Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 392: : Huanyu Mall

"I didn't expect to be one step ahead of Huanyu Technology."

   Seeing that because of a celebrity gossip photo, the traffic of yy portal has skyrocketed, Xin Lang Chen Tong is a bit unhappy.

   If Xinlang does not fully enter the online game, there is no yy portal.

   However, Chen Tong is the editor-in-chief of Xinlang, and he is responsible for the content.

Although   yy portals are working on entertainment first, they are not without a chance.

   They are still the number one gateway in the country.

   Furthermore, the entertainment part is very simple.

   As long as there is fresh content, he can attract the interest of users.

   is like this kind of entertaining gossip photos.

   To this end, Chen Tong also adopted the method of Huanyu Technology, preparing to cooperate with a certain Xiangjiang paparazzi.

   "Mr. Chen, long time no see."

   "Yes, Mr. Zhang, it has been a long time since I saw you. I have been doing a great job reading your newspaper recently."

   "Hehe, it's okay, but the expense is also high. You know, recently we recruited dozens of paparazzi to stay in the homes of first-line celebrities."

   "Tsk tsk, it seems that Zhang always lost his money. How about, the latest photos taken for us, Xinlang?"

   "It's okay, we are old acquaintances. But the price has gone up quite a bit recently."

"How many."

   "This is hard to say, it depends on what photo was taken."

   "Like the photo burst out on the yy portal some time ago."

   "Well, this is expensive."

   "Tell me a price."

   "00 million."

"I go……"

  Chen Yu vomits blood, "Mr. Zhang, a photo is worth 0 million. This is a robbery."

   "Man, the market is like this. You know, people like us are expensive to take these photos, and the other takes a bigger risk to show you a brother of mine."

   Mr. Zhang took out a photo.

   "Why did his leg break?"

   "I was beaten by someone else."

   "Who hit it?"

   "Who else do you think?"

   Mr. Zhang said helplessly, “It’s easy for you to be paparazzi like us. Those celebrities are also human beings. The photos we take of them are inherently immoral. You think those celebrities will be polite to us.”

   "But one million is too expensive."

   "I said, buddy, you Xinlang is the number one gateway in the country, and you won't even be able to afford it over 500,000."

"how come……"

   Chen Tong was a little embarrassed.

   It's not that they can't afford it.

   The problem is that in the last meeting, he was only given RMB 0 million.

   This RMB 1 million has to be managed in various places, manpower costs, revision costs, general gossip news costs... and so on.

   It’s fine now, one photo is only one million, so don’t do anything for the entire section.

   "Okay, that's it, we will contact you when we take the picture."

   Seeing Chen Tong like this, Mr. Zhang didn't say more.

   Anyway, when the yy portal came, some of their paparazzi were beaten up.

   As long as they take the best photos, they are not afraid that there will be nowhere to sell them.

   Xinlang can't pay the money, naturally someone is willing to pay.


   "Crash test?"

   "Buy real cars on the market for collision?"


   On the other side, in addition to Huanyu Technology's entertainment section, Huanyu Technology has also begun to deploy the automobile section.

   Li Xuelin quickly contacted the five major insurance companies.

   The five major insurance companies are very interested in the crash test proposed by Huanyu Technology.

   This is a very novel idea.

   You must know that the insurance costs of major insurance companies for cars were previously calculated by car performance, maintenance funds, etc. However, this calculation is only an estimate, not particularly accurate. They are not experts in automotive, and even automotive experts cannot give a more professional evaluation.

   Compare Volkswagen and Toyota, who is safer?

  Theoretically, the Volkswagen is stronger and Toyota is more fuel-efficient.

   But is it right?


   If you only look at the superficial data, it might be so.

   But it was really taken to the scene to collide, and the result came out.

   Of course, there is another reason why they agreed so quickly. Anyway, they don’t want to pay for the car, and they can get more professional evaluation data. Why not cooperate?

   As for Huanyu Technology, this is not to be taken advantage of.

   It seems that all costs, including collisions, and the money for buying the car are paid by myself.

   But it’s okay.

   This fund is not much, but it is still very cost-effective to buy an authority with this fund.

   As soon as such data comes out, I am afraid that all friends who buy cars in the future will have to log in to the yy portal as soon as possible.

   You know, this kind of authority will be impossible to buy with money in the future.


   "Mr. Chen, I don’t understand. According to our model, will all users pick up the goods offline in the future?"

After finishing the communication with Yongle, Chen Yu returned to the e-commerce branch of Huanyu Technology in Hangzhou.

   "Not really."

   Chen Yu shook his head, "For example, the first time you buy a product online, you are worried, so you will think of offline delivery. But after you buy the product for the second time, will you still pick it up offline?"

   "Of course, maybe you will be the second time, the third time, the fourth time?"

   Actually place an order online and pick up goods offline to solve the offline experience of users.

   Of course, this is also to solve the user's first payment.

   As long as they pay, as long as they trust the website.

   So, it doesn’t really matter whether there is an offline experience in the future.

   is like buying JD and Tmall products for later generations. It doesn't matter whether there is offline experience or not.

   Everyone is used to it.

   What you buy online may not be worse than reality, or even better.

   Therefore, Huanyu Technology must rely on offline stores to give users trust in the early stage.

   Once such a letter is reached.

   Then, it doesn’t matter whether there is an offline store or not.


  Chen Yu only clicked a few words, and Huang Zheng suddenly awakened.

   He thought before that they would lose a lot of money in this model.

   Of course, at the beginning of the day, I will lose.

   But it’s okay.

   The first time you lose, you may not lose the second time.

   The third time, it may be profitable.

   "Our Huanyu Mall will be online next Huang Zheng, are you ready?"

   "Next month?"

   Huang Zheng was a little surprised, "Chen, is it too fast? Our offline channels, logistics, etc. have not been fully established yet."

   "Then how long do you think it takes to fully establish? Years, two years, years, or years?"

to be honest.

   To fully establish your own channels, years may not be enough.

   This is also the reason why Chen Yu didn't set up a physical store on his own for the first time.

   Although the physical supermarket has its own unique features, the construction is too slow and too slow.

   There are too many talents, energy, policies...this one is too much.

   Where does Huanyu Technology have such energy and talents?

   The development of e-commerce has always been improving the offline system while developing.

   I really have to wait for you to do everything offline. The e-commerce market has long lost your part.

   is like Suning Tesco in the previous life. has been doing offline, channel, logistics, and after-sales services all the time.

  Wait for them to do all this, and then they start to do online.

   Although it is doing well online.

   But no matter how good it is, it’s useless.

  The ceiling position is limited.

   Others are on the ceiling, and Suning, no matter how good it is, is only second-line.

   "Mr. Chen, we will not let you down."

   grabbed his fist, Huang Zheng said.


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