Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1248: Words from the Heart

The moment his fingertips touched, Li Jingyi felt an indescribable throb.

Then there was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and he followed in.

At this time, in the living room of the Tang family.

Tang Zhen has really missed Tang Nuan's paintings in these days. Everyday he is fine. He sits alone on the sofa in the living room, holding a photo album of Tang Nuan's paintings and keeps reading.

In the album, there are different photos of Tang Nuan's paintings from childhood to large.

For example, when he was a baby, Tang Nuan's painting was like a cute meatball. With his innocent big eyes and the plump fleshy face, people can't help but want to come and hug this cuteness. Little guy.

In the paintings of Tang Nuan in childhood, she began to have some small personalities of her own. Her smile was always innocent and sweet, and occasionally she would bring some little mischief, like a little elf falling into the world.

When he was a girl, Tang Nuan was completely transformed into a stubborn girl.

Dressing and dressing was also learned at that time. Tang Nuan's paintings have understood trends from a very young age, and often put some trendy items on his body, always with a cool expression on his face, no one else The way to mess with me.

But when she laughed happily, a little angel who was alive again, there was still a little bit fierce.

Looking at these photos, Tang Zhen remembered the growth of Tang Nuan painting in his mind, and felt very pleased.

He was so relieved that his eyes were flushing, and he seemed to be about to weep.

And at this moment, a young girl chanted, "Dad!"

Hearing this voice, Tang Zhen seemed to be electrocuted.

This voice is so familiar, isn't it the voice of his precious daughter?

Tang Zhen quickly wiped the wet corners of his eyes with his hand, then turned around, and saw Tang Nuan painted with a smile on his face, running straight towards him from the gate.

"Dad! Daddy!"

Tang Nuan's painting almost flew past without touching the ground.

When she rushed to her father's face, her originally smiling face suddenly turned into a tearful face full of grievances when she saw his father's increasingly aging face.

Throwing into his father’s arms, Tang Nuan’s painting could not help crying all of a sudden, “Woo, Dad, I’m sorry, Dad...I haven’t visited you for so long, so you worry about me, woo. Really sorry……"

Hearing this, Tang Zhen felt sorrowful.

In these days, he really missed Tang Nuan's painting very tightly. At this moment, he was finally able to see his daughter, and he naturally hugged her daughter tightly.

He hugged Tang Nuan's painting tightly, and said in a touching tone, "It's fine to come back, it's fine to come back!"

Seeing this scene, the servants around burst into tears.

"Let me see, Dad, have you lost weight during this period of time?" Tang Zhen opened Tang Nuan's painting at this time and looked at her carefully.

"I, I seem to be a little thinner." Tang Nuanhua said in tears, crying and laughing inexplicably.

Tang Zhen also laughed strangely, and then he quickly took Tang Nuan's painting into his arms, and said in tears, "All in all, my paintings, do you know how much time Dad has had? I'm worried about you, how much do you miss you?"

"From now on, you must promise Dad, don’t just leave without saying goodbye and go out to travel around the world. You said Dad is too old and looks at you eagerly at home every day, even receiving a message from you. If you don’t, I’m worried about what you will encounter outside. Oh, how unreliable you say I should be."

These can be said to be Tang Zhen's words from the bottom of his heart.

These days, he is indeed worried about Tang Nuan's paintings and missed Tang Nuan's paintings, for fear that Tang Nuan's paintings will be bullied in a foreign country.

Tang Zhen actually didn't care about traveling or not, as long as his daughter could be safe and happy.

Unexpectedly, Tang Nuan's painting was suddenly stunned.

She looked at her father dumbfounded, what did she say goodbye without saying goodbye, what about global travel? What's all this all about?

Then he turned his head and looked at Li Jingyi suspiciously.


Li Jingyi was a little embarrassed. He stretched out his index finger and scratched his eyebrows. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He blinked at Tang Nuan painting again, meaning that you should never show your stuff.

In fact, during this period of time, regarding the inexplicable disappearance of Tang Nuan's paintings, Li Jingyi's external explanation has always been that Tang Nuan's paintings are going to travel.

At the beginning, the disappearance of Tang Nuan's paintings was short, and Li Jingyi said that Tang Nuan's paintings were traveling abroad.

Later, Tang Nuan's paintings disappeared for a long time and attracted the public's attention. Li Jingyi explained that Tang Nuan's paintings were traveling around the world.

All in all, you can drag it anyway, anyway, Li Jingyi must drag it back to Tang Nuan.

Tang Nuan painting suddenly felt a little funny when he saw Li Jingyi's appearance.

Unexpectedly, a dignified president, in order to cover her tracks, would actually tell such a lie outside.

Hey, this can be considered a shocking secret, right?

Of course, Tang Nuan painting is not a fool. After seeing Li Jingyi's eyes, she instantly understood that the reason why Li Jingyi said this was for her good.

So Tang Nuanhua didn't care about Li Jingyi anymore. She looked back at her father with an intimate smile and said, "Well, I know my father, I will definitely not leave without saying goodbye in the future."

"But Dad, do you know that, in fact, I have been preparing for this round-the-world trip for a long, long time. The round-the-world trip has always been my childhood dream. I am really happy to be able to complete such a dream."

"Of course, this time I went to the world to travel, and I didn’t get nothing. I saw a lot of beautiful scenery outside. I have never seen these scenery before in China. Dad, I will let people How about organizing these landscapes into a picture album and handing them to you for collection?"

Tang Nuan danced her brows and said, saying everything as if it were true.

Li Jingyi looked at him and couldn't help but snickered, thinking that this girl is indeed a little elf ghost.

Tang Zhen was even more amused by Tang Nuan’s paintings. Seeing Tang Nuan’s clever look, he liked it so much, he nodded quickly, "Okay, as long as you make the decision, what dad? Will support you, but the premise is that you have to pay attention to safety, have you heard?"

"Yeah, Dad, I remember it." Tang Nuanhua nodded with a smile.

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