Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 835 Industrial Revolution 40, starting with Nanshan Equipment

Chapter 835 Industrial Revolution 4.0, starting with Nanshan Equipment

The concept of Internet+ is very hot these days.

In particular, the leaders of relevant departments mentioned this word on several occasions, and after China Channel's news broadcast specifically broadcast the leaders' speeches on Internet+, the word became even more popular.

What really pushed this word into the hot word of the year was the release of the "Guiding Opinions of the Government Affairs Council on Actively Promoting the "Internet +" Action".

This guidance mainly focuses on "Internet +", aiming to promote the in-depth integration of innovative achievements of the Internet with various economic and social fields, and further promote social development.

The overall idea is to comply with the world's "Internet +" development trend, give full play to the scale and application advantages of China Internet, promote the expansion of the Internet from the consumption field to the production field, accelerate the improvement of industrial development levels, enhance the innovation capabilities of various industries, and build a new era of economic and social development. advantages and new momentum.

Many of the concepts here are very close to Cao Yang’s interview on China Channel.

With the speech of the world’s richest man and the official endorsement, no one in China will question the correctness of Internet+.

Not to mention that many people in the Internet industry have begun to start businesses around Internet +. Even in the real industry, everyone is thinking about how to combine their companies with Internet +.

Especially those listed companies are eager to have one of the company's projects related to Internet+. This can stimulate the stock price, which may reach the daily limit.

As for the cost of these projects, it is nothing at all in the face of rising stock prices.

"Mr. Cao, combined with the Internet+ concept, which is very popular during this period, companies from all walks of life are looking for entry points that suit them."

"We at Nanshan Equipment have also held several internal seminars to discuss how to integrate this concept with our company."

Pan Jinxing made an appointment with Cao Yang for an hour to report on Nanshan Equipment's new ideas.

They have been brewing this idea for a week and are preparing to officially launch it.

"Looking at you like this, it seems that you have found an entry point?"

Cao Yang was really curious about what surprise Pan Jinxing would bring to him.

The equipment industry can also be regarded as the core industry where Nanshan Group was founded.

Even today, Nanshan Equipment is still a very core enterprise in the Nanshan Group, and there is no problem even saying that it is the most core existence.

"We are ready to promote the concept of Industry 4.0 in China and make Nanshan Equipment the pioneer of Industry 4.0 in China."

Pan Jinxing directly launched a blockbuster concept, that is Industry 4.0.

Naturally, Cao Yang had heard of this word before.

However, it is not that easy to truly achieve Industry 4.0.

“Did you come up with this Industry 4.0 yourself?”

"What is its relationship with previous stages of industrialization, and how to distinguish it?"

Although Cao Yang probably knew what this thing was about, he definitely wanted to pretend that he didn't know anything at this time.

"No, the concept of Industry 4.0 first appeared in Germany and was officially launched at this year's Hannover Messe."

"Its core purpose is to improve the competitiveness of German industry and take the lead in the new round of industrial revolution."

"I think there is no problem in bringing it to China."

Pan Jinxing did not put this name on himself just for the sake of fame. After all, after this concept is popularized in the future, everyone will definitely know that the origin is Germany.

At that time, Nanshan Equipment will be embarrassed.

"The core characteristics of Industry 4.0 include interconnection, data, integration, innovation and transformation."

“It emphasizes the close connection between equipment, production lines, factories, suppliers, products and customers, as well as the connection of product data, equipment data, R\u0026D data, industrial chain data, operational data, management data, sales data, and consumer data. "

"Industry 4.0 realizes intelligent networks through technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data and analytics, artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented reality and virtual reality, and promotes high horizontal, vertical and end-to-end integration."

“Many of these fields are areas that our Nanshan Equipment or our group’s brother companies are relatively good at.”

"We can definitely build the group into a benchmark for China's Industry 4.0, lead China into the Industry 4.0 era, and realize a new industrial revolution."

As an academician of the Academy of Engineering, Pan Jinxing must be very generous in his actions.

If the concept of Industry 4.0 was proposed by ordinary enterprises, it would probably have no influence at all.

However, as Nanshan Equipment is the largest equipment industry in China, and Pan Jinxing is a newly emerging academician, the situation is different.

Not to mention that behind Nanshan Equipment is Cao Yang, the richest man in the world.

"How does Nanshan Equipment prepare to implement and promote the Industry 4.0 revolution within the company?"

Cao Yang would definitely not object to Pan Jinxing's proposal.

But he was also a little curious about what the other party was planning to do.

After all, if you just mention a concept, it doesn't make much sense.

There are many people in China who are good at theoretical research, and they can come up with all kinds of new concepts.

"The various equipment produced by our company are ready to realize the Industry 4.0 revolution from the following five aspects."

Pan Jinxing obviously came prepared. After listening to Cao Yang's words, he immediately started his statement.

“The first is the intelligence and interconnectivity of devices.”

“Our production equipment needs to be able to operate intelligently and have the ability to communicate with other equipment and systems in real time.”

"This can achieve real-time collection, transmission and processing of data through the device's built-in sensors, actuators and communication modules."

“At the same time, the device can also be combined with industrial Internet of Things technology to seamlessly integrate with cloud platforms, other devices, and enterprise information systems.”

“Then there’s automation and flexible production.”

"In my opinion, Industry 4.0 emphasizes the application of automated production lines to improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs."

“Therefore, production equipment needs to have a high degree of automation capabilities, including automatically adjusting parameters, automatically detecting errors, and automatically performing maintenance.”

"In addition, in order to meet the needs of personalized customization, production equipment also needs to have flexible production capabilities, that is, it can quickly adapt to the production needs of different products."

"This is also a concept that companies in Germany are preparing to promote."

Pan Jinxing said while watching Cao Yang's reaction.

To start this matter, we definitely need Cao Yang's support.

There's no point in making a small fuss. If you want to do something about it, just make it a new concept that will shock the whole country.

"The other thing is that my equipment should be as modular and scalable as possible."

“In order to adapt to changing market demands and product updates, production equipment needs to have a modular design so that new functions can be easily added or old parts can be replaced.”

“In addition, the equipment needs to support scalability so that production capabilities can be easily expanded when needed.”

"This aspect is somewhat similar to the OTA upgrade function of future cars."


Pan Jinxing spent more than ten minutes eloquently introducing his efforts to prepare Nanshan Equipment for entering the Industry 4.0 era.

It must be said that the academician's actions are extraordinary.

Although Cao Yang had some understanding of the concept of Industry 4.0 before, it was definitely not as comprehensive as what Pan Jinxing introduced.

"Academician Pan, this concept can be specially formed into a document and submitted to the relevant departments to let them understand it first."

"The best thing is to let them come to Nanshan Equipment to visit the production line and introduce some of the technologies that are already moving towards the Industry 4.0 era."

"I estimate that relevant departments are very interested in this concept."

Cao Yang quickly gave specific instructions.

This kind of concept that needs to be promoted throughout China will definitely not be very effective if it is purely relying on one company to promote it.

It would be better to conduct top-down publicity and promotion to make all walks of life move towards Industry 4.0.

This is definitely of extraordinary significance to Nanshan Equipment.

Not to mention other false names, if all walks of life want to march towards Industry 4.0, they must first transform various equipment or introduce some more advanced equipment.

This is a huge order for Nanshan Equipment.

As long as part of it can be eaten, the scale of Nanshan Equipment can be taken to a new level.

Not only Cao Yang understood this truth, but Pan Jinxing also knew it.

Therefore, the relevant documents were quickly worked overtime and submitted to the relevant departments.

Regarding the information submitted by Nanshan Equipment, the relevant departments must pay different attention to it.

Especially such a lofty and timely concept immediately attracted the attention and interest of the big guys.

In an instant, Industry 4.0 has become a learning document for institutions at all levels and state-owned enterprises.

And Nanshan Equipment, the initiator, has naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"Mr. Cao, your concept of Industry 4.0 is very impressive. We at Ji Er have been thinking about how to improve our overall technical level and enhance our corporate image so that everyone will no longer regard us as a company that only produces products." Tiegeda’s factory tried its best.”

"Now that we have the concept of Industry 4.0, the situation will be different immediately."

Zhang Sheng and Cao Yang from Ji'er Machine Tool Factory are old acquaintances.

So if he had anything to do, he would always call Cao Yang directly.

As the only capable person in the original "Chinese Eighteen Arhat Machine Tool Factory", Cao Yang also attached great importance to Ji Er.

In particular, the stamping production line used in Jier's automotive stamping workshop has become their famous brand product.

More than 70% of the newly built automobile factories in China in recent years use Jier's stamping equipment.

Of course, in this stamping equipment, many core parts such as CNC systems are provided by Nanshan-based companies such as Nanshan Equipment or Nanshan Auto Parts.

"What, your Ji Er Machine Tool Factory is finally ready to be at the forefront of the times?"

Cao Yang is relatively familiar with the situation of Ji'er Machine Tool Factory, and has even visited it several times in person.

Ji Er's performance in recent years has been pretty good, and Zhang Sheng has always been thinking about long-term development.

However, it is obviously not that easy for a big and old traditional enterprise to transform.

Now the Industry 4.0 concept proposed by Nanshan Equipment has pointed out the direction for their efforts.

Intelligence and interconnectivity, automation and flexible production, data-driven and decision support, modularity and scalability, security and reliability...

As long as we develop in accordance with the guidance documents officially issued by relevant departments, there is no need to worry about route issues.

Zhang Sheng is also a person who knows the goods. After reading the document, he knows that this thing has a strong practical guiding significance and is not the kind of thing that deceives people.

That's why he called Cao Yang directly.

“It’s unworthy of us to be at the forefront of the times. This is the honor of Nanshan Equipment.”

“But we Ji Er can still do it by following Big Brother’s footsteps and doing our part.”

"Many companies are currently building new energy factories. By then, the relevant equipment in the stamping workshop can fully incorporate the concept of Industry 4.0."

"I guess many companies are interested."

"However, this Industry 4.0 development plan involves a lot of things related to intelligent networking and a lot of chip-related technologies. I will need your help, Mr. Cao."

Zhang Sheng is also well-known independently.

We know that Ji Er alone cannot complete the transformation of Industry 4.0.

As traditional machine tool companies, they have always been relatively weak in terms of control systems, not to mention things related to Internet+ such as intelligent network connections.

Rather than leaving this part of the business to other companies, it is better to cooperate well with Nanshan Equipment.

"No problem. Nanshan Equipment has officially established an Industry 4.0 promotion department, and they can be connected with you by then."

“If you need to exchange anything or purchase those modules, feel free to ask.”

Zhang Sheng is here to deliver business to Nanshan Equipment, and Cao Yang must be happy to accept it.

To thoroughly promote Industrial Revolution 4.0, Nanshan Equipment alone is obviously not enough.

Now that this big flag has been raised, it is natural to do it well.

There are also many companies that are interested in the Industry 4.0 concept proposed by Nanshan Equipment.

BYD first thought about how to integrate its foundry with this Industry 4.0, making everyone realize that the foundry industry can also be a high-end industry.

"Mr. Xia, we are preparing to carry out a comprehensive equipment upgrade and transformation of the mobile phone foundry."

"Of course, this transformation will not be carried out on all production lines at the same time, but will be continuously improved based on changes in demand for production capacity."

Wang Fu and Zhong Qiang came to Honor Technology together and directly discussed this topic with Xia Qingqing.

Although the concept of Industry 4.0 was proposed by Nanshan Equipment, BYD's largest customer is Honor Technology, and they must have communicated with Honor Technology first.

"What modifications are you going to make?"

Xia Qingqing really didn't expect that BYD would choose to transform the production line at this time.

With the advent of the 4G era, the HONOR5 4G version is now hard to find.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously inappropriate to carry out equipment modification.

At least that's what Xia Qingqing thinks now.

"We are ready to further introduce automation systems and robotics technology to achieve a high degree of automation in the mobile phone production line and improve production efficiency and accuracy."

“At the same time, using technologies such as big data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning, our mobile phone production workshops are able to collect, analyze and utilize massive data generated during the production process in real time, thereby supporting real-time decision-making, optimizing production and predicting maintenance needs. "

"This data-driven decision-making approach will make BYD's mobile phone production lines more efficient, flexible and sustainable."

"Furthermore, we are planning to share various system data of the mobile phone production line with Honor Technology, so that customers can see the status of every link of our production line without leaving the company..."

With Wang Fu's introduction, Xia Qingqing slowly became interested.

These production line modifications seem to be quite valuable.

Of course, the premise is that it does not affect the shipment speed of Honor mobile phones.

"Mr. Wang, if you want to carry out such a big transformation, there will be a lot of equipment involved."

"Indeed, we have our own internal business unit responsible for part of the equipment business, and we will also cooperate with Nanshan Equipment for part of the business. In the end, it will definitely be completed smoothly."

Wang Fu may not have confidence in his business unit, but he is definitely full of confidence in Nanshan Equipment.

Throughout China, if Nanshan Equipment cannot handle the equipment despite all its efforts, basically no company can handle it.

This result has been proven by many cases.

"As long as it does not affect the production of mobile phones, we will definitely support it fully."

At this time, Xia Qingqing naturally had nothing to hesitate.

After receiving the consent of Honor Technology, BYD also issued a special announcement stating that its mobile phone OEM production line will undergo Industry 4.0 transformation to meet the needs of the development of the times.

Outside companies are following suit, and companies within the Nanshan Group cannot remain indifferent.

Zeng Tingting, who has always been good at grasping Cao Yang's ideas, also proposed a plan related to Industry 4.0 on behalf of Future Automobile.

"Mr. Cao, judging from the current situation, the factory production capacity of Future Automobile will be completely saturated next year. The construction of a new factory must be started this year to meet market demand."

"Considering that the new energy vehicle industry is developing very fast now, customers have diverse needs for various configurations."

"When we prepare to build this factory, we will build it according to Industry 4.0 standards."

"Especially in terms of reflecting the personalization and customization characteristics of Industry 4.0, our new factory will make a lot of preparations."

"By building closer relationships with customers and supplier partners, our new factory will be able to achieve personalized production and customized services in the future to meet customers' specific needs and requirements."

"This can not only improve the market competitiveness of various future car models, but also promote collaborative innovation and development of the supply chain."

I have to say that Zeng Tingting’s entry point is really closely related to the concept of Industry 4.0.

Although personalization is nothing new, some car companies are already doing it.

However, future cars will obviously go further on the basis of their predecessors and thoroughly carry forward personalized customization.

"If it can be customized, then we can have more optional configurations."

"However, when the time comes to set prices, don't make the price system of the model too complicated, as it may be counterproductive."

Cao Yang immediately thought of the complicated price system of Xpeng G6 when it was first launched, which immediately pissed off consumers.

Although Xpeng urgently simplified related projects later, the adverse effects have already been caused.

This lesson really needs to be paid attention to.

Too many fancy things can easily arouse consumers' disgust.

After all, in today’s automobile market, consumers still have a lot of choices, and you don’t have to choose one.

"Well, we must pay attention to this aspect."

"In addition to working hard on personalized customization, our new factory is also preparing to make full use of big data and work with other brother companies in the group to analyze and apply this data."

"In terms of artificial intelligence, we will also work with sister companies such as Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment to make Future Auto's new factory a benchmark factory in the global automobile industry."

The factory of Xingchen Automobile has been regarded as a benchmark factory in the automobile industry for many years. The buildings of several subsequent factories such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz were designed based on the factory template of Xingchen Automobile.

However, as more car companies upgrade according to this template, Xingchen Motors' factory technology advantages will become less obvious.

Obviously, Zeng Tingting is ready to continue to work hard in this area so that future cars can continue to carry this banner.

This is quite meaningful for Nanshan Automobile Group.

Although after the new factory is built, other companies will definitely build their own new factories based on this factory, and eventually more advanced factories will appear.

However, in addition to Future Auto, Nanshan Automobile Group also has Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover.

As their sales increase, there will naturally be a need to build new factories.

When the time comes, upgrades will be carried out every now and then, and it will always be possible to ensure that Nanshan Automobile Group's factories are at the leading level in the world.

Even old factories can be upgraded.

Anyway, with such a big backer as Nanshan Equipment, there is no need to worry about such and such restrictions.

"The development of future automobiles in the next few years is indeed worth looking forward to."

"However, I think that future car sales growth cannot be achieved by launching new models one after another, but rather by developing several popular models."

"In my opinion, the number of future car models at the same time should be maintained at five to six."

Although there are more models, theoretically sales will rise simultaneously, but popular models will have a greater impact on sales.

And popular models can quickly achieve scale effects and reduce various costs.

This is very beneficial to improving the company's profits.

Why was Tesla able to become the most profitable electric vehicle company in its previous life?

One of the reasons is that they rely on building popular models to minimize development fees and parts costs.

And the emergence of popular models can significantly reduce marketing investment.

Because you don’t do marketing, there are many traffic-generating media who will take the initiative to write various analysis articles for you.

Competitors will also compare you on various occasions, which is an invisible advertisement for you.

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