Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 834 The Internet Action Plan was popular as soon as it was launched

Chapter 834 The Internet+ action plan was popular as soon as it was launched

Honor Technology’s online conference was an unexpected success.

Several news related to Honor Technology appeared on Weibo hot searches that day.

The first batch of 1 million HONOR5 4G mobile phones released on the official website were sold out on the same day.

This exaggerated achievement shocked the entire Chinese mobile phone industry.

"Mr. Wang, I think the headquarters needs to carefully consider its relationship with Honor Technology."

"It has been so rigid and a life-and-death situation, and the loss for us is even greater."

"After all, the size of the Chinese market is larger than that of the United States. Neither of our mobile phones can be sold in each other's countries. This makes it impossible for us to share the development dividends of the Chinese market."

After Lin Rong logged onto the official website of Honor Technology and saw that HONOR5 was sold out, her inner anxiety suddenly exploded.

She has always had different opinions on the battle between the American headquarters and Honor Technology.

Enterprises in the Nanshan system are a very special existence in China.

Any international giant that goes against them will not get good results in the end, and Apple is no exception.

"Of course I understand your reasoning, but the people at the headquarters must also understand it."

"Nowadays, some domestic trends in the United States are also changing, especially regarding Chinese high-tech enterprises. Some strange voices are constantly expanding, which also directly affects some decisions of the headquarters."

As the general manager of Apple China, Wang Ziming knows more information.

He also knows that there are some people at the headquarters who support making peace with Honor Technology. Everyone should compete fairly and don't play tricks.

But there are more voices that want to suppress Honor Technology, Nanshan Semiconductor, and various competitive high-tech companies in China.

In this context, some things are more difficult to handle.

"We are just a company, there is no need to involve so many things."

"Now China has just entered the 4G era, and we already have mature 4G products in the United States."

"If it can be sold quickly in the Chinese market, then the sales volume will definitely be worth looking forward to."

"Not to mention selling five to six million mobile phones a month, selling two million units is definitely not a problem."

Lin Rong's position determined that her standing was definitely not as high as Wang Ziming's.

She feels that her idea makes sense and is beneficial to the headquarters. There is no reason why it cannot be implemented.

But in fact, things that make sense cannot be implemented in this world.

"I'll communicate with Kuka again and see if I can convince him."

"However, the Chinese market is already in its current situation. Even if KUKA can change its mind, Honor Technology may not be willing to compromise."

When Wang Ziming said this, he immediately silenced Lin Rong.

Yes, Honor Technology is not stupid.

How could people re-release Apple mobile phones, an important competitor, for the sake of an American market that is not easy to develop?

This is obviously detrimental to Honor Technology.

While Wang Ziming and Lin Rong were analyzing the ideas of Honor Technology, Xia Qingqing, as the general manager of Honor Technology, was accepting an exclusive interview with China Channel with Cao Yang.

Originally, Cao Yang wanted Xia Qingqing to deal with it alone. She was already very experienced anyway.

It is impossible for Huaxia TV to leave any pitfalls for her.

But considering the arrival of the 4G era and the Internet+ era this time, the impact is quite special.

At the kind invitation of Xia Qingqing and Huaxia TV, Cao Yang also participated in this interview.

As the world's richest man and one of China's most well-known business figures, Cao Yang rarely accepts interviews on television.

In order to show its attention, China Television directly sent a small team to Honor Technology and held the interview directly in the family's living room.

The host of China Channel is Wang Xiaoya, the leading actress of the financial channel.

"The arrival of the 4G era is of far-reaching significance and has had a huge impact on the communications industry, social and economic development, and people's lifestyles."

"Compared with 3G, 4G provides higher data transmission rates and lower network latency, allowing users to enjoy online video, audio, games and other applications more smoothly."

“This not only improves the user experience, but also drives the development and innovation of mobile applications.”

"At the same time, the popularity of 4G networks has also promoted the popularity and upgrade of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, further promoting the prosperity of the entire communications industry."

"We at Honor Technology responded immediately to the arrival of the 4G era and launched the HONOR5 4G version of a new generation flagship phone. This is also because the arrival of the 4G era is of great significance..."

Cao Yang did not directly steal Xia Qingqing's limelight. After letting her talk to Wang Xiaoya for several minutes, under Wang Xiaoya's guidance, he briefly expressed his views on the Internet of Everything.

"The advent of the 4G era has provided new impetus for the development of all walks of life."

"In fields such as medical care, education, transportation, and finance, the application of 4G networks makes telemedicine, online education, smart transportation, mobile payment, etc. possible, and will greatly improve the operational efficiency of society."

"In addition, 4G networks will further promote the rapid development of emerging industries such as e-commerce and mobile advertising, injecting new vitality into economic growth."

Cao Yang knew that after his speech was broadcast by China Channel, it would definitely attract the attention of many people.

So when I spoke, I didn't speak in detail, I just talked about something in a broad sense first.

To say it in too much detail is equivalent to directly disclosing some specific business opportunities to competitors.

He's not that great.

"Mr. Cao, in response to the arrival of the 4G network era, Honor Technology has launched related 4G mobile phones. The current market response is very enthusiastic."

"So what specific actions will other companies in the Nanshan Group take during this change?"

The broad concepts mentioned by Cao Yang definitely cannot satisfy Wang Xiaoya. She hopes to dig out some more meaningful content and increase the ratings of this exclusive interview.

"4G communication is a huge progress. Both Honor Technology and other sister companies will make a series of adjustments in response to this change."

"Nanshan Semiconductor, Nanshan Equipment, Daystar Technology, Nanshan Film and Television, Autohome and other companies will make a series of adjustments around the arrival of this new era."

“These adjustments can be broadly summarized using the term Internet+.”

As soon as Cao Yang finished speaking, Wang Xiaoya became interested immediately, "Internet+?"

"Did you just coin this word, Mr. Cao?"

Obviously, this was the first time Wang Xiaoya heard the term "Internet+", but Cao Yang directly denied it.

"It's really not."

"It was put forward by the chairman of Analysys International in the report of the Fifth Mobile Internet Expo Forum in November 2012."

"Based on the basic paradigm of chemical expressions, he proposed an abstract paradigm of a comprehensive economic concept that applies the new generation of information technology led by 'Internet +' to products and services in various industries in the future."

"However, the concept didn't attract much attention at the time."

“But when this concept is combined with the arrival of the 4G era, I think it will have a completely different meaning.”

"Enterprises in each of our groups will launch Internet+ action plans around the 4G era."

"I even think that the whole of China can move in the direction of 'Internet +'."

Cao Yang felt that we could give some appropriate push and release things like the "Guiding Opinions on Actively Promoting the "Internet +" Action" that were issued two years later.

This is definitely beneficial to the development of all walks of life in China.

"Mr. Cao, what does this 'Internet+' mean specifically?"

Wang Xiaoya has now shifted her focus from Honor mobile phones to Cao Yang. She feels that the topic of Internet+ is completely worthy of a good discussion.

Maybe this word will become a hot word in the whole society after the interview is broadcast.

"'Internet+' represents a new economic form. It refers to the combination of the Internet and traditional industries relying on Internet information technology to complete economic transformation and transformation by optimizing production factors, updating business systems, and reconstructing business models. upgrade."

"This kind of integration is not simply the addition of the two, but the use of information and communication technology and Internet platforms to deeply integrate the Internet with traditional industries to create a new development ecology."

“Entrepreneurship and innovation, collaborative manufacturing, modern agriculture, smart energy, inclusive finance, people-benefiting services, efficient logistics, e-commerce, convenient transportation, green ecology, artificial intelligence and other fields can be combined with the Internet to play the role of Internet+ effect."

"Other companies in our group will soon launch some relevant specific Internet + action plans."

Cao Yang and Wang Xiaoya chatted for more than 20 minutes on the topic of Internet+, and the entire interview deviated from the outline.

But Huaxia TV obviously doesn't mind either.

Xia Qingqing, who spent most of her time as a vase beside her, naturally had no objections.

She is now the most famous female entrepreneur in China, and going to China TV is a daily routine for her.

Not to mention that her aunt is still the deputy director of China Channel, and she may be able to go further in the future.

China Channel acted quickly. On the third day after the interview, the relevant content was broadcast during prime time on the financial channel.

"The 4G era is coming, talk to the world's richest man, and enter the Internet+ action plan"

The name of the exclusive interview is a bit long, but it doesn't affect the ratings at all.

"Akuan, did you read Cao Yang's interview?"

At a wooden barbecue restaurant in Yangcheng, Yang Ze took a sip of draft beer and spoke solemnly to his old friend Zhang Kuan.

The two of them were in the same IT company back then, and later started their own business together. They have initially achieved financial freedom in these years.

But Yang Ze is obviously not the kind of person who wants to live a peaceful life.

"It seems that what he said makes sense, but it's just a bit condescending and makes people not particularly clear about what Internet+ means."

Zhang Kuan ate a bunch of mutton with relish and looked at Yang Ze with some confusion.

Well, if he knew that the mutton kebabs may not contain mutton, but duck meat, or even mouse meat, he would probably lose his appetite.

"Why are you so superior? People made it very clear."

"Everything is interconnected, and any industry can be integrated with the Internet."

"I think this concept is very good and worthy of our investment."

When Yang Ze said this, Zhang Kuan was stunned for a moment. His close friend had an ulterior motive for inviting him to dinner today.

“What do you want to invest in?”

After quickly understanding Yang Ze's thoughts, Zhang Kuan asked his question directly without going around in circles.

"Have you noticed? Many people in our office are usually busy. Most of the time they eat takeout and occasionally buy food and cook for themselves. We often find it not that convenient."

"Although there are some platforms where you can buy vegetables and meat, they are not very good."

"I'm thinking, if we develop an APP and move the vegetable market to the APP, everyone can buy fresh vegetables and fish on it, and it can be delivered in a short time. Do you think there will be a market? "

Everything is connected to the Internet. What Yang Ze is thinking about now is to connect the vegetable market to the Internet.

He has been thinking about it all day today, and has also asked several people indirectly, and feels that this idea is very feasible.

“Develop an APP for buying groceries?”

Zhang Kuan is also a senior programmer, so he can naturally identify which projects are promising.

Obviously, if such an APP can really be done well, it will definitely have a future.

By then, they may be able to take the company public, and then they will have complete financial freedom.

Yang Ze, as the second generation of the demolition team, still wants to work hard, so he has no reason not to work hard.

"Yes, the development of this kind of APP is not particularly difficult. Our current team can build it in a month."

"My parents happen to know some local vegetable vendors. If we can integrate these resources, the initial supply will not be a problem."

The more Yang Ze talked, the more excited he became, full of interest in the future.

Many people in their family are from the second generation, and many of them live a life of dissipation and extravagance, with no personal achievements to speak of.

If he can make use of these people's funds, he doesn't even need to use all his own funds in the early stage.

After you become famous later, you can naturally attract investment, and the money you will burn will not be yours.

In recent years, there have been many successful entrepreneurial cases in the Chinese IT circle, and Yang Ze hopes that he can also become a case for others in the future.

"If you really want to do it, you have to plan it carefully. Otherwise, you will find out that you are going in the wrong direction halfway through, and it will be very troublesome."

Zhang Kuan thought for a while and felt that the idea of ​​a good gay friend was quite good.

If it really works out, then this life will be worth it.

"I've already thought of a name for this APP. It's called Daily Fresh Food, so it's easy to understand at a glance."

"Then the next month..."

Yang Ze and Zhang Kuan became more and more excited as they talked. They skipped the barbecue at the back and ran back to the company to start working.

After reading this interview with Cao Yang, Liang Hualong of Nanshan Automobile Group also came up with the idea of ​​starting a business.

In 2003, Liang Hualong entered Nanshan Group through campus recruitment and has been working for ten years now.

He feels that the conditions are ripe for starting a business at this time.

"Tian Sheng, I'm ready to resign!"

If you want to start a business, you definitely can’t do it alone.

Liang Hualong thought about dragging his old classmate Lin Tiansheng over to start a business with him.

So tonight he specially found a food stall, ordered some seafood, and ordered a bucket of draft beer, ready to have a good talk.

Here in Yangcheng, seafood food stalls like the one Liang Hualong went to today are quite popular.

Stir-fried scallops, boiled squid, pan-fried pomfret, fried oysters...

It's delicious and not expensive, attracting many people to come for late-night snacks.


"Can you find a better place in China than Nanshan Automobile Group?"

Lin Tiansheng was shocked.

The two have known each other since they were freshmen, more than ten years have passed.

I originally thought that everyone would work at Nanshan Automobile Group until retirement, but I didn't expect that he would choose to leave.

This was beyond his expectation.

"If it were to change jobs, I would definitely not change jobs."

"Then what do you want to do? Come out and do it yourself?"

"Yes, I want to start a business!"

“Starting a business is very risky!”

Lin Tiansheng felt that the boiled squid in front of him no longer tasted good.

If a good gay friend chooses to start a business, will you support or oppose it?

"I wonder if you watched the interview program with Mr. Cao on China Channel?"

"According to Mr. Cao, after the emergence of 4G communications, China has officially entered the 4G era. This is an era of interconnection of everything, and this is an era of Internet +."

"Many new entrepreneurial opportunities are fleeting. If we don't seize these opportunities this year and next, it will be very difficult to start a business in the future."

Since he wants to drag Lin Tiansheng to start a business with him, Liang Hualong must make his thoughts clear.

Otherwise, if the other party is doing well in Nanshan Automobile Group, why would he take risks with you?

"I watched that show, and it was full of useful information. It really made people think a lot."

"But even if the track is very good, it is not that easy to succeed."

"Besides, Mr. Cao said it's the Internet of Everything, but you can't start a business just by building the Internet of Everything, right?"

Lin Tiansheng calmed down and prepared to listen to Liang Hualong's thoughts.

"Of course I can't launch a large and comprehensive entrepreneurial project that I don't know how to implement."

“Hasn’t Honor mobile phone launched a new 4G version now?”

"Lenovo, Samsung, and Warwick have also stated that they have launched or will launch 4G mobile phones."

"This means that China's mobile phone industry will soon fully enter the 4G era. By then, consumers will be able to enjoy fast network services, which will make smartphones smarter and more convenient."

"In this case, watching movies and live broadcasts will definitely become very convenient."

"Especially the live streaming aspect, I think it's very promising. This is the project I want to leave my job to pursue."

When Liang Hualong said this, Lin Tiansheng also became interested, "Live broadcast? Is this really going to happen?"


Liang Hualong responded very definitely, saying: "Live streaming APP can bring users a rich entertainment experience."

"Whether it's game live broadcasts, talent shows or life sharing, live broadcasts provide users with diverse content choices."

"Users can watch the live content they are interested in during their free time, relax and enjoy entertainment time."

Obviously, Liang Hualong has put some thought into the project he is going to start a business.

After all, they are people who have been working for ten years, not just graduated college students.

"This does sound interesting. If the content of the live broadcast is good, I will watch it."

“But how can we make money from this APP?”

Lin Tiansheng asked a very critical question.

In the Internet industry, how to make money is a critical issue.

Even in the early days of the development of the Internet industry, this problem was very acute.

Although after more than ten years of hard work, many Internet companies have found their own profit points, new Internet projects will definitely still have to face the problem of profitability.

"Live streaming APP has high commercial value."

Liang Hualong gave his reply without any hesitation, saying: "For anchors, live broadcast APP provides them with a stage to show their talents and charm. They can gain fan support through live broadcast and realize their personal value. You can also obtain financial benefits through tips, advertising, etc.”

"For brand merchants, live broadcast APP is an important channel for publicity and promotion. They can cooperate with anchors to showcase their products or services and attract the attention of potential consumers."

"In the future, you can even sell goods directly through live broadcast. These are very exciting things."

"During this process, we can take a commission from tips, gain revenue from advertising fees, and even directly receive cooperation funds from some brands."

"Of course, live streaming is too big. If we want to start a business, we can't choose to do everything. Instead, we will consider a few key directions."

With Liang Hualong's introduction, Lin Tiansheng had a more detailed understanding of this entrepreneurial project.

The two of them have been working for so many years, so they naturally have some insight.

A project like the live streaming APP obviously has a head start.

At least as long as this project is really implemented, there is no need to worry about no one investing.

"Lao Liang, are you really sure you want to leave your job and start a business?"

"The work will probably be even more tiring than it is now."

Lin Tiansheng stared into Liang Hualong's eyes, as if he wanted to confirm whether the other party's determination was firm.

"Yes, I have already written the resignation application and will formally submit it tomorrow!"

"Then I plan to choose the registration location of the new company near the junction of Huangpu and Guancheng."

"When the time comes for the company's first batch of anchors, I'm going to recruit a group of good girls from Guancheng..."

As soon as Liang Hualong's plan came out, Lin Tiansheng was stunned.

But if you think about it, it seems that these girls are really suitable for live broadcasting.

They must be very liberal!

"Lao Liang, count me in!"

"I will also submit my resignation application tomorrow!"

Thinking of working with a large number of girls in the future, Lin Tiansheng felt full of energy.

He even thought about personally instructing the female anchors on how to attract more users and how to figure out the ideas of diaosi.

However, he feels that he should also consider fitness starting tomorrow.

Otherwise, it would be a pity and a waste if we don't have enough physical strength by then.

"Old Lin, congratulations on making a wise choice!"

"Come on, let's go one by one!"

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