Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 517 Software-defined mobile phone, HONOR 3G makes a shocking debut!

"Mr. Zhu, the Honor phone is too much!"

"How can they say something like this in public?"

"How bad will this affect us at Nokia?"

“I think we need the Legal Department to send a lawyer’s letter to Honor Mobile and Honor Mobile to apologize to us!”

Sun Munan's face changed a little with anger.

He had seen so many press conferences from other mobile phone manufacturers, but he had never seen one that looked like an Honor phone.

In order to attract attention, what bottom line is this?

Do you really think Nokia is easy to mess with?

With Nanshan Group as your backer, can you do whatever you want?

We at Nokia produce so many mobile phones in China a year and contribute so much output value, so we are not someone to be trifled with!

"If we send a lawyer's letter to the other party, how do you think Honor Mobile will respond?"

Although Zhu Yaohui is in a bad mood, as a sales director, he has seen various methods used by competitors in the market over the years, so his mentality is relatively stable and his ability to control emotions is relatively high.

In fact, most people who can hold high positions have relatively strong emotional control abilities.

On the contrary, some low-level managers tend to act emotionally.

"If we send a lawyer's letter to the other party, there is a high probability that Honor Mobile will not choose to apologize."

"They may even make a fuss about this matter and talk nonsense to us."

"By then, all media will be reporting on the conflict between our two parties."

As Sun Munan spoke, he slowly came to consciousness.

It doesn't seem like a good thing to sue the other party yourself?

"You all know that the other party will react like this, so if we sue them, aren't we helping them?"

"A month ago, few people in China knew about Honor phones."

"Before today's press conference, although many netizens were criticizing Nanshan Group and Honor Mobile, there were still only a few people who really knew about Honor Mobile."

"But if we quarrel with Honor Phone and cause a storm in the city, then the popularity of Honor Phone may rise to a higher level."

"No matter whether they lose or win in the end, they still win!"

When Zhu Yaohui said this, Sun Munan became depressed.

The breath was blocked in my chest and I couldn't let it out.

That uncomfortable feeling!

"Mr. Zhu, should we just forget it?"

"If other Chinese mobile phone brands follow suit in the future, it will still cause some harm to the Nokia brand."

"This behavior will not be tolerated!"

When Sun Munan said this, Zhu Yaohui also had a headache.

We definitely can’t let Honor phones overtake Nokia there.

But choosing how to fight back requires careful consideration.

Of course, Xia Qingqing on the stage must not know about this discussion within Nokia.

At this time, she was continuing to speak enthusiastically.

"I found a prototype of Nokia's N95 and used it specifically."

“Unfortunately, the experience was not good!”

"It can even be said to be bad!"

"The Symbian system they developed themselves is exactly..."

Xia Qingqing listened and said with a smile: "Sorry, I almost said something bad."

"The Symbian system has deficiencies in multitasking, user interface design, application management, application security, etc., and these are issues of great concern to users and developers."

"After all, the biggest difference between smartphones and traditional mobile phones is that they can install a variety of applications. We can transfer all the functions on the computer to the mobile phone."

"In the future, everyone will be able to complete all entertainment activities with a mobile phone, and they will not even need to use a computer at home."

“Going back to the Symbian system, in addition to the problems just mentioned, its high development cost is also a flaw, because developers need to spend a lot of time and energy to learn and master the development technology of this system, which makes it difficult to develop applications. The difficulty increases.”

If you want to step on others, you must also tell some practical information.

Otherwise, what you say will be unconvincing and the effect will be greatly reduced!

Xia Qingqing always feels that these contents are objective facts.

Even if Nokia wanted to refute, it would be difficult.

"I just said so much, I guess everyone is also curious about what system the Honor mobile phone will use, right?"

Although this is not the selling point of Honor mobile phones, it is definitely something that needs to be introduced to everyone.

I can't compare to IOS now, how can I compare to Symbian?

"In October 2003, Andy Rubin and others founded Android Company and formed the Android system development team."

“On August 17, 2005, Google quietly acquired Android and its team, a high-tech enterprise that had been established for only 22 months.”

"Andy Rubin becomes Google's vice president of engineering and continues to lead the Android project."

"On November 5, 2007, Google officially demonstrated this operating system called Android to the outside world, and on this day Google announced the establishment of a global alliance organization."

"This organization unites global mobile phone manufacturers and suppliers to the greatest extent possible, and releases Android source code under a free open source license."

"This is the best smartphone system in the world and the smartphone system chosen by the most manufacturers."

Although Apple people definitely don’t agree with this, and the Android system was indeed not better than IOS in the early days.

Especially after using it for a period of time, the speed of the Android system will slow down, which was a very criticized point in the early days.

When Cao Yang arranged for people to develop HONOR 3G, he naturally reminded developers to pay attention to this point, and made adaptive development based on the Android system source code released by Google.

The Android system currently used by Honor phones is considered its own system.

In the future, Cao Yang plans to completely develop an operating system for Honor mobile phones based on this foundation.

Of course, these are all things that will happen in a few years. Time is limited now and it is not too late.

"So far, there are actually quite a few smartphones around the world."

"But apart from the iPhone 3GS that Apple just released this month, I'm afraid there are not a few that have left a deep impression on everyone."

"And the first Honor mobile phone product we will release next - HONOR 3G, will be a smartphone that completely surpasses Apple and Nokia."

When Xia Qingqing said this, the screen behind her began to change.

The mobile phone model HONOR 3G clearly appears in front of everyone!

"Editor Wu, Honor Mobile is so tough. It not only pulled out the traditional mobile phone giant Nokia and beat its corpse, but also pulled out the Apple mobile phone in the United States and stepped on it."

"Both of these two opponents are fuel-efficient."

Xie Min from Zhongguancun Online was typing quickly on her computer and making some shorthand.

While talking to Wu Xuebin next to him.

She has never looked forward to a mobile phone launch conference as much as she did today.

No matter what HONOR 3G's products are, Xia Qingqing's speech just now can make the IT media lively for several days.

If other mobile phone manufacturers start to pull some strings at that time, the scene will become even more lively.

Thinking of this, Xie Min couldn't help but clench her feet.

So excited!

“We’ll see if the next HONOR 3G is really that good, able to punch Nokia and kick Apple.”

"There was so much noise online before, and there was no response from Nanshan Group or Honor Mobile."

"There's nothing particularly outstanding about the Android system alone. I guess they have other highlights."

"Now the mystery will be revealed soon!"

Wu Xuebin looked like it had nothing to do with him and was not nervous at all.

In any case, no matter whether the Honor mobile phone is awesome or Dafa is embarrassing in the end.

It doesn't matter to him.

The news is sure to attract attention!

"Mr. Wu, look!"

At this moment, the screen on the stage changed and a photo on a mobile phone appeared.

If it had been an ordinary photo, the well-informed Xie Min would not have screamed out like this.

This phone is something you will never forget once you take one look at it.

Other mobile phones in the past have either curved designs or ugly tile designs.

Although HONOR 3G looks like a boxy matchbox, it can't stop its elegance at all.

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words.

Industrial design aesthetics!

Xie Min couldn't help but think of this word.

She couldn't even listen to what Xia Qingqing said on the stage.

Her mind was constantly thinking about what words she should use to describe this appearance, and how she should write her article to express the shock in her heart.

Nokia, Sun Munan, Zhu Yaohui and others who were also watching the live broadcast had solemn expressions on their faces.

HONOR 3G, there’s something about it!

“Although the Honor mobile phone launch conference was very disappointing, the appearance of this product is still amazing.”

Zhu Yaohui stared at the photo on the screen, as if he wanted to incorporate it all into his memory.

Nokia sells many products and has produced even more products.

Zhu Yaohui has even seen pictures of some new products that have not yet been launched.

However, objectively speaking, no picture of the HONOR 3G is as amazing as the one in front of you!

"I heard that this phone was designed by Cao Yang himself. He is known as the master of Chinese automobile design. The cars he designed, whether it is Ziweixing, Xingkong, or Looking Up and Xingtu, all look amazing."

"I didn't expect that switching careers to mobile phone design would actually make people feel like this. It's really surprising."

Sun Munan now feels that Nokia's smartphones may be really dangerous.

At least he feels that the current Nokia products cannot be better than Honor in terms of appearance.

“Placing two pieces of glass on the front and back of the fuselage, with metal frames on the edges, makes the entire phone look very square.”

“This design style is different from any other mobile phone manufacturer.”

With Xia Qingqing's introduction, more and more information about HONOR 3G was revealed.

On the stage, Xia Qingqing also took out a prototype and kept introducing it excitedly.

"The rear camera is 5 million pixels and the front camera is 300,000 pixels."

"I don't know who they are looking for to produce these current cameras. Our future mobile phones also need to consider improving the camera pixels."

Sun Munan is keenly aware that camera lens pixels will be an indicator that consumers care about.

In the future, some consumers will even choose to buy mobile phones based on the camera effects.

"A 3.5-inch screen can reach a resolution of 60x640 pixels and 326 pixels per inch. This is not easy. You can also ask later to see which supplier produced it."

"I feel that there is no manufacturer in China that can produce this kind of screen."

Zhu Yaohui listened to Xia Qingqing's introduction while constantly exchanging his views with Sun Munan.

Now he no longer has any thoughts of looking down on Honor phones.

After all, judging from the current announcement, HONOR 3G seems to be very capable!

That series of parameters is simply not comparable to Nokia's products.

Even Nokia's most high-end models cannot compare with others in some parameters.

This is very fatal.

"The entire phone has very few buttons, which is somewhat similar to Apple's iPhone 3GS. It seems that the Honor phone is following the route of Apple's phones."

"It's just that the appearance and configuration of Honor phones are more impressive."

"The next smartphone market may really usher in a chaotic war!"

Sun Munan began to worry about whether his own smartphones could maintain Nokia's honor under the attack of Honor phones.

After all, smartphones have always been ignored within Nokia.

Executives at the headquarters stubbornly believe that traditional feature phones are good enough to meet consumer needs.

Even for smartphones, they feel that smartphones using the Symbian system now have the highest market share, which means they are the best.

No matter other iOS or Android, their sales volume cannot compare with Symbian.

That means these systems are not as good as Symbian.

Besides, even if Nokia wants to change its operating system, it will only cooperate with systems developed by major software companies like Microsoft and will not consider Android.

Thinking of this, Sun Munan became even more worried.

"You work hard tonight and sort out the Honor mobile phone launch conference. I will report it to the general manager early tomorrow morning."

Sun Munan:...? ? ?

It's already past eight o'clock in the evening, and I have to work hard tonight...

Does this mean you have to stay up late and work overtime?

"This phone makes people very eager to buy it. Its appearance design crushes all opponents, and its configuration is also unprecedentedly good."

"No wonder there were so many mocking voices on the Internet before, but neither Nanshan Group nor Honor Mobile stood up to speak out."

"They are very confident and are waiting to slap everyone in the face."

As a professional mobile media person, Wu Xuebin has a very good vision.

After seeing the HONOR 3G in front of him, he wanted to buy it.

Based on this alone, Honor Mobile’s first product is half the success.

If the price is right, it will definitely sell like hotcakes.

"It's really amazing. Honor Mobile said that it will lead the times. It turned out that it was not bragging!"

As a girl, Xie Min is naturally more satisfied with the appearance of HONOR 3G.

In its opinion, this is the mobile phone it has always wanted.

No matter it is Nokia or Motorola, or Samsung and LG, none of the products of these mobile phone giants can compare with it.

While the people at the scene were discussing HONOR 3G, the Internet was completely abuzz.

As Honor Mobile and Nanshan Group's official WeChat accounts simultaneously released the appearance pictures of HONOR 3G, the word HONOR 3G became a hot search on Weibo.

"Sorry, I retract my previous evaluation of Honor mobile phones!"

"Produced by Nanshan, it must be a high-quality product! This brand has not been damaged by Honor mobile phones!"

"Beautiful, so beautiful! Who can give me one?"

"Hey guys, can anyone tell me where I can buy HONOR 3G as quickly as possible?"

“This configuration is as good as a netbook, the Honor phone is awesome!”

“Among the domestic mobile phone manufacturers, one is finally up to par. It’s not easy!”

“In the past, I wanted to support domestic products but couldn’t find the products I wanted to support, but it’s different now.”

"I really want to know how the people at Nokia are feeling right now. Are they nervous?"

"Nanshan Group has never disappointed anyone. The mobile phone can be designed like this, which always brings surprises to people. I must buy one to support it after it is launched!"

All kinds of comments are popular all over the Internet.

Some people who originally didn't pay much attention to Honor mobile phones began to change their attitudes after seeing the pictures of HONOR 3G.

Especially the female white-collar workers in various office buildings are eager to get their hands on a HONOR 3G as soon as possible.

"Mr. Xu, I think the company's mobile phone products have no combat effectiveness compared to Honor phones."

"And in the past, we have always cooperated with various communication manufacturers to produce contract machines. We do not have very rich experience in TO C products."

"I think it is necessary for the company to pay attention to the mobile phone business and make it bigger and stronger."

"China's mobile phone market is so big that it can accommodate another Warwick."

Lian Zhitian and Xu Jun came to attend the Honor mobile phone launch conference today.

Originally, their mentality was more to come and cheer.

They didn’t expect that the Honor mobile phone would bring them such a big surprise.

"Compared with Honor mobile phones, our innovation in terminals is indeed not enough, and the people engaged in the mobile phone business are not capable enough. I also think the company must seize its own advantages and make a few good products."

"I will make suggestions to Mr. Ren later to see if we can reorganize related businesses to improve our own competitiveness."

Xu Jun is not blind, so he can naturally see the difference between Warwick phones and Honor phones.

When Xia Qingqing introduced the various functions of Honor mobile phones just now, she directly listed the corresponding products of Nokia or Apple mobile phones next to them for comparison.

Although this kind of direct slap in the face will make Nokia and Apple very dissatisfied, it has to be said that this is an important way to let everyone know the advantages of Honor mobile phones.

Xu Jun even thinks that if Warwick's new mobile phone products are competitive enough in the future, similar methods can be used to hold press conferences.

In this way, the heat will definitely increase.

"With Honor Mobile doing this, I think they can gain a firm foothold in the mobile phone industry."

"Even in the future, the entire Chinese smartphone market will follow the trend of Honor phones."

Lian Zhitian's evaluation of HONOR 3G is obviously very high.

Xia Qingqing, on the stage, did not stop speaking and continued to surprise everyone.

"In the past, when various mobile phone brands released new products, they always spent a lot of energy on promoting the advantages of their hardware performance."

"It is undeniable that hardware is very important, so HONOR 3G will bring you the best hardware configuration."

"However, in addition to hardware, we feel that software is also very important."

“Our president, Mr. Cao, even once said something internally called ‘software-defined mobile phone’!”

"Our HONOR 3G has built-in Amap navigation, which can be placed directly in the car for navigation."

"Today's cars, only high-end models have navigation, and the price difference between those with and without navigation is often 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, which is extremely exaggerated."

"As long as we have a HONOR 3G in the future, car navigation will become less important!"

Considering that there are many big names in the automobile industry present today, Xia Qingqing naturally wants to talk about automobiles.

In June 2009, most cars were not equipped with navigation.

This advantage of HONOR 3G is really important for car owners.

Xia Qingqing, who was on the stage, introduced the navigation situation and started operating it herself.

Simple and clear operations, clear route guidance, appear on the screen one by one.

This made many car company bosses a little moved.

"Mr. Zhu, this mobile phone navigation function is really very practical."

"Many car owners may even buy HONOR 3G because of this feature."

When Tao Wen thought about the scene where he got lost while driving, he felt that mobile phone navigation was a necessity.

At least for her, it's a necessity.

"Nanshan Group always brings surprises to everyone. I don't know how to describe today's press conference."

"But as a brand of Honor mobile phones, I think Nanshan Group really has the potential to make it bigger and stronger."

"I just don't know how many of the parts on this mobile phone are produced by Nanshan Group itself."

People in the automobile industry are relatively pragmatic.

When seeing this mobile phone, everyone can't help but think about who supplies the parts inside.

This can be regarded as an "occupational disease" to a certain extent.

"Nanshan Group's main focus before was on the equipment and automotive industries, and it probably didn't have much accumulation in mobile phone parts."

"I estimate that most of the key parts are now purchased from other manufacturers, or even imported from abroad."

"But I think that in the future, Honor mobile phones will definitely hand over most of their parts to Nanshan Group for production."

"After all, Nanshan Group is now focusing on developing Nanshan Semiconductor. The chips and memory inside will definitely be produced by itself in the future."

Tao Wen knew the Nanshan Group fairly well, so he dared to make a bolder judgment.

This opinion is very consistent with the actual situation.

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