Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 816 Killing two birds with one stone

"You are such an old man, stop making trouble!" Old Mrs. Xu complained to her granddaughter: "Do you want to see your father be alone for the rest of his life?"

Xu Caiyue pouted: "Then let's change it to someone else. I don't like that woman anyway!"

In fact, it was Hua Zhao that she didn't like.

When she was in high school, all she heard every day was Hua Zhao, Hua Zhao!

Every teacher praises her as much as she can!

Whenever they make any mistakes, they are scolded: Look at Hua Zhao, who has never been to school, and yet he can get the first place in the exam! Look at you... blah blah blah.

It seems that except for Hua Zhao, they are all fools.

Well, she really couldn't compare to Hua Zhao, and she barely managed to go to a university in the capital.

Unexpectedly, when I got to college, I still couldn't escape Hua Zhao's curse.

She now gets a headache whenever she hears the word "Hua Zhao". If she and Hua Zhao become a family in the future and see her every day, she thinks she will go crazy.

Hua Zhao became a role model. Some people admired her, while others were extremely rebellious. Xu Caiyue fell into the latter category.

"What do you know, you kid? Don't get involved in adults' affairs!" Old Mrs. Xu didn't listen to her and stopped talking. Her objections were useless anyway.

"Grandma!" Xu Caiyue refused.

"Shut up!" Mrs. Xu was really angry: "Your uncle is right. In your father's current situation, finding a woman like Zhang Guilan is the best choice!"

The most popular daughter in the capital now is of course the Ye family's. Although Ye Shu is married, Ye Zhenguo has several other granddaughters.

But no matter how many granddaughters there are, the 45-year-old Xu Zhiming, the daughter of the Ye family, cannot get involved. It is an unexpected blessing to get involved with Zhang Guilan.

"Grandma, have you forgotten how unpleasant her words were just now?" Xu Caiyue asked.

Old Mrs. Xu snorted. Of course she hadn't forgotten. Just because she hadn't forgotten, after calming down, she hoped Zhang Guilan would become her daughter-in-law.

Let’s see how she handles her then!

The two have nothing to do with each other, so Zhang Guilan will just scold her. If she dares to scold her again when she becomes his daughter-in-law, hey, there will be plenty of ways to deal with her then!

"Second brother, Zhang Guilan, go and apologize, put all the fault on your sister-in-law, and say that her mother is sick and she is in a bad mood!" Old Mrs. Xu said: "Anyway, you coax her back! "

Sun Xiaojuan lowered her head, her hanging hair blocking her gloomy sight.

Xu Zhiming glanced at his family, said nothing, got up and went out.

He also just found out that his family had such thoughts.

This kind of thinking made him reconsider his relationship with Zhang Guilan.


Early the next morning, Xu Zhide came to the unit and was stopped as soon as he reached the gate.

"Xu Zhide!" Zhang Daquan shouted loudly.

He was afraid of admitting the wrong person, after all, it was just a quick meeting yesterday.

Xu Zhide got off his bicycle and looked at Zhang Daquan with a frown.

Nowadays, not many people dare to call him by his first name.

This tone sounds like trouble.

He glanced at the security guard at the door.

The security guards were very obedient and immediately gathered around.

"Who are you? If you have anything to do, go to the factory office and tell them. If they can't solve it, they will tell me." Xu Zhide said, looking at the family, old and young.

After saying that, I wanted to leave.

"I am Zhang Guilan's mother!" Mrs. Zhang said.

Xu Zhide's expression changed, and his attitude also changed instantly.

"It turns out to be Aunt Zhang. Why are you here? Take a walk and sit at home." Xu Zhide said enthusiastically with a smile on his face.

But Mrs. Zhang didn't give him face, pointed at him and said: "I heard that your wife beat my daughter yesterday? Beat me!"

The three Zhang brothers, plus several grandsons, immediately rushed out and punched and kicked Xu Zhide.

He's just a factory director, what should he be afraid of? Anyway, they came here under Hua Zhaoling, so if anything happens, she will be there to take care of them!

When the security guard at the door saw his boss, he was beaten, so what's the point? Of course I came to help.

The No. 1 Garment Factory, as the name suggests, is quite large and naturally has a lot of security guards.

But Xu Zhide was beaten and stopped at the same time.

"They are all my family, you are not allowed to do anything!" he shouted.

If Zhang Guilan's mother is beaten again, this marriage will really not work out.

So, he endured it!

Xu Zhide was instantly beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and could not get up.

He was a man of culture and had not done any hard work for many years. One punch from the Zhang brothers was enough for him to lie on the ground for a long time, let alone so many punches.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

"How dare you commit murder in broad daylight!"

"Beat state officials!"

Directors of state-owned enterprises are naturally also cadres.

A bunch of uniformed men rushed in and took control of the Zhang family without saying a word.

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding...this is my relative." Xu Zhide, who fell to the ground with blood on his face, was still trying to excuse the Zhang family.

"Director Xu, you are so generous." A man in uniform suddenly said: "But magnanimity also depends on the situation. In this case, you are not the one who has the final say."

What's the meaning?

Xu Zhide's confused head didn't understand. He's not dead, he was beaten, if he doesn't pursue the case, what's the point?

The Zhang family didn't understand either, but they were not afraid, they had Hua Zhao.

A group of people were led away noisily.

But no matter how they said they wanted to see Hua Zhao, or even brought a message to Hua Zhao, it didn't work.

A few hours later, the Zhang family was escorted onto the train.

They beat state officials in public for no reason. The circumstances were very abominable and the consequences were serious. However, without the parties concerned being held accountable, they were sent back to their place of origin to wait to be dealt with.

"Awesome, kill two birds with one stone." Ye Ming said with a smile.

"A prize, a prize, a prize." Hua Zhao also smiled: "I guess the Zhang family is scolding me for not keeping my word."

They agreed to renew the room for 3 days, but in the end they were lied to!

Originally, the Zhang family planned to leave it to Zhang Guilan to deal with it by herself, but now Zhang Guilan must be in a bad mood, so her daughter would be considerate and help her solve it temporarily.

"I hope they won't come back soon after they go back," Hua Zhao said.

She didn't expect to scare the Zhang family out of their wits all at once, and they wouldn't dare come to the capital again. That was probably impossible.

But it is also good to teach them a lesson so that they can think carefully before doing something.

"I hope the men who come next time will be men from the Zhang family. The elderly, weak, sick and disabled should not come. I am too embarrassed to do anything." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming nodded and said about Xu Zhiming: "He came to me to ask about Xu Jie and me."

He smiled, and the expression on his face was indescribable: "I guess he is the only sober person in the Xu family who still remembers what happened between Xu Jie and me."

It stands to reason that two things happened yesterday, and the matter between him and Xu Jie was not a trivial matter, even more important than the fight between Zhang Guilan and Sun Xiaojuan.

Can't they see that he is already angry with Xu Jie?

He was the eldest grandson of the Ye family. Which was more important, annoying him or getting involved with Zhang Guilan, an in-law?

"What's the result?" Hua Zhao asked curiously.

From what Xu Jie said yesterday, we can know that her true identity is even hidden from her family.

What will be Xu Zhiming's reaction when he hears the truth?

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