During this period of time, among the domestic auto parts companies, Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. must be the one who has the most limelight.

Customers from various OEMs, and inspection teams from institutions and research institutes at all levels are present almost every day.

However, if you want to say which parts company is the most anxious during this period, the number one must be Aisin.

Although Aisin, ZF, Jatco and other international transmission giants have all been greatly influenced by Nanshan 6AT, Aisin has the greatest influence.

For example, Jatco, whose main customer is Nissan.

Although the gearbox is also willing to sell, but the volume is far less than Aisin.

At present, ZF is mainly based on European and American customers, especially customers in Europe.

At present, the actual impact of Nanshan 6AT on this aspect is not so great.

But Aisin is different.

Except for Toyota's orders, which are not affected, its orders from other customers have been affected.

Especially for Huaxia's own brand, almost all Aisin's customers are flirting with Nanshan.

Let Aisin Huaxia be full of anxiety.

"Minister, I have communicated with many customers. Unless our 4AT price is two or three thousand yuan cheaper than Nanshan 6AT, they will think it is competitive."

"Otherwise, everyone would rather purchase Nanshan's 6AT than our 4AT."

"As for 6AT, unless our price is very close to Nanshan 6AT, no one is willing to use it."

"Even if individual customers are still willing to cooperate with us, they are only used in high-end derivatives of very few models."

"As for the MT gearbox, although there are still some customers who continue to cooperate with us, they have increased the intensity of bargaining."

"If our MT gearbox doesn't lower the price to less than 5,000 yuan, they will not produce MT models."

"If we don't want to do something about this situation, it will probably be difficult to change."

Zhang Hao's mood at this time was very complicated.

He never thought that Aisin would have such a passive day.

But this day came so suddenly and so quickly.


"What can be done?"

"We have found a special consulting company and asked them to arrange people to say that Nanshan 6AT is not good on the Internet."

"But it doesn't seem to have any effect so far, and it even helped Nanshan 6AT to make a name for itself."

"We also want to use the strength of the local leaders of the gearbox factory to let them put pressure on Nanshan."

"But these people who are usually very enthusiastic are finding all kinds of excuses to ignore us at this time."

"Even if some people said it was good, nothing happened in the end."

"In this case, what do you think we should do?"

"Unless the headquarters can improve the technical parameters of our 6AT to the same level as Nanshan 6AT, or even a higher level, otherwise there will be no solution."

"Even our cost can't be more expensive than Nanshan, or those self-owned brands that are very sensitive to price will abandon us immediately once they find that Nanshan's 6AT has no quality problems."

Saburo Sato was also under a lot of pressure during this time.

The business of the entire Huaxia branch is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although these changes will not have a great impact on the performance in 2001, starting from 2002, adverse changes will immediately appear.

"Or we can put pressure on Nanshan together with ZF and Jatco. Do you think it is feasible?"

Although Zhang Hao hopes that domestic auto parts companies can grow and develop, the premise is that he cannot be affected.

Obviously, Nanshan's strength has affected his interests.

In this case, he was naturally on Aisin's side.


"How to exert pressure?"

"People's technology is developed by themselves, the parts are produced by themselves, and even most of the materials are purchased domestically."

"What else can we do in this situation?"

"Could it be that we told the procurement of various OEMs that you want to use Nanshan's 6AT, so we won't supply it?"

Sato Saburo's words made Zhang Hao unable to refute.

Nanshan at this moment is not something that Aisin can easily suppress.

Although the overall size of Nanshan is still far behind Aisin.

But in the field of Huaxia auto parts, Nanshan is no longer a small company.

The most important thing is Nanshan's success in the field of stamping equipment and the research and development of 6AT, which have attracted a lot of attention in China.

At this time, whoever wants to deal with Nanshan, Yangcheng will stand up and oppose it first.

"If it doesn't work, let's have a good talk with Nanshan to see if we can work together and make money together."

"It's not good for anyone to engage in a price war like this."

Zhang Hao couldn't think of a better way, so he could only choose to bow his head.

Anyway, in order to make money, it is not impossible to bow your head.

"If ZF and Jatco have a certain tacit understanding between us, this method should be feasible."

"But these companies in Huaxia have a completely different style of work from ours."

"These guys are always breaking the rules and causing a lot of problems for everyone."

"I really don't want to work with them."

It is obviously difficult for a parts giant like Aisin to lower its noble head.

Especially the opponent is a local Chinese private enterprise like Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd.

Saburo Sato felt that he couldn't pass the test in his heart.

Not to mention that this plan still needs to be discussed and reported to the headquarters.

At that time, he might be scolded bloody.

"Before, SKF used the method of patent litigation to deal with Nanshan. Do you think it would be useful if we adopted this method?"

"At that time, we will use Nanshan's products as an excuse to have a patent dispute with us, and hope that all OEMs will not use Nanshan 6AT."

Seeing that Saburo Sato seemed unwilling to bow his head, Zhang Hao could only continue to come up with bad ideas.

"it's useless."

"If Nanshan is a small company with little reputation, it would make sense for us to do it like this."

"But now that they've grown, going to court will only draw more attention to them."

"At that time, those courts in Huaxia will not be able to judge them to lose when the other party obviously has no problems."

Saburo Sato was heartbroken for a few seconds before giving up the idea.

At that time, he would be scolded even worse if he won't lose money if he steals chickens.

"What about the acquisition?"

"Is it possible for us to let the group take over and acquire Nanshan?"

Zhang Hao continued to make unreliable proposals.

However, Saburo Sato finally expressed his denial.

It is not easy for Huaxia to have a competitive parts company, and the other party is not short of money and market, only a fool will sell it.

And at this moment, Saburo Sato's phone rang.

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