Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1246: Do not disappoint me

At least he can feel that Tang Nuan's paintings a few days ago were very resistant to him. Now, the relationship between them has obviously eased a lot.

Of course, Li Jingyi did not pray for one step to the sky.

As long as Tang Nuan's portrait continues like this, he is willing to accept his kindness to her little by little, Li Jingyi believes that one day he will impress Tang Nuan again.

the next day.

As usual, when Li Jingyi woke up, he washed and prepared to go to the company.

Before leaving, he glanced at Tang Nuan's painting on the bed, watching Tang Nuan's painted face peacefully, like a child, he couldn't help stepping forward and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

There was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and Li Jingyi went out contentedly.

But for a while, the Li Group.

After arriving at the company, Li Jingyi regained his usual indifferent aura and walked all the way through the office area to his office.

Just as he was about to open the door, assistant Xu Mo suddenly followed him eagerly, "President, yesterday you asked me to investigate the monitoring, I have already investigated it."

Hearing this, Li Jingyi had a pause.

"Come in and talk." Then he pushed open the office door with a cold face and sat at his desk.

Xu Mo quickly walked in behind Li Jingyi, and then began to report, "President, according to my investigation of the hospital monitoring yesterday, I found that the young lady was indeed taken away in the hot water room, and the one who took her away She seems to be Tang Yan'er, the younger sister of Tang Nuan."

"Tang Yan'er?"

Li Jingyi frowned unhappy when he heard the name.

Xu Mo nodded immediately, "Yes, the president, that's the half-sister who was with the young lady in the Tang family. At the beginning, she talked to the young lady in the hot water for a while, and then she didn’t know. After saying something, the young lady followed her."


Inexplicably, Li Jingyi let out a sneer in his throat.

It seems that I did not expect that Tang Yan'er would be the one who started Tang Nuan's painting. The woman was really ambitious. Did you think that Tang Nuan's painting is now amnesia, so she can take revenge on her?

It's so deceiving!

"Xu Mo, what do you think I should do with that woman?"

While asking these words coldly, Li Jingyi took out the documents next to him and handled the work.

Xu Mo seemed to think about it for a while, and looked at Li Jingyi a little incomprehensibly, "President, this woman dares to bully our young wife, she must not be able to easily let her go."

"But, after all, she is the young lady's sister, so it is reasonable to call you brother-in-law. If you, brother-in-law, are going to bully people, there will definitely be something unreasonable."

"So... so..."

Therefore, Xu Mo felt that there was nothing wrong.

Although that Tang Yan'er is indeed hateful, she is the younger sister of Tang Nuan after all. It is not good to start between relatives, and it will not sound good if it is spread out, so Xu Mo really does not know what to do.

He looked at Li Jingyi helplessly, "President, would you still give me some pointers? I'm still a junior and I really don't know how to deal with other people's housework."


Li Jingyi suddenly let out a sneer, and his eyes were suddenly full of aggressiveness, "Xu Mo, you will remember it to me in the future. As long as she is someone who dares to bully Madam Young, don’t care if she is a cronies of Madam Young, we must be against us. To report."

"How they painted Nuan, how we should treat them in a human way!"

"But what if it's not convenient to do it directly? President, if you really bullied the young lady's younger sister Tang Yan'er, would this matter reach the ears of the old man of the Tang family?" Xu Mo asked worriedly One sentence.

Li Jingyi didn't take this question to heart. He snorted disdainfully, "It's not easy? If it's not easy to do it on the front, then we can do it on the side or on the back. As long as it's not noticeable, it's OK. Up?"

"President, what do you mean..."

Xu Mo heard Li Jingyi's words and pondered carefully for a while, and in the next second he suddenly realized, "President, I know, I know what to do!"


Li Jingyi quickly put his index finger in front of his lips and made a silent motion.

The corner of his mouth made a smile, "Since you know what to do, then you can do it boldly. Remember, don't let me down."

"Yes, President, I will definitely not fail your expectations!" Xu Mo replied vigorously.

Then he turned around and left the office, making his own calculations at the same time.

After going through the whole process in his head, Xu Mo couldn't help but sighed in admiration twice, thinking that he was really smart, what a clever plan, a clever plan!

In the evening, the Tang Group.

After a day's work, the Tang Group is almost off work at this point.

Xu Mo was squatting in an alley near the Tang group at the moment, watching more and more people slowly come out from the downstairs of the Tang group, among them, there was Tang Yaner he was looking for.

He opened his eyes almost instantly and waved to the next few men, "You guys, keep an eye on that woman for me, and give me a chance when you find the right opportunity, understand?"

The direction of the finger is the direction of Tang Yaner.

After seeing Tang Yan'er's figure clearly, the surrounding men nodded, "We know."

Next, they began to act.

Xu Mo smiled sinisterly at the corner of his mouth, thinking that good will be rewarded, and evil will be rewarded. It is not that the time has not come.

Tang Yan'er, if you can even get rid of your own sister, then you just wait for the results!

But for a while, the underground parking lot.

After get off work, Tang Yaner went to the underground parking lot to pick up the car, yawned and stretched while walking.

Then, as he walked forward, he muttered very dissatisfiedly, "Damn, I don’t know why Tang Nuan painted the woman, why did he arrange for me to be a manager at the beginning, and there are so many broken jobs, which really gave me Worn out!"

After speaking, Tang Yaner took out a bunch of Porsche car keys from her bag.

At the moment when she lowered her head, suddenly several figures sprang out from the dark, holding a sack in their hands, and after rushing forward, they directly covered Tang Yan'er's head with the sack.

"Ah! Ah! Who is it, what are you doing!" Tang Yan'er was frightened by this sudden action and screamed quickly.

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