Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 521 A lecture offended a large number of people

Nanshan Group has a lot of things going on during this period. Whether it is the heavy investment in acquiring Nvidia, the launch of Honor mobile phones, or the recent inclusion of several companies on the top 100 global auto parts list, these are all major events for Nanshan Group.

So Xiang Changle was too embarrassed to keep urging Cao Yang.

However, seeing that the semester was about to end, Cao Yang couldn't help but be urged to give a lecture to Lingnan University of Technology before he finished it.

This time, Cao Yang didn't shirk anymore and agreed directly.

On the last day of June, he officially came to Lingnan University of Technology and gave a special online and offline lecture to the students.

"Effort is important, choice is even more important!" 》

This is the theme of Cao Yang's lecture today.

As the most famous alumnus of Lingnan University of Technology, Cao Yang’s lecture attracted many people to attend.

The whole auditorium was full of people.

In addition, a large number of people are watching this live lecture online.

Even through the spread of various students, a large number of students from other schools are also very interested in listening to Cao Yang's lectures.

However, Cao Yang’s lecture was actually quite special.

He talked more about the choice of university majors and postgraduate majors. It can even be said that this lecture is most suitable for high school graduates who are about to apply for admission this year.

It’s just that live broadcasting is not that popular now. For students taking postgraduate entrance examinations, there is an opportunity to change majors.

Therefore, it is valuable to focus on teaching the junior students who are about to graduate.

In the future, Nanshan Group will need a large number of engineering and science graduate students and doctoral students.

Of course, there must be more demand from undergraduate students.

However, if I were to talk directly to you about applying for the college entrance examination, this topic would be a bit too sensitive.

Therefore, Cao Yang’s lecture focuses on college students.

"It's a great honor to be able to give such a special lecture to so many students today."

"I'm just saying this for now, so everyone can just listen to it."

"If you think it's useful, just give it a listen."

"If you think it's useless, just smile and pretend you didn't hear it."

Cao Yang was dressed more casually today and stood directly in the center of the podium with a microphone.

This lecture comes with some special purposes.

Many senior high school students have almost zero understanding of the majors they apply for when applying for the exam.

It can even be said to be a false report.

Many people even realize that their original choice was wrong when they graduate and find a job.

The more students with average family circumstances, the more this happens.

Even in their senior year of graduate school, many people lack relevant understanding of their majors and job hunting.

All kinds of wrong choices are made again and again.

In order for Nanshan Group to recruit more outstanding talents in Yangcheng and to make the "unpopular" majors in various universities but needed by Nanshan Group become popular, he was ready to go all out today.

“Effort is the foundation of our success.”

"No matter what path we choose, without hard work, it will be difficult to achieve good results."

“Effort means dedication and perseverance in pursuing goals.”

"Only through hard work can we continuously improve our abilities, overcome difficulties, and realize our dreams."

"Effort is the only way to success."

Vice-principal Xiang Changle personally invited Cao Yang to attend today's lecture, so it was not easy for Cao Yang to say some earth-shattering words right away.

It is still necessary to give everyone a bowl of chicken soup first.

Sure enough, when Xiang Changle in the audience heard Cao Yang's beginning, his face was full of smiles.

The same words spoken by different people have completely different effects.

If he went on stage to read such a passage, the students would just think it was a lullaby.

But when these words came out of Cao Yang's mouth, the situation was different.

"Although hard work is important, it is choices that determine our direction and results."

“No matter how hard we work, if we choose the wrong path, it’s hard to succeed.”

"Choice is one of the most important decisions in our lives, it is related to our future and destiny."

"So the importance of choice cannot be ignored."

"Choice is even more important than effort."

"For example, if you applied for bioengineering when you filled out your application form, you will probably have to worry about finding a job now."

"And if you study computers, there are a lot of companies vying for you."

"Even if you study mechanical design and automation or mechatronics, you don't need to worry about finding a job."

Slowly, Cao Yang began to turn the topic in the direction of filling out his application for the college entrance examination and choosing a major for the postgraduate entrance examination.

This is the main purpose of his lecture today.

As for whether this would offend anyone, he wasn't very worried.

At his position, as long as he doesn't do anything blatantly illegal or disciplinary, he doesn't need to worry so much.

There is nothing to worry about if you offend a few professional teachers or academic circles.

Anyway, he didn't accuse anyone wrongly.

“Choice requires us to have clear goals and planning.”

“Only when you know what you want can you make the right choice.”

"We need to think carefully and analyze our interests, abilities and values ​​before making a choice."

“By thinking rationally and weighing the pros and cons, we can make informed decisions.”

"Choice also requires our courage and determination."

"Sometimes, the right choice may face many difficulties and obstacles, but as long as we have courage and determination, we can overcome difficulties and find our own path."

"Of course, more often than not, choosing requires someone to tell you that different roads have different endings."

"Today I will mainly talk to you about the different impacts that choosing different majors will have on your life."

"I believe there should be many people from different majors coming here today. Everyone should have some say on this topic, have some doubts, and want to know what their professional prospects are."

"Nanshan Group now has more than 80,000 employees, and I have personally interviewed many people. I should still have some say in this aspect."

When Cao Yang said this, naturally no one refuted it.

On the contrary, because the content to be talked about is closely related to everyone, many people's interest has been aroused.

As long as you go to college, no one will not consider finding a job or taking postgraduate entrance examinations in the future.

Now that a very experienced person comes to discuss this topic with you, everyone will naturally prick up their ears and listen carefully.

"Many students study hard for ten years just to get excellent results in the college entrance examination, and their purpose of getting excellent results is to get into a good university so that they can have a bright future."

"In fact, a good major is more important than a good university, because the major determines what kind of job a person will do in the future."

"Filling in the college entrance examination application form is equivalent to the second college entrance examination. It will have a profound impact on students' lives because it determines their future development direction."

“When choosing a major, you should consider the future development prospects of that major.”

"The development of majors is often closely related to the direction of our country's economic construction. Although there are many majors that are good majors, they are very unpopular in the country."

"If you choose that major, candidates will encounter many obstacles in their future work. Not only will the salary be low, but there is also a lack of room for development, and it will not be of much help to the country's construction."

"Although some majors have very good development prospects, they all require postgraduate entrance examinations. Candidates in these majors must be careful when applying for the postgraduate entrance examinations. They should apply only after they are well prepared for the postgraduate entrance examinations. Otherwise, they may waste several years in university in vain. Years and years have passed and nothing has been accomplished in the end.”

"For example, in medicine, if you don't plan to study for a Ph.D., it's best not to choose it."

"Of course, how you choose different majors has a lot to do with your family background."

"Some people think that interest is the most important thing when choosing a major. This is right or wrong."

"If your family is not short of money, then interest is naturally the most important thing."

"But for most people, good employment is more important than interest. If you get higher scores and are more selective, you can choose some majors in chip and computer science. After graduation, your income will generally be higher."

Although Cao Yang's lecture was filled with private information, after all, the face of Lingnan University of Technology must be considered, and some things should not be said too much.

Unlike Teacher Zhang, who can say anything straightforward.

"Today's lecture is also broadcast live online, so in addition to introducing the major options for the postgraduate entrance examination, I will also focus on filling in the application for the college entrance examination."

"After all, this is closely related to whether freshmen and sophomores should consider changing majors."

The subject of filling in the application will soon be focused on, and Cao Yang can only move his theme in this direction a little stiffly.

Otherwise, I always feel that this lecture will be weird.

"In terms of major selection, I have summarized ten rules. Whether you are applying for college, want to change majors during college, or are hesitant about whether to take the postgraduate entrance examination or whether to change majors, you can refer to them."

Listening to Cao Yang's words, Xiang Changle felt something was wrong.

He invited Cao Yang over because he wanted Cao Yang to share with everyone some experience in starting a business or running a business. Why does it feel like the taste has changed?

But seeing how serious Cao Yang was, he was too embarrassed to say anything, so he could only sit silently in the audience and listen.

"China is a human society, or this world is a human society. Whether you agree with this or not, the fact is there."

"So the first rule of thumb for this choice I'm talking about is that if ordinary families don't want to ask for help, then they should consider students in medicine, military academies, police academies, or normal schools."

"Of course, not asking for help here is relative. If you have to be serious, there will definitely be times when you ask for help."

"Second, if your family is in good condition, especially if your family has a business, you can consider majors related to finance, economics, and management."

"Many people may not understand this very well. They think that finance-related majors are very popular now, and ordinary people can also find good jobs."

"That's true. Financial majors are indeed very popular now, but if ordinary people don't have the resources, going to a financial institution, whether it's a securities company or a bank, will be very stressful."

"For example, soliciting deposits or selling financial products, someone might be able to do it with just one phone call, but you can't even ask your grandpa or grandma to get it done."

"In the end, I obviously feel that I am very capable, but my performance is not as good as others."

When Cao Yang said this, he was quite emotional.

Mi Ying was a bank employee back then, but she often told Cao Yang some gossip about her previous experiences at the bank.

It can be said that people who have no connections and no resources will have a very tiring life in the bank.

"If you want to find a high-paying job as soon as you graduate and don't have much background, your best choice is to go to a prestigious school majoring in electronic communications, computer, software engineering or other related majors."

"After graduation, you can honestly become a programmer, or you can work as an engineer in a semiconductor company. Your income will not be bad."

"This can be regarded as one of the best ways to become a question artist in small towns."

When Xiang Changle in the audience heard this, he couldn't help but nodded.

Lingnan University of Technology has now established a semiconductor school. As a person who originally worked in automobiles, he also has a relatively deep understanding of the IT industry.

For people born in ordinary families, studying electronic communications or computer-related majors from a prestigious school is really the most lucrative job.

Whether you go to various Internet companies or companies such as Warwick or Nanshan Semiconductor, the salary is much higher than that of ordinary factories.

Even starting out is a level that many people cannot reach in their lifetime.

"Article 4: If it is some relatively cutting-edge new major, such as a major related to artificial intelligence, then only famous schools can have good teachers. If you can't go to a famous school, don't think about majors in this area."

"Article 5: For all management majors, if you don't have a family to inherit and want to study, you must go to a prestigious school. If you can't meet this requirement, don't hold yourself accountable."

For the top 10 schools, the resources of alumni and teachers are not comparable to those of ordinary schools.

So even if it's a relatively tricky major, you may have a good future after you go there.

Of course, this also has something to do with the times.

If you were a college student more than 20 years ago, no matter what your major is, no matter what background you have, you don’t have to worry about finding a job or your future.

"Article 6: If you want to study these four special majors in biochemical and environmental materials, or are currently studying them, you should be careful."

"In these majors, you must at least graduate from a master's degree, preferably a doctorate, in order to have a better future."

"Of course, with the development of the economy, the situation of the materials profession will slowly change. If you can graduate with a Ph.D., you may be able to get a high-tech job as soon as you graduate. This is normal."

The battery industry alone will be able to solve the employment problems of countless doctoral students majoring in materials in the future.

And the treatment given by battery manufacturers is not low.

So Cao Yang didn't completely say what he said.

He still hopes that someone will study materials well.

This is a very important basic subject. Nanshan Group needs it, and China also needs it.

"Article 7, if the major you plan to study or are currently studying is agriculture, forestry, geology, mining, petroleum and civil engineering, then you must be prepared to be exposed to wind and rain and often work outdoors, otherwise the gap will be very big. big."

It’s not that Cao Yang thinks majors like geology, minerals, and petroleum are bad.

On the contrary, sometimes these majors are quite good.

But if you are not careful, you will be thrown into a ravine. You need to be mentally prepared in advance.

"Article 8: Be cautious in art majors. This is a major where you have to fight for your parents and teachers. Ordinary people should not try it easily."

"Article 9: Medicine and law are two special majors that are relatively tiring to study, but if you study well, your future will be very broad."

"It's just that relatively speaking, when studying law, you must be prepared to take various certificates, otherwise you won't study."

"The last point is that for most ordinary people, going to college is to find a good job, so it is important to understand yourself correctly!"

Cao Yang didn't plan to spend too much time on this lecture.

The time that everyone can concentrate on doing one thing is limited. It takes about an hour to finish such a lecture, which is almost enough.

I’ll have to answer some people’s questions later.

"That's basically all I'm going to say."

"I have fifteen minutes to answer everyone's questions."

As soon as Cao Yang said this, a lot of people raised their hands.

Fortunately, these college students' questions were not difficult, and Cao Yang answered them easily.

However, his answers were very relaxed and direct, but these answers quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of a lot of people.

Especially that night, many contents of Cao Yang’s lecture were trending on Weibo, attracting the attention of many people.

Now is the critical moment to apply for the college entrance examination. Hitting this trend, Cao Yang's lecture became popular in an instant.

This is a lecture given by the CEO of Nanshan Group, and its value can be imagined.

"Ayang, your answer in the lecture immediately offended a bunch of people."

“What’s wrong with people studying journalism?”

"You have to tell people to change your major when you take the postgraduate entrance exams."

"What do you mean by 'you will regret it and break down, you will not regret it, you will regret it and break down'? How uncomfortable are the professors of the journalism major?"

"You don't mind offending people in the journalism profession. You even gave examples of jobs such as electricity and tobacco. You said it so directly. This is not your style."

Xiang Changle regretted not communicating with Cao Yang about the content of his speech in advance.

Now Lingnan University of Technology has become a hot search topic.

It's just that he doesn't really want to be on this kind of hot search.

"Teacher, don't worry, those people will get over with just a scolding, and I won't lose anything."

“Perhaps Nanshan Group’s appeal to graduates will become stronger this year during the recruitment process.”

Cao Yang was not nervous at all.

A lecture offended a large number of people.

However, this lecture also attracted a large number of people.

By then, more people will be interested in Nanshan Group.

As time goes by, everyone can feel more and more clearly whether what Cao Yang said is wrong or right.

"Before this, you were a master of Chinese automobile design, and you led a group of people to win the National Science and Technology Progress Award. You also asked people to work on Nanshan Film and Television, and even arranged for people to acquire Nvidia. You went through a lot of things, but His reputation online wasn’t as high as it is now.”

"I have a relative whose child took the college entrance examination this year. I heard from his father that your remarks have gone viral among parents of high school students and senior high school students."

"Although many professors jump out to refute, ordinary people are generally on your side."

When Xiang Changle called Cao Yang, he didn't really want to complain.

This is purely an opportunity to deepen the relationship between the two parties.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have changed his tune so quickly.

"Although we are in the Internet age and there are many more ways to obtain information, most parents and students do not have a relatively accurate understanding of college majors."

"If you make the wrong choice then, no matter how hard you try, you won't get any good results."

"This is what I can do for them."

"As for offending others, it doesn't matter that much."

"In the process of Nanshan Group's development and growth, it has offended many people."

Cao Yang said confidently.

For him, the purpose of this lecture was achieved.

"You are right, but thanks to you, I heard that the School of Semiconductor has become the most popular school at Lingnan University of Technology today."

"It is estimated that many students from other provinces who have the opportunity to study at other good universities other than Qingbei will choose our Semiconductor College."

“I wouldn’t be surprised if someone in the future gives up a bad major in Qingbei and chooses the Semiconductor College of our school.”

“In the past, although Lingnan University of Technology was well-known in Lingnan Province, many people had never heard of it in the north, let alone how famous it was.”

"In the future, I think with the rise of the Semiconductor School and the Automotive School, our Lingnan University of Technology is expected to become one of the top 10 universities in China, and it is possible to even advance further."

When Xiang Changle said this, he was in a very good mood.

No matter which university you are in, it is impossible for you not to care at all about your ranking.

Especially universities ranked outside the top ten and within the top 50, take this aspect more seriously.

An improvement in rankings means an improvement in the quality of students, an increase in teaching funding, and a decrease in the difficulty of applying for some scientific research projects.

There is a series of interests involved behind it, and it is not a simple ranking.

"That's a good thing!"

"If the School of Semiconductor can become the best school in the country, then it is not impossible for Lingnan University of Technology to hit the top five in the country in the future."

“Maybe I can contribute a few more academicians to Lingnan University of Technology in the future.”

The changes Xiang Changle mentioned were naturally what Cao Yang wanted to see.

If Nanshan Semiconductor wants to develop and grow, it will definitely not be enough to poach people alone.

It is also necessary for various colleges and universities to provide enough outstanding talents.

He had already realized this.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have given such a lecture.

"If we can really have a few more academicians, that would be really great."

"The cooperation between the Semiconductor School and Nanshan Semiconductor, Huawei HiSilicon, and BYD Semiconductor will also become more valuable."

The two of them chatted in a good mood for half an hour before hanging up the phone.

At this time, Zeng Tingting, who had been staring for a while, also walked over quickly.

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