Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 595: : Hidden benefits of Huanyu mobile phone

Under Chen Simian's guidance, the business progress of mobile phone franchise stores has been relatively smooth.

After Huanyu Technology announced a series of franchise standards, many partners from all regions of the country expressed their interest. In particular, the decoration can be subsidized, the deposit is taken directly, and so on... Many collaborators are less worried. In addition, Huanyu Technology has performed very well recently, and the brand has been steadily rising. If you choose to join the Huanyu brand at this time, the future market potential is also very huge.

In addition, Zhou Yifei also handled the dual-card dual-standby authorization device very well.

Especially in the licensing fee.

At that time, Chen Yu's idea was to license the license fee to major mobile phone manufacturers based on how much money each year.

In this way, major mobile phone manufacturers only need to pay a sum of money each year, and they can use the patent of dual card dual standby.

However, Zhou Yifei believes that such an annual authorization is not flexible.

Some companies are big, so they don't think much about licensing fees.

However, for some small businesses, this authorization fee has certain difficulties.

In addition, if Huanyu Technology wants to build an ecosystem, it should involve more companies.

Instead of taking an annual fee, it is better to settle the bill based on mobile phone sales.

That is, for each unit sold, one yuan of royalties will be charged.

According to this algorithm, some small and medium mobile phone manufacturers are also willing to pay this fee.

At the same time, Zhou Yifei also considered that, in order to prevent some other mobile phone manufacturers from developing dual-card dual-standby technology, for these mobile phone manufacturers, Universal Technology can also use a 10-year or 20-year long-term authorization for settlement.

In short, what Huanyu Technology has to consider here is to make them feel that instead of researching and developing their own technology, it is more economical to buy other people's patents directly.

After all, compared with others, R&D investment in this area is often much larger than marketing.

"Chen, this is a patent authorization contract signed with major mobile phone manufacturers."

Zhou Yifei packed the signed contract and put it on Chen Yu's desk.

Chen Yu took a look, and there were more than 30 copies.

"So many."

"Really few, many micro-enterprise mobile phone manufacturers have not signed. Of course, they will still use our technology patents."

Now that the authorization has been granted, the patent will not be protected, and some mobile phone manufacturers will infringe.

Fortunately, the big mobile phone manufacturers say that they will not do this.

But some small phone manufacturers or micro mobile phone manufacturers don't care so much.

For this, Chen Yu didn't care: "It's okay, some small mobile phone manufacturers want to use our patents and let them use them."

As long as these companies use the more patents of Huanyu Technology, the better the ecology of Huanyu Technology will be.

Chen Yu is not going to sue them either.

Of course, Chen Yu naturally has the right to sue them.

Speaking of it, the previous dual-card dual-standby patent is also China's lead.

It's just a pity that Coolpad, the first dual-card dual-standby technology at the time, decided to disclose the patent for free.

Although such free disclosure soon made dual-card dual-standby technology popular.

But Coolpad did not get much benefit from this.

Chen Yu doesn't know how to learn Cool.

On the one hand, he needs dual card dual standby to establish his own ecosystem.

At the same time, he has to use his dual card dual standby patent to establish his own patent barrier.

As long as you hold this series of patents in your hand, even when you fight a series of international giants in the future, you will have various trading conditions.

"Mr. Chen, there is one more question."

"what is the problem?"

"Our dual-card dual-standby patents have been authorized. This will put a lot of pressure on the sales of our Huanyu mobile phones. It can be predicted that Lenovo, Bird, and even some other mobile phone manufacturers will be engaged in a short period of time. To launch their dual-SIM dual-standby phones. Even, they will also cooperate with China Mobile and China Unicom."

Because of the lessons of the previous contract machine, this time the signing of a contract between China Mobile Unicom and Huanyu Technology is no longer exclusive.

Since it is no longer exclusive, Universal Mobile will naturally face competition from all mid-range mobile phones.

The mid-range machine has always been the most competitive existence in China.

Among them are not only domestic giants such as Lenovo Bird, but also global giants such as Nokia, Motorola, Siemens, Sony, and Ericsson.

"Yifei, don't worry, you don't know, our Huanyu Technology is not only dual card dual standby."

Chen Yu is rather calm.

If there is only the innovation of dual card dual standby, how can Chen Yu authorize this patent?

To enter the mid-range market, there is no certain means, so how can it work?

Dual card dual standby is just one of the points.

In the Huanyu mobile phone, there are a series of hidden benefits waiting for everyone to explore.

For example, one of the hidden benefits, the mobile version of YY.

It should be said that the mobile version of YY has always been there.

But before the mobile version of YY has always been in cooperation with the mobile Monternet.

It is the mobile version, but it is actually the mobile web Before you can use your mobile phone to view YY, you must first enter a mobile web interface.

Although YY can be used in this way, the functions of the web version are somewhat limited.

Furthermore, in addition to functional limitations, the web version of YY is relatively rough, not refined, and unsightly.

This is not to say that Huanyu Technology does not have this production technology.

It is really a mobile web page, because all aspects of the web page are restricted.

To truly build a beautiful mobile YY version, a mobile client must be installed in the mobile phone.

In other words, the user must first download an installation package.

It's like downloading an APP software installation package when a smart phone wants to log in to a certain software.

For user convenience and to save user traffic, Huanyu mobile phone has built-in YY client in the mobile phone before installation.

However, in order to confuse other mobile phone manufacturers, the effect of the temporary built-in version is still similar to that of the web page.

But as long as a group of mobile phone manufacturers start to compete with themselves, the YY client in Huanyu mobile phone will receive the company's order as soon as possible to update the product.

Was it unexpected?


Don't blame Chen Yu for being too pitted.

No way, it is not easy to confuse these mobile phone manufacturers.

The competition for mid-range mobile phones is already fierce. Once the Huanyu mobile phone was launched, it must have been dismantled by a large number of competitors.

If they took it over for research and immediately discovered that the mobile version of YY in Huanyu’s mobile phone was different from Monternet’s YY, they would probably take another approach to compete with themselves.

Instead of this, it is better to give them a surprise at that time.

At least wait for them to find out, and then think about making changes, it will not be so easy.

(End of this chapter)

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