Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 399: : I'm the boss of the home appliance chain...

"Hello, we are the promotion specialist of Huanyu Mall."

   "What is Huanyu Mall?"

   "Uh, it's an online shopping platform."

"do not know."

   "Boss, let's explain to you."



   "Hello, we are the promotion specialist of Huanyu Mall."

   "Is that the online seller who made the call?"

   "You know."

   "Hehe, get to know something, do you want our home appliances to be sold online?"

   "The meaning is similar, but not the same."

   "But few of us who buy electricity here will buy it online."

   "It's okay, don't expect everyone to buy online, as long as someone buys it. As long as there are users offline to pick up the goods in your store, we can also subsidize you."


   "Of course it is true, you also know the strength of our Huanyu Technology, you see, the yy you use is our company."

   "Okay, let's try."


   "Hello, we are the promotion specialist of Huanyu Mall."

   "Hello, hello, we know that your Huanyu Mall sold 80 million home appliances a day, that's amazing."

   "It seems that the boss has been paying attention to the Internet."

   "Of course I pay attention, but I'm thinking, you guys don't seem to make money."

   "It really doesn't make money."

   "Then you still keep losing money and making money."

   "We are mainly to promote the website, and it is okay to lose some money in the early stage."


   When it comes to promotion in third- and fourth-tier cities, it is not necessarily so easy.

   There are some third- and fourth-tier home appliance store owners who do not use the Internet themselves, and do not know what Huanyu Mall is.

   There are some difficulties to convince them.

   But it's nothing.

   The third and fourth tier cities are too big, so how can every one of them cooperate with Huanyu Mall.

   It doesn't matter if they don't cooperate, just someone cooperates.

   Just like online buyers, how can so many people buy, as long as a few people buy it.

   No, as long as one of the 10 people buys it, it is very good.

   Even if only one person out of 100 people buys it, it's pretty awesome.

   Therefore, although not all home appliance stores will cooperate, but the promotion has continued.

   Of course, not all promotion is difficult.

   Some have a long-term perspective, but they are very interested in such cooperation.

   They are just small home appliance stores, of course they don’t own websites.

   And Huanyu Mall will give subsidies.

   All of a sudden letting the public benefit, this in itself can also stimulate the sales of their home appliances.

   It is them who benefited in the end.

   Regardless of the purpose of Huanyu Mall, in short, they will definitely not lose this kind of cooperation.

   not only does not lose money, but also cooperates with Huanyu Mall for a wave of activities, and even makes a lot of money.

   For this reason, some merchants are also carefully preparing to cooperate with Huanyu Mall, preparing for a big promotion.

   Such feedback also made Chen Yu nod secretly.

   Although it is difficult to develop third- and fourth-tier markets, once it is developed, the benefits are obvious.

   Just sending people to all parts of the country, there are already more than 300 stores cooperating with Huanyu Mall.

   Although these more than 300 stores are all small home appliance stores, the ten stores combined are not as good as the first- and second-tier large-scale home appliance chain supermarkets. But it’s okay. Ten stores are not as good as my 100 stores. There are tens of thousands of small home appliance stores across the country.

   No, it only took a week, and the original 300 stores became 1,000.

   Moreover, this is not over.

   Under the continuous promotion of a series of promotion specialists of Huanyu Mall, all counties and districts across the country were taken by Huanyu Mall.

   Two weeks later, Huanyu Mall has already cooperated with 2,500 stores.

   Three weeks later, 2,500 stores became 4,000.

   What is the concept of 4000 stores?

   Even if these stores are very small, some are only more than 100 square meters.

  Some even only have dozens of squares.

   But it’s okay, more than 4,000 stores are enough.

   "My God, so many businesses."

   Looking at the home appliance store that had already applied for cooperation, Chen Yu was also stunned.

   All of a sudden, Chen Yu felt like he had more than 4,000 stores.

   [What Gome, what Suning, I am the country's largest home appliance chain giant].

   "Hehe, anyway, these merchants will not lose money no matter how they count, why don't they cooperate together."

   "It's definitely not a loss, it's us."

   Chen Yu certainly doesn't mind losing.

   But seeing the addition of more than 4,000 stores, Chen Yu is thinking about how to manage these stores.

   "By the way, pull them all into one group."

   Chen Yu suddenly had an idea.

   In any case, where more than 4,000 stores are placed is a terrifying force.

  Although they are not their own shop, and although they do not listen to them completely, it is good to take advantage of them occasionally.

   For this reason, Chen Yu thought of pulling them into a group.

   gathered these stores scattered all over the country to form a rope.

   "Okay, but it seems that our group is only 500 people at most."

   "I'll go and ask Li Nan to activate the permission."

   How many people can fit in the group is not their final say.

   Not to mention that 500 people are opened, but 5,000 people are opened, and 50,000 people are all right.

   Of course, it is impossible for yy to set the group like this all at once.

   A group of 500 people is enough for ordinary people.

   Then open a group of 2,000 people, a group of 5,000 people, do you want to make money?

   "Yes, yes, why did I forget this."

   Zhang Jianming patted his head.

   called Li Nan, but after a few minutes, the permission was activated.

   Zhang Jianming immediately created a group called [National Appliance Group].

   Then one after another, the shopkeepers who had previously cooperated with each other were pulled into the group.

   "Jingzhou Home Appliances in Wu Province came to report."

   "Anqing Home Appliances, Ontario, came to report."

   "Liupanshui, your province, home appliances come to report."

   "Home appliances from Gan City, Jiangxi Province, come to report..."

   are all provinces and urban areas in the central inland region.

  Of course, there are also many coastal provinces.

   After all, not all coastal provinces are economically developed.

  Like the Nanxiong area of ​​Guangxi province, it is actually similar to that of Jiangxi province.

   Besides, the development in the suburbs of Beishi is also average, and naturally there are also home appliance vendors.

   "Wow, so many brothers."

"That is."

   "How is the home appliance business doing?"

   " Zhengzhou Huanyu Mall is here to help."

   The group is extremely lively, and all the home appliance owners are extremely novel.

   I did not expect that there are so many sellers across the country.

   Everyone got together, and the topic was so lively for a while.

   "Everyone, everybody, is there any way you can get more people to call?"

   "Dude, isn't it easy? Engage in activities."

   "That is, Huanyu Mall is cooperating with us this time, which happens to be a big promotion."

   "The event is going on, but the traffic is a bit more than before, not too much. The brother just now, why did your store suddenly come so many people?"

"It's easy. I printed a lot of flyers. As long as I have a computer, I gave them one. Also, those who drive a car must also distribute it. They can afford a car, so naturally they have money, and they must have one at home. computer."

   "We have also distributed flyers, but now users are very sophisticated and don't believe it in particular."

   "Stupid, you can't just print big promotions and big price reductions on your flyers. How do they know whether you will reduce the price or not, you have to add the words [State subsidy]..."

   "The country seems to have no subsidies, right."

   "Of course there is no subsidy, but the state does not subsidize, isn't Huanyu Mall subsidizing it. No matter who subsidizes, it's actually the same..."

   "Hey, this is a good idea, I will do the same."

   Various home appliance stores exchange experience and experience from time to time, which has benefited a lot from time to time.

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