Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 262: : Haidilao

   "This is also called good service."

   Chen Yu smiled and said, "Mom, although there are many waiters in the shop, they don’t have other services except for serving soup and dishes. For example, can you pour tea for the guests?"

   "This, the tea is ready on the table, and the guests will pour it themselves."

   "Look, Mom, this is the lack of service."

   "Whether the service is not in place, it is the same in other stores."

   Chen Yu said: "Mom, just because other stores are the same, so we have to be different from them. This is our advantage."

   "I understand a little bit."

   Chen Simian, who was sitting on the side, said, "Xiaoyu, you mean the service is more considerate, then we can rely on the service to be more competitive than them."


Chen Yu nodded: "Dad is right. It is not our strong point to compete with others in terms of taste, and taste is really difficult to evaluate. You say it is delicious, I say I It’s hard to make a standard for our own delicious food. However, if our service is better than others, the feeling we bring to our customers is real. Even after eating, they will still remember that our side of service is good and will Recommend others to feel."

   "I understand a little bit like this."

   Zhang Wenxiu thought for a while, and said, "It means that when the guest comes, we will pour tea and water for him, take the initiative to add soup to them, and tell them where the seasoning is."

   "Yes, not right."

   Chen Yu nodded, but shook his head again.

   "Xiaoyu, look at you, what is right and what is wrong."

   "Pour the tea and water for the guests, take the initiative to add soup to the guests, and take the initiative to tell the guests where the seasoning is necessary. In addition to these, we should try our best to meet the needs of the customers."

   "As far as possible to meet the needs of customers, how do you say?"

   "For example, what if a guest brings a child?"

   "When you bring a child, you bring a child, can't children eat hot pot?"

   "Mom, you misunderstood what I meant. I mean, would it be inconvenient for guests to bring children to eat hot pot?"

   "This is true."

   "Then can we help them solve this inconvenience, for example, provide children's chairs for customers with children."

   "Hey, Xiaoyu, you have a good idea."

   Chen Simian slapped his face, and he felt that this was a bright spot.

   "Not only children's chairs, children also like to eat hot pot, but it is inconvenient for children to use our adult dishes, so what should we do?"

   "I see, prepare him bowls and chopsticks for children."

   Zhang Wenxiu said rushingly.

   "Mom, you are too right."

   Chen Yu gave his mother a thumbs up.

   "Well, I will train the staff at night."

   "Mom, wait, the service just mentioned is only a small part of it. To really do a good job, we have to draw inferences from one another and provide more thoughtful service to different customers."

   Talking, Chen Yu gave another example: "It's like going to the bathroom."

   "Xiaoyu, I know, we will tell him where the bathroom is."

   "No, not just tell them where they are, we can also take him there."

   "Oh, well, you can take him there."

   "Dad, will you be done after taking the guests to the bathroom?"

   "Do you have to give him toilet paper."


   Chen Yu was laughed at by the words of his father Chen Simian, but he still said: "Of course the toilet paper must be prepared in the bathroom, but the guests come out of the bathroom, do you want to wash their hands?"


   "Then we will send someone there to tell him where to wash his hands."

   "It's not necessary, they can wash it themselves."

   "They know how to wash themselves. If we can remind them, they will think our service is very good."

   "This is true."

   "After washing, we can also provide him with paper towels to dry the drops of water on his hands."

   "This too."

   Chen Simian was stunned.

   He didn't even think about it, there were so many doorways in the last bathroom.

   "I understand, our service is to treat customers as God."

"Dad, customers are God. It's just that many merchants have not done it. The catering industry is actually a service industry. As long as the service is done well, then we will not worry about losing customers. Only when the service is done can we The hot pot Xishi brand is out."

   Of course, this is not what Chen Yu thought.

  The reason why I know so much is that I have eaten it in my previous life and I don’t know how many times it has been sea fishing.

   To be honest, Haidilao tastes really bad. Not only is it not good, Chen Yu also feels that the taste is not as good as many other hot pot restaurants. But Chen Yu likes to go to Haidilao. Similarly, for other people who like to eat hot pot, they also like to eat Haidilao. As for why, the answer is also service.

   In Haidilao, you can really feel like eating in a five-star restaurant.

   It is even stronger than the feeling of going to a five-star meal.

  The spirit of Haidilao is that there is no best service, only better service.

   Countless meticulous services that you can't even think of are all born in Haidilao.

  Of course, some large five-star hotels also have this kind of service. But ordinary people may not go to these five-star hotels, but in Haidilao, ordinary people can also feel the kind of godlike enjoyment.

   is also relying on service. In the past, Haidilao, which only made hot pot, broke the market value of more than 100 billion.

   Doing hot pot to achieve a market value of more than 100 billion, it is scary to think about it.

   In this comparison, those who do high-tech companies blush a bit.

  You are still high-tech, and they don’t have any technology, so they will blow you up directly.

   Of course, comparisons cannot be compared like this, but this kind of extreme service concept is indeed deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  Users will not keep going to your store just because your hot pot is delicious.

   But users will definitely become your loyal customers because of your good God, Xiaoyu, how did you come up with these things? "

   "This is..."

Chen Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Dad, you don't care what major I am studying now. I am studying economics and management, economics and management. There are some of these involved in it. I just put it in the textbook. Take out the things you want to learn and use."


   Chen Simian was dubious, and thought about it for a while and said, "However, Xiaoyu, it's a bit difficult to talk about your kind of service."

“It’s really difficult. This kind of service is not just to talk about it. We have to work **** the internal management of the hot pot restaurant. First of all, we must change the current salary and treatment. The employee treatment classification system, as long as they do well, just do it well. You can become a second-level employee. The second-level employee performs well and becomes a first-level employee. The first-level employee not only has a better basic salary, but also a higher commission. At the same time, the entire salary level must be 50% or more higher than the salary level in other stores of the same kind. many……"

   "Wait, Xiaoyu, I'll take a notebook and write it down."

   Chen Yu drank saliva while holding the notebook through his father, and then continued: "This commission refers to the service level of the employees. The better the service, the higher the achievement."

"In addition, we also try to recruit employees as elite as possible. We don’t just need to pick one for those who don’t work on the street. We always wear work clothes. We can customize work clothes. New employees must participate in training before they start. The first position is from the bathroom. Start……"

  :. :

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