Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 964 Grand 2015 goal, strength is the greatest deterrent

"Government procurement?"

Xia Qingqing's eyes lit up. This piece of cake has always been Lenovo's cake.

If Honor Technology can grab it, it will definitely be worth looking forward to.

You know, the sales volume of Honor mobile phones is five or six times that of Honor computers. If this gap can be reduced by half, it will directly be tens of millions of computers.

In the future, Honor Technology's turnover will not only exceed 2000 billion, but even if it touches a higher goal, it is not without hope.

With Honor Technology's current influence, this step can be tried.

"Yes, the relevant departments should take some actions in this regard in the future."

"If we push it, various actions should be implemented faster."

"Especially in terms of the security of the operating system, we can do a good job in it."

"For example, in the future, the computers in Lingnan Province's bidding will require the use of domestic operating systems. Just adding such a simple prerequisite can completely change the situation."

Cao Yang knows that the procurement involving relevant departments needs to withstand scrutiny in terms of process.

If the bidding directly stipulates the purchase of Honor Technology's computers, it is definitely inappropriate.

However, it would be reasonable to add a requirement to use a domestic operating system to the bidding requirements.

After all, the computers used by relevant departments in China will more or less involve some secrets.

When using foreign operating systems, no one knows whether there are backdoors in the software, and whether some secrets will be leaked at that time.

Some people can even be specially arranged to hype this topic to make everyone doubt the security and confidentiality of Microsoft's current operating system.

As long as it works well, there will be a lot of things to do.

Now Lenovo's computers all use Microsoft's operating system. If such a clause is added, they will either be forced to purchase Honor Technology's operating system or withdraw from the relevant market.

In either case, it is not what the other party wants to see.

"Mr. Cao, I will follow up on this matter in person and make sure it is implemented as soon as possible."

This kind of big thing that will affect the future development of Honor Technology, Xia Qingqing must personally grasp it.

And she also has certain advantages in dealing with relevant departments.

Next, Cao Yang continued to listen to various reports from Nanshan Energy Group, Nanshan Media Group and other companies. The finale was Nanshan Semiconductor and Venusstar Technology.

These two companies are definitely representatives of high technology.

The technological content is more than one level higher than Honor Technology and Nanshan Automobile Group.

"Mr. Cao, we are going to officially announce the construction of four new factories with 7-nanometer process technology before the Spring Festival."

"Among them, the factory in Yangcheng is also preparing to speed up the construction during the Spring Festival, striving to complete the introduction of equipment by the end of next year, and officially enter mass production in the first quarter of the year after."

Zhang Jing is now in high spirits.

Nanshan Semiconductor invested 50 billion yuan in one go to build four world-leading factories, which is a big move that has never been seen in the entire history of China's development.

The most important thing is that they really mastered the core technology.

Along with Nanshan Semiconductor's big move, the performance of Nanshan Equipment and other chip equipment manufacturers has also improved a lot.

Some customers who used to ignore it have now become proactive.

"Sure. The winter in the capital and Chang'an is too cold, not very suitable for outdoor construction, but it is not affected in Yangcheng."

"Let's advance the progress of one of the factories first, and accumulate some experience for reference for other factories."

"And the matching of Honor Technology's new products also requires you to provide some chips as soon as possible."

This big project was decided by Cao Yang himself. Now it is going to be implemented, and he naturally cannot object.

The era of the Internet of Everything has arrived, and the demand for chips will also have an explosive growth.

And the development momentum of new energy vehicles has risen. Compared with traditional cars, the demand for chips for electric vehicles has also increased a lot.

So Nanshan Semiconductor also needs to expand production capacity to meet demand.

Otherwise, when the chips are in short supply, although you can raise prices to make more money, but if you don't grab the market share, it will be a pity.

"Huaxia TV wants to shoot a documentary about 7-nanometer process chip technology. Should we cooperate?"

Before officially reporting some details, Zhang Jing reported some miscellaneous things first.

After all, some things are not big, but they are definitely not small.

"We can cooperate, but some key parameters of chip and equipment development must not be disclosed to the public."

"Now Intel and Samsung are desperately trying to compress the development time of chip technology with 7-nanometer process technology. They hope to start building related factories in the second half of this year to avoid being left behind by us."

"In this case, we must not help the enemy."

Although Cao Yang attaches great importance to publicity, it does not mean that he does not attach importance to confidentiality.

China has suffered a lot in the past few decades because of not paying attention to confidentiality.

"I understand. When the time comes, the company will arrange a special audit team to confirm confidentiality-related matters."

"Avoid the leakage of company confidential information during publicity."

After listening to Cao Yang's words, Zhang Jing naturally knew what to do.

Next, Cao Yang began to make further requests.

"In terms of AI chips, you should cooperate with Honor Technology to make some breakthroughs as soon as possible."

"Even if you develop the first generation of products first, you can evolve slowly later."

"This will definitely be a huge outlet in the future."

Cao Yang is too aware of the huge deterrent power of the AI ​​era.

Nvidia, which was once acquired by Nanshan Semiconductor but was forced to sell, is a leading company in the future.

And the current scale of Nvidia is far less than that of Nanshan Semiconductor.

As long as we work harder here, it is inevitable to surpass Nvidia in the field of AI chips.

Cao Yang is very confident about this.

"AI chips, autonomous driving chips, smart cockpit chips and other chip technologies that the group's brother companies are paying close attention to, we have special departments to develop them."

"It is expected that the first generation of products will be available this year, and there will be at least one iteration every year in the future."

Zhang Jing naturally arranged people to deal with things that Cao Yang attaches so much importance to.

In the past, Nanshan Semiconductor's main development focus was on continuously improving chip process technology.

From catching up with the advanced level of the industry to leading the industry, these years of efforts have not been in vain.

In the next stage, in addition to continuing to improve chip process technology and developing 3-nanometer or even 2-nanometer chips, using its own technology to develop more unique chip products is the top priority.

Just like practicing martial arts, chip process technology is like internal strength. Your content has improved, but if there is no suitable move to match, the effect is very limited.

Various chips with specific application scenarios are like moves.

If you do it well, you can stir up the market and become a hegemon.

Just like the smart cockpit chip jointly developed by Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Automobile Group, it is now one of the top existences in the industry.

For the products of China's new energy vehicle companies, as long as they want to promote technologies related to smart cockpits, there is no way to avoid this chip.

In the future, with the continuous upgrading of chip technology, this trend will only become more and more obvious.

This is like the early 21st century, when Intel's various CPU product upgrades almost became the products that all computer manufacturers were vying for.

In all kinds of publicity and comparison materials of competing products, CPU comparisons are inevitable.


After listening to the various summaries and plans of Nanshan Semiconductor, Cao Yang continued to come to Venusstar Technology.

As the largest private aerospace company in China, Venusstar Technology is definitely very successful.

Whether it is the successful use of Venusstar 9 and MAX, the launch and formation of the Starlink satellite system, or the development of space stations and various drones, helicopters and other aerospace products, they are constantly refreshing everyone's understanding of it.

"Mr. Cao, we completed 124 space launch missions last year, ranking first in the world."

"This data, except for the Space Exploration Technology Company in the United States, which can be compared with us, the total number of space launches of all other countries is less than 124."

Since it is a summary, it is definitely necessary to mention the achievements.

The number of rocket launches by a company is more than the number of rockets launched by official agencies in all other countries in the world. This is definitely something worth writing about.

"How many times did SpaceX launch last year?"

Looking around the world, the only company that can compete with Venus in the field of rocket launches is Musk's SpaceX.

Cao Yang is naturally very concerned about the performance of this competitor.

"A total of 54 launches, less than half of ours, but the other party said that the number of launches this year will double and directly exceed 100."

Although the opponent's situation is much worse than his own, even the number of rockets launched by all other companies and countries is about the same as Venus.

But SpaceX is still a competitor worth paying attention to.

This point, both Cao Yang and Zhao Siyu are quite clear in their hearts.

Especially since SpaceX has the support of NASA behind it, Venus is not facing an ordinary company.

"What about our own launch plan?"

Even if SpaceX launches 108 times, it is still not as many as Venus last year, so Cao Yang is not particularly anxious.

This year, Venus has a lot to do, and it will definitely not be surpassed by the other party.

"In addition to continuing to improve the Starlink satellite system this year, we will also provide some supplies to the Chang'e space station and officially start building a lunar orbital space station."

"In addition to the commercial aviation launch missions entrusted to us by other customers, it is expected that the number of launches this year will exceed 200 times."

"The most important thing is that we are ready to start the first test of the Starship rocket as soon as possible. If the test goes well, the first test launch will be carried out."

Zhao Siyu introduced the rocket launch situation of Venustech in one breath.

This is a business that everyone is very concerned about, and it is also something that attracts people's attention.

"We must pay full attention to the test launch of the lunar orbiting space station and starships, so as not to make any major mistakes."

Cao Yang is no longer very worried about traditional rocket launch missions.

Whether it is using Venus AX for launch, everyone’s experience is very rich.

Daystar No. 9, which has been reused the most, has been used 20 times.

This can be regarded as creating a new historical record.

Relatively speaking, Cao Yang attached great importance to the development of the starship heavy rocket.

Historically, Space Exploration Technology Company has encountered various problems when developing this product.

Exploded on the test bench, exploded in mid-air, exploded in space, all kinds of scenarios have been encountered.

Such expensive fireworks are given to everyone every once in a while.

One can imagine how difficult this research and development is.

Ordinary small companies can basically declare closure after being tortured like this for two rounds.

That is to say, Venus Technology is now very wealthy. Even if it does not receive financial support from Honor Technology and Nanshan Automobile Group, it can now develop and grow on its own.

After all, with the investment of US$20 billion from the emirate, half of the various expenses previously spent have been recovered.

Coupled with the fact that a lot of heavy transport helicopters and drones were sold last year, the profits from these products are also very considerable.

Therefore, Venus Technology rarely achieved profitability last year, and it was still a substantial profit.

This achievement is definitely very rare.

It is estimated that if AVIC and Aerospace knew about this situation, they would feel very complicated.

"The construction of the lunar orbiting space station is not much different from the current Chang'e space station. We have gone through various tests and it is expected that there will be no major problems by then."

"However, the design of the starship is very different from that of Venus 9 and MAX, and there are not many reference objects for various parts."

"We can't guarantee that there won't be any problems right now."

Zhao Siyu didn't dare to speak too fully.

It is normal for those engaged in R\u0026D to have some failed experiments.

It was successful every time, but it was a bit strange.

The key is to find the reason in time after failure, otherwise it will be a waste of time and money.

"Starship is the flagship rocket product of Daystar Technology going into space in the future. The difficulty is definitely relatively high, and there is also a lot of room for improvement."

“My goal is to complete all technology research and development within the next three years to the point where it can be used in formal mass production.”

"By that time, our various explorations of the moon should be on track, and we can move further towards Mars."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhao Siyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Just finish the starship within the next three years, and the difficulty will be reduced a lot.

If it were to happen this year, he would be under a lot of pressure.

"We must strictly adhere to the development schedule and not hinder the company's overall development strategy."

Zhao Siyu's words were equivalent to giving himself a military order.

If he didn't have a little confidence, he would definitely not dare to speak like this.

"The development speed of Daystar 777 and H-20 must also be accelerated."

“Many airlines and related departments have high hopes for these two products.”

As the two flagship products of Venus Technology entering large aircraft, the development difficulty of Venus 777 and H-20 is actually not low at all.

The Venus 777, which is directly developed to compete with the Airbus A35, once successful, will break the monopoly of Boeing and Airbus on the market in related fields, and once again reduce the number of stuck projects in China.

As for the H-20, its importance needs no mention.

The various situations faced by relevant departments in China are constantly changing.

In the past, defense was the main focus, and there was no need to invest too much strategic power, as long as we could protect ourselves.

But as the situation develops and changes, pure defense is definitely not enough.

After all, the best defense is offense.

Therefore, the demand for the H-20 from relevant departments is naturally rising rapidly.

"Various testing work for the first prototype of the Venus 777 has been almost completed. After the relevant drawings are updated, the production of the second batch of prototypes can begin."

"It is expected that the confirmation of the second batch of prototypes will be completed next year and will begin to be put into use in the transportation market."

Zhao Siyu knew that Cao Yang valued Daystar 777.

This is the best weapon against Boeing's competitor.

Don't think China can now use Boeing to contain Airbus, and Airbus can use Airbus to contain Boeing.

But in fact, whether it is Boeing or Airbus, the price of passenger aircraft sold to China is not cheap.

There is competition among people, but when it comes to harvesting Huaxia wool, they definitely have the same idea.

"Try to speed up as much as possible, but we can't be careless about the necessary confirmation."

When leaders make demands, they often ask for both.

Even Cao Yang himself is no exception.

"I understand that all project teams are already working hard."

"The H-20 project is expected to be at similar progress to the Venus 777. A batch of aircraft can be delivered to relevant departments next year, and the production scale will be continuously expanded later."

Without Cao Yang's urging, Pan Jun would often urge Zhao Siyu on the progress of the H-20, so he was very familiar with the relevant situation.

This is a product that AVIC took the initiative to give up.

If Venustech doesn't do it well, it will be much more difficult to get more aircraft orders from relevant departments in the future.

After all, trust collapses faster than everyone can imagine.

And once it collapses, it is very difficult to rebuild it.

Zhao Siyu acted quickly. After reporting to Cao Yang, he immediately announced that Venustech would build a lunar orbital space station in 2015 and conduct tests on the Starship rocket.

The response this caused in the aerospace field was absolutely huge.

The lunar orbital space station is something that no country in the world has built.

In the past, everyone would at most launch a lunar orbiting satellite to investigate and understand the situation on the moon.

Now Venustech has gone a step further and built a space station directly there.

On the one hand, this space station can exist as a relay satellite to provide services for communication between the moon and the earth.

On the other hand, it can be regarded as the first move of Venusstar Technology to start its official journey to the moon.

No matter from which aspect, it is of extraordinary significance.

If it weren't for the sky-high contract of 20 billion US dollars given by the Emirates last year, Venusstar Technology would not dare to start the construction of the lunar orbital space station so quickly.

Under the same scale, the construction cost of the lunar orbital space station is definitely higher than that of the Chang'e space station.

That means the construction cost of this space station will rise to the level of 10 billion US dollars.

Such a huge investment, or a private enterprise is doing it, is absolutely incredible.

On the side of Aerospace Science and Technology, Qian Junfeng couldn't wait to call after seeing this news.

"Mr. Cao, are you going to start preparing for the construction of the lunar orbital space station this year, or are you going to build the space station this year?"

Venusstar Technology is definitely a quick shooter, and the space station will be built as soon as it is said to be built.

So Qian Junfeng felt that he should confirm it in person before saying anything.

After all, there is a big difference between these two meanings.

"Since it is to be built, it must be built as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would be a pity if the investment is spent but it cannot be used."

Cao Yang did not hide it and told Qian Junfeng the conclusion directly.

After all, the two sides still have some cooperation projects in this regard in the future.

Even in terms of personnel training, it is necessary to continue to cooperate with Aerospace Science and Technology for a period of time.

"You already have a space station. If you build another one, isn't it a bit of a waste?"

Qian Junfeng couldn't help asking the question in his heart.

With such a large investment in the space station, can it be built just like that?

The development of Venusstar Technology is too inconsistent with everyone's cognition.

"The positioning of the two space stations is still different."

"The main purpose of the lunar orbital space station is to serve the future moon landing and lunar base."

"Even our astronauts will stay in the lunar orbital space station for a while before the official moon landing."

After Cao Yang said this, Qian Junfeng was even more surprised.

Moon landing?

Moon base?

It seems that all the boasts made by Venusstar Technology on its official microblog have to be fulfilled?

"Mr. Cao, when do you plan to try to land on the moon?"

Qian Junfeng is in a very complicated mood now.

Aerospace Science and Technology naturally has a moon landing plan, but according to their plan, it will take at least seven or eight years before there will be any relevant actions.

Unexpectedly, Venusstar Technology has taken the lead again.

"This year, we will build a lunar orbital space station, and next year we will launch an unmanned moon landing. If everything goes well, we will directly launch a second manned launch."

After hearing what Cao Yang said, Qian Junfeng was stunned!

Next year?

That's too exaggerated!

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