Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1249: Which pot should not be mentioned

In this way, the family gets along in harmony.

In the afternoon, Li Jingyi said that the company still had something to do, so he left.

So in the huge house, only Tang Nuanhua and his father were left. The two played chess from time to time, and occasionally quarreled funny. The atmosphere can be said to be exceptionally harmonious.

In the evening, his father even directly left Tang Nuan's paintings and asked her to stay at home for dinner.

Tang Nuan painted finally was able to reunite with his father, so naturally he agreed to everything.

When it was time for dinner, she even took the initiative to get the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen, as if she was very well-behaved.

Tang Zhen was very happy to see that his daughter was so diligent and more and more like a good wife and mother.

When he was happy, Tang Zhen said to Tang Nuan painting again, “By the way, it’s time for dinner. Go up quickly and call your sister down for dinner.”


Tang Nuanhua was taken aback when he heard this, "Sister?"

"Yes, your sister was injured two days ago. She didn't go to work today. She has been resting at home. You can call her down for dinner." Tang Zhen laughed.

"Oh, OK."

Since his father had already said so, Tang Nuanhua had no choice but to nod and agree.

She walked upstairs along the spiral staircase, but was thinking curiously, sister, do I still have a sister? Where is my sister from?

Thinking about it, Tang Nuan's painting has already reached the second floor.

Standing at the top of the stairs on the second floor, she looked to the left and right, and found that there were a lot of rooms on the left and right. Which one was her so-called sister’s room?

Just as he was thinking, a servant passed by in front of Tang Nuan's painting and bowed his head slightly to say hello to Tang Nuan's painting, "Hello, Miss."

"Oh, Hello."

Tang Nuanhua also nodded slightly. Just after nodding, she suddenly turned around and grabbed the servant, "Hey, hey, wait!"

"Miss, is there anything else?" The servant looked back at Tang Nuan's painting in confusion.

Tang Nuanhua said in embarrassment: Keke, Keke... Well, I just want to ask you, which room does the second lady live in? "

"Second Miss? Miss, don't you always know which room the Second Miss lives in?"

"is it?"

Tang Nuanhua thought that maybe she remembered it before, but now she has completely lost her memory, how could she still remember where the woman lived.

In desperation, Tang Nuan painted an innocent look, "Oh, of course I know which room the second lady lived in before, but haven't I been back for a long time?

And before I came back, the second lady sent me a message saying that she had changed a room, then I don't know which room she lives in now? "

"Um..." Some of the servants were stunned.

In the end, she stretched out her hand and pointed a direction for Tang Nuan. "In fact, the second lady's room has not been changed. She still lives in the second room on the right. You can go and find her directly, Miss."

"Oh, okay, I didn't change the room, so she told me what room to change." Tang Nuanhua said with a smile.

After the servant left, the smile stopped abruptly.

Then she wandered towards the second room on the right.

The door of the room is now closed tightly.

Tang Nuanhua looked at the door carved with golden nanmu, thinking that his sister lived in a pretty good place. The price of this door alone was no less than tens of thousands of yuan, tusk.

Then, Tang Nuanhua knocked on the door lightly.

No one responded.

It's weird, isn't there anyone in the room?

Tang Nuanhua thought in her heart, and then she reached out her finger and knocked on the door suspiciously. This time, as soon as her finger slammed the door, there was a burst of roar inside, "Go!"

Tang Nuanhua heard this voice full of question marks, thinking what happened to the woman inside?

After that, Tang Nuan continued to raise his hand and knocked on the door, "Hey, come out for dinner."


As soon as the voice fell, Tang Nuan's painting could clearly feel that there was some kind of heavy object, which hit the door severely from the inside, and then fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

The anger of the woman inside can reach Tang Nuan painting through the door.

It turned out that at this moment, Tang Yaner was angry in the room.

She looked at her face in the mirror. After the violent beatings in the previous two days, her black nose and face were swollen at all, and the corners of her mouth were even swollen. It was completely broken.

Damn, damn, damn!

Tang Nuan painted you a woman, you a damned woman! Why don't you die? You!

She cursed bitterly in her heart, wishing to choke Tang Nuan painting to death immediately.

At exactly this moment, someone knocked on her door so hard that Tang Yaner was naturally even more angry.

He grabbed the vase on the bedside table and smashed it on the door. Tang Yan'er roared, "I'm letting you go, do you hear me! Get out of me, all out of me! Get out!"


This makes Tang Nuan painting very embarrassing.

She originally kindly asked her sister to eat, but she didn't expect her sister to be so big.

Reluctantly, Tang Nuanhua had to reach out and knock on the door, "Um, sister, dad told you to go down for dinner, don't hide in the room by yourself, just tell us if you are unhappy, I am sure Can feel better too, right?"

As he talked, Tang Nuan painting felt like he had become an emotional mentor, "My sister knows that you are a young man. Young people are always very angry. Whenever something goes wrong, they are always easy to get angry. .

However, this can't hinder your happy life. Have you ever heard a sentence, don’t punish yourself with other people’s mistakes. This sentence means that people should not be angry with others casually. , Because it’s someone else who did the wrong thing, wouldn’t it be worthwhile if you were to be angry with others? "

All in all, it's a lot of random fabrication.

After I didn't want to say these words, the girl in the room really calmed down a lot.

Tang Nuan painted curiously outside the door, could it be that she listened to me?

But it turns out that Tang Nuan thinks too much about painting.

At this moment, Tang Yaner was silent in the room because she heard the voice of Tang Nuan painting.

The woman outside the door kept calling her sister to herself. Is it possible that this woman is, painted by Tang Nuan?


Which pot shouldn't be mentioned!

She was annoying because of this, and the woman was so dying to bother her. Is there something wrong?

Go ahead and get a cure as soon as possible!

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