Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 394: : Various promotional programs

"one day?"

   Chen Yu nodded.

   "Chen, are you sure about selling 50 million a day?"

   "Of course it is."

   Chen Yu said with great certainty.

   Seriously, if it weren't for 2003, Chen Yu would not dare to mention this number in future generations.

   It's not that this number is too big, it's that this number is really too small and too few.

   I'm too embarrassed to say it.

   However, Chen Yu thinks so, but the reporter who interviewed Chen Yu doesn't think so.

   You must know that although the online e-commerce market looks promising, the transaction volume is actually not much.

   And no matter how great e-commerce is, people will think, can it compare with physical stores?

   Furthermore, everyone is not very familiar with e-commerce.

   I think it's such a small website, what can a small website do?

   If a small website can sell so many things, why do you want a physical store?

   It takes so much money to rent a storefront, so why don’t you hire employees to do publicity?

   Everyone will go shopping online in the future.

   There are not a few people who think this way.

   Therefore, when Chen Yu said that his daily sales would reach 50 million yuan, even reporters from Xinhuanet were extremely surprised.

   "Tonight, did I report truthfully as you said?"


   Chen Yu did not refuse.

   This is the report he wants.

   "Thank you Mr. Chen, thank you for the interview."

   Xinhuanet reporter originally wanted to interview more.

   However, he felt that he had already interviewed an extremely hot topic.

   Breaking 50 million sales a day, if this is not a rhetoric, it is a big cowhide.

   He also wanted to see how the outside world viewed his news when it was released.

   That night.

   The news interviewed by Xinhuanet reporters has long been printed.

   Xinhuanet’s interview with Chen Yu is on the front page.

   and also marked the astonishing number of 50 million.

   "50 million sales a day, how is this possible?"

   "Don't say 50 million, 5 million is enough."

   "It's a large supermarket, and it can't make 5 million sales in one day."

  The first feeling of many citizens is that Huanyu Mall is bragging.

   They are treated as a joke.

   Similarly, for Ma Yun, he doesn't think Chen Yu is bragging, but he thinks it is hype.

   This is very similar to Jack Ma’s style.

   Regardless of whether you can do it or not, first blow a big cowhide.

   It doesn't matter if I can't do it now, but if I can do it in the future.

   Moreover, this kind of cowhide can really attract a lot of popularity.

   Only, although I think Chen Yu is hype.

   But Ma Yun, who is not assured, is still staring at the website of Huanyu Mall.

   "Zhaoxi, do you think Huanyu Mall can really sell 50 million products?"


   Lu Zhaoxi shook his head directly: "He said it is possible to sell in one year, one month, too fake."

   "I don't think we can be trapped by our thinking."

  Ma Yun shook his head: "Just like we have been unable to solve the user experience problem before, but Huanyu Technology has solved it perfectly with the offline delivery model."

   "It's impossible to reach 50 million sales in one day."

   Lu Zhaoxi still doesn't think Huanyu Mall can do it.

   It has been more than half a year since their Taobao was established, but only 20 million sales have passed in half a year.

   20 million in half a year and 50 million a day, this is simply not a product of a concept.

   Lu Zhaoxi admits that Huanyu Technology has a unique side, but they don't think that their group of people are worse than them, at most they can't compare with them, but they can't be killed by their daily sales no matter how bad they are.

   "It's impossible, I will know tomorrow."

   Without saying anything, Jack Ma turned off his computer and got off work.

   The next day, 11:40.

   An oversized projector was hung in the conference room of Huanyu Mall.

   The projector shows the sales of Huanyu Mall.

   But because the site has not been officially opened, the sales in the background is 0.

   is wrong.

   is actually not 0, but more than 10,000 yuan.

   Why is there more than 10,000 yuan.

   It's not that Huanyu Mall sold the product in advance. The more than 10,000 yuan is the deposit for the user's reservation.


   Although the station opens at 12 o'clock, the Huanyu Mall has already made reservations before the station opens.

   Each booking only needs to pay 1 yuan.

  10,000 yuan, which proves that more than 10,000 people have paid.

   Although 10,000 people are pitifully small compared to later generations, it was already a very good number in 2003.

   There are more than 10,000 people paying, which already represents the possibility of 50 million sales.

   However, this is a reservation after all, and the user has not really paid.

   "How are the departments preparing?"

   "All departments are ready, just waiting for the opening of the station."


   Chen Yu nodded.

   looked at the time, it was already 11:50.

   There are still 10 minutes, and the Huanyu Mall is about to open.

   On the other side, a group of users who have already selected products are waiting in front of the computer.

   They saw the advertisement a few days ago.

   Moreover, they also compared offline and online.

   That's right.

   The same product, the same performance, the same manufacturer, everything is the same, but the price is completely different.

  The products in the Huanyu Mall are almost 100-200 cheaper than those in the physical store.

   Consumers who wanted to buy a large item for their home a long time ago are very much looking forward to this day.

   And it is said that today is the first day Huanyu Mall opened, and there are more surprises waiting for them.

   As now, they saw a series of surprises.

   First of all, it is a special offer.

   The large color TV that sold 2,000 yuan on the original market is now selling for 999 yuan.

   Such a price is simply life-threatening.

  Of course, not everyone can buy such a color TV. If you want to buy it, you can only fight for hand speed and internet speed.

   Huanyu Mall only provides 10 such color TVs.

  Of course, the specials are not only for color TVs, but also refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners... and so on.

   Then there is a more popular auction item.

   This auction is not an auction of antiques, but an auction of home appliances.

   Do you think these appliances are expensive? No, the price listed above is 1 yuan.

  In other words, if you take 1 yuan and no one is following, then you can buy this product for 1 yuan.

   Isn’t it exciting?

  Although everyone knows that it is impossible to sell for 1 yuan, someone will follow the auction, but what is there to shoot?

   Anyway, I didn’t get it, and I don’t need any money.

   And there is a price on the product, as long as the price you bid is not higher than that price, then you are making a profit.

   Of course, I just want to join in the fun.

  Many users have never participated in any It is good to have fun online now.

   Then there is a lottery.

   No matter how much money you spend, even if you spend 1 yuan, you are eligible to participate in the lottery.

   Lottery draws vary greatly.

   As small as a headset, as large as a computer, a color TV, and even up to a car.

   However, the official website also prompts that the faster the order is placed, the higher the consumption, and the higher the probability of winning the big prize.

   As for what you can draw, it depends on how much you spend and how long it takes to place an order.

   In addition, there are also coupons for how many purchases are made, which stimulates the attention of many users.


   Only a ding sound was heard, at 12 noon, Huanyu Mall officially opened.

   "Come on."

   "I must grab the special price."

   "It doesn't matter whether you grab the special price or not. I want to place an order in the top 100."

   "What are the benefits of placing an order in the top 100?"

   "Didn't you read the official website, the top 100 orders 100% win."

   "I'm grass, I won't tell you earlier, I'll place the order right away..."

   Is there anyone who understands the psychology of online buyers better than Chen Yu?

   There are a lot of online promotion programs for later generations, and Chen Yu can introduce you to 100 methods in minutes.

   Any of these may prompt you to make a deal.

   As for how many transactions can be made today...At this time, the backstage figures of Huanyu Mall have been constantly rolling.

   No, not only the back office, but also the sales figures on the homepage website.

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