 1 Garment Factory." Hua Zhaodao.

Xu Zhiming was in the constitution, and they didn't dare to make trouble even if they knew about it, and they couldn't make trouble either.

Xu Zhide is almost there. As a factory director, it's okay to cause trouble.

"Today Xu Zhiming brought his family to meet my mother. Who would have thought that not only did they dislike my mother, but Xu Zhide's wife even poured hot water on my mother."

Zhang Daquan's eyes lit up when he heard the voice of his acquaintance: "How dare you pour hot water on my sister! Xu Zhide, I remember! I will go find him to settle the score tomorrow!"

"That's right, if he dares to bully my daughter, I can't spare him!" Old Mrs. Zhang said with wide eyes.

Hua Zhao smiled: "Do you still have money for the hotel?"

Zhang Daquan felt more at ease: "No, if we don't pay today, the boss will kick us out. We have no choice, so we came to see my sister..."

"I'll help you pay for another three days," Hua Zhao said.

Only 3 days to pay....

Both of them were a little disappointed.

But Zhang Daquan saw that Hua Zhao was waiting for him to do something. If it didn't work out, they would have to sleep on the street tomorrow, but if it worked out... it was hard to say!

But it's better than nothing.

"I'm just waiting for your good news." Hua Zhao saw off the guests.

The two of them had hope and left happily without any entanglement.

Hua Zhao looked at the backs of the two and smiled. She had met the Xu family, and it was only fair that the Xu family should meet Zhang Guilan's family.

After seeing off Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Daquan, Hua Zhao went to the kitchen to find Zhang Guilan.

Zhang Guilan was cooking seriously, and there was nothing unusual on the surface.

It's just that the kitchen was unusually quiet, no one spoke, and everyone moved their hands carefully.

Hua Zhao watched for a while and found that Zhang Guilan was performing normally, without adding more salt or less sugar.

This puts her at ease.

She turned around and went out. There were some wounds that needed to be licked by herself before others could comfort them, otherwise it would just be rubbish.


When the Xu family returned home, the whole family was very quiet.

Xu Zhide was the first to speak: "This Hua Zhao has a bad temper. I'm afraid he will be difficult to get along with in the future."

"And in the future?" Sun Xiaojuan immediately shouted.

With a "pop" sound, Xu Zhide slapped Sun Xiaojuan in the face.

Sun Xiaojuan immediately wilted, covering her face and shrinking on the sofa, not daring to say a word.

I was really impulsive today, and I forgot about my man's temper.

"It's all you who ruined the good thing!" Xu Zhide glared at Sun Xiaojuan fiercely.

He hopes that his brother and Zhang Guilan can make it.

With their family background and their younger brother's status, it is impossible to marry a noble girl. It is already rare to find a woman with Zhang Guilan's status.

Now, it's all ruined by his stupid wife!

"What's wrong with Zhang Guilan? She is rich and beautiful, and she has the Ye family behind her. She has come in, and it will be a lot of good for our family! Why are you so crazy?" Xu Zhide shouted.

He also doesn’t understand women’s little thoughts.

When the husband asked a question, he had to answer. If he didn't answer, he would be beaten.

Sun Xiaojuan whispered: "She has a bad temper... If she dares to hit me and disrespect my mother, she may not give it to us even if she has money..."

"If you don't give it to us, just give it to Zhiming! If Zhiming is better, our family will be better!" Xu Zhide said.

Xu Zhiming frowned. He had never wanted to ask for Zhang Guilan's money. So what happened?

Xu Caiyue listened anxiously.

The uncle actually allowed that woman to come in?

"Grandma! Speak! Let my father dump that woman, I don't want a stepmother!"

Mrs. Xu took a breath and said, "That woman is quite nice..."

The Xu family members all stared, what's going on?

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