Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 184 They are all geniuses

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4B.


Leonard picked up the asthma inhaler placed on the bedside table, took a few deep breaths, and looked at Penny next to him with some anticipation and some anxiety: "How were you just now?"

"Not bad!"

The female man Penny looked at the dwarf who was trying his best because of his hard work, tilted his head and thought for a moment, the previous embarrassment and dissatisfaction disappeared, and finally showed a smile, and said with some surprise: "You are making rapid progress, you are really a genius. "

"It doesn't count."

The curve of Leonard's mouth could not be lowered, and he said modestly: "I listened to Irving's advice and learned it from Google..."


When Penny heard the word "Irving", her heart became hot. She was about to take Leonard to explore again when she suddenly thought of something and her face turned cold: "Them?! Besides Owen, who else?!"


Leonard responded weakly.


Howard's extremely vulgar face flashed through Penny's mind. She trembled, cursed, moved away from Leonard, and said with a cold face: "What advice did he say?"

"It's not even a suggestion."

Leonard was not stupid and couldn't see what Penny meant. He hurriedly explained: "It was Owen's suggestion, and then Howard improved it a bit. In fact, it has nothing to do with Howard at all. They just asked me to refer to some of Re Jing's techniques. This is really the only thing!”

When Penny heard this, her face looked better.

"Are you not angry anymore?"

Leonard tried.


Penny was noncommittal.


Leonard opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to add fuel to the fire. He thought to himself: "What the hell, if I play with Penny because of Howard's agreement, then I am a 'genius'!"

The next day.

California Institute of Technology.

Staff cafeteria.

"So, have you told Penny?"

Howard asked anxiously: "Where is my hot, long-legged beauty girlfriend?"


Leonard looked up at Howard and responded feebly.


Howard yelled.

"Because I'm very busy and haven't had time to say anything yet."

Leonard found various reasons: "Because I don't know how to tell her, and the most important thing is, I don't want to mention it at all!"

"A promise is a promise!"

Howard yelled, "You have to ask Penny to find me a girlfriend!"

"What should I say?"

Leonard said with a headache: "Penny, do you have any friends you want to break up with?"

"You can have this!"

Owen joked: "Actually, with Penny's character and identity as a woman, we really don't have too many friends like this."


Leonard said thoughtfully.

"Come on! I'm not that bad!"

Howard shouted dissatisfied: "I'm so smart..."


Sheldon finished his daily routine with just one tone.

"I have a good job."

Howard glared at Sheldon and continued, "And my body fat rate is only 3%!"

"This is real."

Rajesh joked: "I saw it on the beach. After taking off his clothes, he looked like a human chicken wing."

"All right."

Leonard saw that he couldn't shirk it, so he had no choice but to accept it, and began to think about the best time to mention this matter to Penny.

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4B.


Penny sighed: "You are really a genius!"


Leonard smiled broadly.

"do not mention it."

Penny patted Leonard and suggested, "Dear, you don't have to say thank you to me every time after applauding for love!"

"Habit, get used to it."

Leonard smiled coquettishly, glanced at the bedside table from the corner of his eyes, and said to himself: "It seems that the thank-you letters are about to be put away. Penny doesn't seem to like me like this."

The bedroom was quiet for a moment.

Leonard hesitated and said: "Penny, have you made an agreement with anyone?"

Seeing Penny nodding, Leonard hesitated before speaking: "Listen, Howard and I made an agreement, and it involves you~"

Before she finished speaking, she saw Penny moving away from him again, with a cold face, and said word by word: "I don't know what you are going to say, but Leonard, please remember, be careful, maybe This will be our last conversation!"

"It's not what you think."

Leonard panicked and quickly explained: "The deal is that if one of us has a girlfriend, we have to ask the other party's girlfriend to introduce the other party's girlfriend."

"Do you think it's appropriate to say this after applauding for love?"

Penny said angrily.

"This is it."

Leonard hesitated and said: "I don't know, but I'm pretty sure this kind of thing is not appropriate to say before applauding for love~"

"You are such a genius!"

Penny mocked: "I guess you've been putting off this matter for a long time, right?"

"You are really smart!"

Leonard praised sincerely.

Penny glanced at Leonard, who was smiling, and couldn't help but roll her eyes. This kind of dangerous thing is to end the game at the end of the sentence and return to being single again. Fools know that they can delay it as long as they can.

"I would never introduce my friends to Wolowitz."

Penny shook her head.

"It doesn't have to be good friends. It's okay if the relationship is not good and you want to break it off~"

Leonard thought of Irving's teasing and suggested weakly.

"I don't have any friends like that!"

Petunia said arrogantly: "I'm so popular, my friends all like me."

"Yes Yes."

No matter how stupid Leonard is, he knows how to nod in agreement: "But Howard is still a very good person deep down..."

"The problem isn't what's on the inside!"

Penny complained: "How many people can stand his creepy and obscene appearance!"


Leonard begged: "Think about it and do me a favor!"

"Can't you ask Irving to introduce Howard?"

Petunia said angrily: "He is so romantic, he should know far more women than me!"

"come on!"

Leonard spread his hands and said: "You know what kind of women are around Irving. Howard is not Iron Man, so there is no chance for him!"


Penny paused, feeling inexplicably unhappy. The people around Owen were all extremely beautiful women, and she couldn't even get close to him, let alone the wretched and terrifying Howard.


"All right."

Penny finally agreed.

She still wanted to give some face to her current boyfriend who had been a spare tire sucker for more than two years. She thought to herself: "Just an introduction, with Howard's wretched behavior, 90% of the time he will be exposed to death... Even if Even if Howard knows how to disguise, he will definitely not be able to survive a second date, and he will definitely reveal his true colors..."

Thinking of this, Penny's face looked much brighter and she thought about it: "Even if he survives the second date, on the third date, with Howard's small body, he will definitely not be able to... Even if he underestimates him, his mother's level It also definitely scares away my friends 100%.

Well, that's it! "

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