It’s a pity that no matter how Tang Yaner screamed, no one paid any attention to her. Those in black were obviously doing things with money. After covering Tang Yaner with sack, they dragged her to a dim warehouse in the parking lot. Beaten up.

Tang Yaner screamed in the sack, crying, shouting, and finally was overwhelmed by the screams.

She was almost mad in her heart.

who is it? Who the **** is it!

Who on earth took the guts of the ambition leopard and dared to put her in a sack and beat her up. It's best not to let her know the true identity of that person, otherwise she would definitely kill that person.

and many more!

Etc., etc!

Tang Yan'er seemed to remember something in the midst of the crit after another. Her mind flashed alive and thought that this might not be the revenge of the woman who Tang Nuan painted.

Yesterday, she dragged the woman painted by Tang Nuan out and beat him up, so the woman held a grudge, and today she is looking for someone to plot against herself?

Hmph, okay Tang Nuan painting, you shameless woman!

On the surface, it looks like a weak text and amnesia, but in fact, he will still trick me behind the scenes. Sure enough, the viciousness in your woman's bones has not changed!

Wait for me, wait for me! I am at odds with you!

If you don't beat me to death today, after I go out, I will let you know how good I am. I, Tang Yan'er, is not a soft persimmon. Let me take care of it. You can show me!

Just thinking about it, Tang Yan'er's hatred deepened.

At the same time, the Li Group.

After Xu Mo had dealt with a series of things, he went back to report to Li Jingyi, “President, I have done everything you confessed to me. I found some people to get a sack and put Tang Yaner around her. After a violent beating, she promised that she didn't know that you did it."

He didn't want Li Jingyi to hear this, not only did he not praise Xu Mo, but frowned fiercely.

"Sack?" He asked questioningly.

Xu Mo nodded very seriously, "Yes, President, didn't you say that you want to treat the human body by the human way? You also said that if we can't handle it frontally, then it's the side or the back."

"Hey, I fully absorbed the advice you gave me this time, and adopted a set of backside tactics that were close to perfect. When Tang Yaner was not paying attention, I found someone to put a sack on her head and beat her violently. Meal! I believe that after this lesson, the woman will never dare to offend the young lady again."

While talking, Xu Mo was still excited, as if he had done something extraordinary.

He hadn't noticed that Li Jingyi's face had darkened at this time, and even had some faint anger.

No, Li Jingyi finally raised his hand unbearably and softened his eyebrows, and opened his mouth coldly, "Xu Mo, is your IQ degraded?"

"Ah? President, I don't have one." Xu Mo looked innocent.

"Then who gave you this bad idea!" Li Jingyi's tone was a little angry.

"I... President, did I do something wrong? But I obviously acted according to the instructions you gave." Xu Mo was about to cry.

He wondered what he did wrong. In order to conceal the president’s motives, he deliberately found a group of people, deliberately selected the best sacks, and deliberately selected the best time, and finally caught Tang Yan'er. .

Why, in the eyes of the president, this idea has turned into a stupid idea?


It was very obvious, with a little unquenchable anger breathing.

Listening to Li Jingyi's reaction, Xu Mo felt more and more anxious in his heart. At the same time as he was anxious, his mind was dizzy. He really couldn't figure out where he was wrong.

In the end, Li Jingyi couldn't take it anymore, so he had to explain to Xu Mo himself, "Xu Mo, do you think Tang Yan'er's head is paper?"

"Do you think that if you find someone to put a sack on her back and hit her, she wouldn't have guessed who it was? Humph! She just started working on Nuanhua, and now you are turning around and secretly killing her Yijun, can she guess that this is Nuanhua's counterattack!"

"I let you attack from the side because I want you to find someone to deliberately cause a conflict with Tang Yan'er, and then cause a conflict, not to make!" Li Jingyi was about to be angry.


Hearing what Li Jingyi said, Xu Mokai finally realized the loopholes in what he did.

He hurriedly lowered his head to apologize to Li Jingyi, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my negligence, it's all my stupidity, it's all my stupidity, I'm all stupid, oh, you can kill me!

"Huh, is it useful for me to kill you?" Li Jingyi asked coldly.

"No, it's useless, it's useless, but maybe I can still understand the tone in your heart, President." Xu Mo said with bright eyes.

After a closer look, the blue veins on Li Jingyi's forehead were almost bursting out, and Xu Mo quickly lowered his head again.

In the end, although Li Jingyi felt helpless, he had to breathe a sigh of relief, "Forget it, since things have reached this point, there is nothing left to say."

In fact, what Li Jingyi cares about is not revealing his identity. He just has some worries. After all, Tang Nuan's painting is now in a state of amnesia. It would be no good if Tang Yaner had to change his way to bully her.

Of course, if Tang Nuan painting recovers his memory, Li Jingyi will not worry about that girl at all. After all, Tang Nuan painting has also practiced taekwondo before, so it is not a problem to deal with these cats and puppies.

The key is that this is a special period!

Xu Mo, this super invincible fool, hey, forget it...

If you continue to think about it, it is estimated that Li Jingyi will be able to be **** to death by Xu Mo alive. Helpless, he can only comfort himself constantly in his heart, his own assistant, bear it.

Three days later, the Tang family.

The medicine Li Jingyi used for Tang Nuan's painting was indeed very effective. After only two or three days, the wounds on Tang Nuan's painting were almost healed, and those bruises and other things were eliminated completely.

So that day, Tang Nuanhua asked Li Jingyi to take her back to Tang's house to visit her father.

When he arrived at the door of Tang's house, Tang Nuan painted an instant feeling that he was surrounded by a familiar warmth.

Yes, this place is her home!

"Nuanhua, go in and see my father."

Li Jingyi got out of the car at this moment, walked over from behind and stretched out his hand to cover Tang Nuan's painting.

Tang Nuanhua finally did not resist this time. She turned her head and smiled at Li Jingyi, "Let's go in together."

Then, without waiting for Li Jingyi to answer, she smiled directly and took Li Jingyi's hand and strode in.

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