"You may be disappointed. Xu Zhiming may have thought of it in advance and has no expression." Ye Ming said: "But he said he would persuade Xu Jie to transfer to another post."

"I guess you will be disappointed too." Hua Zhao said: "She didn't forget to look at you when she left yesterday, which shows that she hasn't given up yet."

Ye Ming said indifferently: "I can't control her thoughts, but she can't threaten me with public opinion anymore."

This way he pretends he didn't see it!

"Mom, let's go out and play." Jinwen suddenly appeared at the door, tilting his little head and saying to Hua Zhao.

More than two years old, it is a cute little one. Ye Ming fell in love with it as soon as he saw it.

"My dear, come here and give me a hug!" He opened his arms.

Jinwen obediently came over and stood in his arms, hugging his neck.

Xiangxiang was soft and soft, and Ye Ming immediately smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Where do you want to play, little darling? Uncle will take you there!"

"Go to the vegetable base." Jinwen said.

It's ice and snow outside now, and it's completely white, but the greenhouse is full of green, red, green, yellow, and all kinds of fragrant and sweet fruits. She likes it.

Ye Ming also remembered another purpose of his coming today.

"You are so good at growing vegetables and fruits! Is it because of the seeds? Have you cultivated new seeds?" he asked Hua Zhao.

"The boss wants it?" Hua Zhao asked.

"There are several needs that can earn foreign exchange." Ye Ming said.

At this time, China's vegetable varieties are all old varieties that have been naturally optimized from generation to generation. Compared with advanced foreign varieties, they have no advantage at all.

The exit is a joke.

But things were different now. Several vegetables produced by Huazhao gave him hope.

Of course, this does not mean that all vegetables are suitable for export. Nowadays, exports basically rely on sea transportation. Generally, green leafy vegetables are rotten when shipped there.

So what he needs this time is not the finished product, but the seeds.

"Can you cultivate the kind of seeds that can only be reproduced for one generation like the melon seeds you cultivated for the Li family?" Ye Ming asked.

In this case, they can sell seeds without fearing that the other party will burn bridges.

Hua Zhao did not answer, but asked: "Then what? I sell the seeds to the above, and then the above sells them again? Then why don't I just sell them directly? I will definitely make more money."

Although this sentence is not polite, it is completely business-like and reasonable.

Ye Ming smiled a little awkwardly: "We are in urgent need of foreign exchange now. It's useless if you hold too much foreign exchange... We can compensate for the price difference with other things, such as houses and land. You don't want to open a real estate business company?"

"Deal!" Hua Zhao said immediately.

This is what she has been waiting for!

At this time, foreign exchange was as valuable as gold in the eyes of the Chinese people. In Hua Zhao's eyes, it was no different from RMB. Ye Ming was right, the foreign exchange was useless in her hands.

She doesn't need them to raid overseas Chinese stores and buy some chocolates and TV sets.

In the eyes of the people above, houses, especially those in suburbs and out of town, are useless and completely worthless.

It's a win-win deal.

"Come on, let's choose seeds. Whatever you want, I'll cultivate it for you." Hua Zhao urged.

Two people, plus three little ones, went to the vegetable base in the suburbs.

It was also Ye Ming's first time here, and he was pleasantly surprised to see the vegetables growing vigorously.

"You can expand the scale a little bit," he said.

"Well, so I need land. Where is the suitable land? Give me a contract of 10,000 acres for 70 years." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming...

"I'll go back and discuss it." He didn't refuse.

In 1980, although Xiaogang Village had already implemented household responsibility system, it was not implemented in other places. It was probably in 1982 that household responsibility system was implemented on a large scale across the country.

As for the land contracting policy, there is no trace of it.

But with the economy opening up, Ye Ming feels that this is not something that cannot be discussed, and it is very easy to talk about.

"But isn't ten thousand acres too much? You can't grow it, right?" Ye Ming said.

"I have several farms abroad, covering tens of thousands of acres." Hua Zhao said.

"But that's mechanical management." Ye Ming said.

"It's just machinery, just bring it over." Hua Zhao said.

"Okay..." This reason is too strong and reasonable, and Ye Ming can't find a reason to refute it.

Although those advanced machines are still blocked from the mainland and are not allowed to be exported, leave this issue to Ye Shen.

Ye Ming took Cuiwei and Jinwen to visit several greenhouses, looking for suitable varieties.

Hua Zhao brought Li Yuan over to solve the problems he had encountered recently.

Although Li Yuan also came from a farming background, he still couldn't compare with the professional Hua Zhao and had many questions to ask that he didn't understand.

After answering a few questions, Hua Zhao asked: "How many greenhouses do you think you can manage at most?"

Li Yuan thought for a while and said, "100."

"Too few, young people, you need to be more courageous and take bigger steps."

Li Yuan: "....My abilities are limited."

"You need to change your thinking. You train some people. They don't need to be as powerful as you. Each of them can manage 10 or 20 greenhouses. And you only need to manage these people, and the scale will expand?"

"Okay!" Li Yuan nodded immediately.

This is what he did on the team in the past. The land in the team also covers hundreds or even thousands of acres, and he does not do it himself, he has dozens of people under him.

"Then how many people can you control at most?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Let's say 100." Li Yuandao.

"Okay, then build another 1,000 greenhouses." Hua Zhao said.

1,000 greenhouses equals 1,000 acres of land.

It's just a joke to ask for 10,000 acres of leaves.

Now give her 10,000 acres, and she has no one to manage it.

Wait for Li Yuan to grow up again.

Or wait until she finds a few more people like Li Yuan.

Li Yuan took a breath, and the number of greenhouses suddenly increased from 40 to 1,000. This was so courageous and such a big step!

"Get ready and start training people." Hua Zhao said.

She felt that Ye Ming would move quickly. After all, the boss really needed foreign exchange, and her request was not too excessive.

It is said that the land is contracted, but it does not mean that no money will be given.

"Mom, I miss Dad." Yunfei suddenly came over, hugged Hua Zhao's thigh and whispered, "When are we going to see Dad?"

He was alert, looking carefully around him as he spoke. They were the only two in the entire greenhouse, so he dared to ask.

"Let's go after the New Year," Hua Zhao said.

After finally coming back, I have to wait until the New Year before leaving, otherwise so many people in my family will be disappointed.

Yunfei licked his little finger, it would be Chinese New Year soon, and he immediately grinned.

Hua Zhao touched her belly. She hadn't told Ye Shen the good news yet. She disliked the intermittent phone calls that affected the surprise, so she wanted to tell him face to face.

"Boss, there's someone looking for you outside." A worker suddenly looked at the door of the greenhouse and shouted to Hua Zhao.

"Let him find Li Yuan." Hua Zhao glanced at him and said casually.

The matters here are entirely left to Li Yuan to handle.

"The man said he wasn't here to buy groceries, but came to see you specifically," the worker said.

Hua Zhao was stunned, looking for her specifically? Did you find this place?



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