Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 395: :Break 20 million sales in ten minutes



   "10 million."


   Maybe such a number is nothing to people in later generations.

   In other words, such a figure is still a bit horrible for future friends who are used to online shopping.

   However, when the sales record of 20 million RMB was broken in 10 minutes, countless users were completely shocked.


   "My grass, 20 million."

   "Is this true, is it true?"

   No matter where it is placed, 20 million is a terrifying data.

   Even if it is a large supermarket like Wal-Mart, the sales volume in one day cannot reach 20 million.

   But now, Huanyu Mall has broken the record of 20 million.

   Not only broke, it broke in 10 minutes.

   "Nima, this group of local tyrants."

   "This is crazy too."

   "But also, the things in Huanyu Mall are much cheaper than the physical ones, why not buy them?"

   Of course, not everyone is a shopper in this.

   There are countless friends here who come to watch the excitement.

   But whether it was watching the show or participating in it, when this data came out, they were completely shocked.

   Of course, it was the colleagues who were even more shocked.

   "20 million in 10 minutes?"

"real or fake?"

   "Looking at the data does not seem to be fake."

   If it was said in the newspaper that Huanyu Technology had broken 50 million a day, everyone was laughing at him and it was bragging.

   So now, although the record of 50 million has not been broken, it has become possible.

   is not only possible, according to this situation, the sales record per day is probably more than 50 million.

   He may be even higher.

   "b2c or c2c, is this a problem?"

   "Excellent and Dangdang should adjust the battle line, and it is more suitable to enter home appliances."


A number like    also shocked those offline home appliance chain giants.

   Even if it was Yongle, he was stunned by the data of Huanyu Mall.

   You must know that a sales record like this is already equivalent to the turnover of dozens of offline stores.

Do not…

   Sometimes if it is off-season, all stores may not have 10 minutes of sales in Huanyu Mall.

   "I have a fork, it seems I have to buy a few things."

   "Hey, those auctions are very interesting. I'll join them too."

   "It seems that some of these electronic products are also relatively cheap, or you can buy a few too."

   Buying things is addictive.

   This is the result of scientific research.

  As long as there is a wallet in hand, at a specific time, a specific place, and in a specific way, he can stimulate the user's consumption very much.

   Those few promotions before Huanyu Mall, forget it.

   There are also various promotional methods when purchasing other products officially.

   For example, buyers can send some small gifts as long as they add 10 yuan to the phone.

   Of course, there are also some very popular home appliances that use time-limited discounts.

   The above reminds that this product can only enjoy a 10% discount within 1 hour.

   and there is a countdown on it.

   Looking at the countdown above, you have to calculate the time.

   If you exceed the time specified above, then you will spend one or two hundred more to purchase.

  , on the other hand, also stimulates user consumption.

   not only stimulated them, but the same method also stimulated those friends who didn't want to shop.

   "Damn, there is a discount for the last 10 minutes, I have to place an order immediately."

   "Hurry up, otherwise the discount will be gone."

   accidentally, a series of products were sold one after another in this kind of promotion.

   Of course, the most interesting thing is that auction.

   Among them is a large color TV set for 2,000 yuan.

   In itself, he starts the auction at 1 yuan.

   Everyone is very interested in this kind of auction and keeps increasing the price for a while.

   At the beginning, they still added a few dollars to a few dollars.

   But then everyone had a good time, adding hundreds to hundreds.

   When I was not careful, I added 2,000 yuan in a blink of an eye.

   According to reason, don't shoot again after the auction reaches 2,000 yuan, and it will be a bit of a loss to shoot again.

   But who knows, this kind of auction can't stop at all.

   "Damn, 2,100 yuan, I want this color TV."

   "Huh, you want a dime, I took an hour, I want it, 2,101 yuan."

   "Grab with me, I will pay 2,200 yuan."

   "I'm 2201 yuan."

   "It's hard, can you increase it a little bit, 2500 yuan."

   "2501 yuan."

   "3000 yuan."

   In the end, this 2,000 yuan color TV was bought by others for 3,000 yuan.



   "This time we won a big battle, everyone did a good job."

   "Come, let's have a toast to our opening."

   As of 12 o'clock the next day, Huanyu Mall's sales exceeded 80 million.

   not only exceeded the original 50 million, but also sold 30 million more products.

   For this reason, Chen Yu took a group of people and held a celebration banquet.

   "Mr. Chen, I really didn't expect our website to break 80 million sales records a day."

   Huang Zheng said.

   "What's the matter, 80 million is considered less, and it is possible to break 800 million a day in the future."

   "It breaks 800 million a day, don't scare me."

   "Why scare you."

   Chen Yu smiled.

   If he wanted to scare Huang Zheng, he would not say 800 million, he would say 80 billion.

   No, not 80 billion, but 180 billion.

   This is exciting.

   However, this kind of sales record is too bad, and now it is estimated that no one will believe it.

   "Let me predict first that our sales will exceed 800 million today next year. Believe it or not?"


   "Huang Zheng, didn't you just say not to scare you, why did you believe it all at once?"

"I don't want to believe it. But then I thought, didn't I even believe in 50 million sales a few days ago? But today we took a look. Not only did we break 50 million, we also increased the record to 80 million. One Years later, why can’t we break the 800 million sales record."

   "Okay, well said, come, let's toast the sales record of breaking 800 million next year."

   Everyone toasted.


   "Hahaha, UU reading brothers, I mentioned the goods in Yongle, the goods are genuine at a reasonable price, fortunately I placed the order in Huanyu Mall, otherwise there would be no such big discount."

   "I'll go, I can really pick up the goods offline."

   "Isn't that, people have invited Liu Dehua to endorse, can this be fake?"

   "Then, that, can I still buy it at Huanyu Mall now?"

   "Of course it can, but the discount is not as big as yesterday. But even if the discount is not as big as yesterday, it is cheaper than the physical store."

   "Well, I'll take a fancy first, and then I will place an order at Huanyu Mall."

   If there is a record of 80 million sales a day, some people still don’t believe it.

   But then a series of friends who mentioned the goods came out to post orders, and a series of real-time interviews with the media.

   This has been proven from all aspects, Huanyu Mall did not cheat.

   They did sell so many goods.

   Not only that, even a record of 80 million sales a day, he also appeared on CCTV news.


   This is also a day worth remembering for Chinese e-commerce.

   Even the national news is very concerned about such incidents.

   "It seems that we should also enter the e-commerce market."

   "The way out for China's e-commerce is not b2b or c2c, but b2c combined with offline."

   "This is a huge market, we must enter."

   At the same time, a series of merchants, capital, and e-commerce companies are surging.

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