The counterfeit turned around triumphantly at this moment and scorned Tang Nuan's paintings, as if you were so indifferent to me, "Well, I have all the evidence out, are you convinced now?"

"Convinced? Huh!"

Tang Nuan snorted coldly, as if he had heard a big joke.

DNA paternity test?

It's the same trick Tang Yaner used last time. It's fine to deceive others. It's impossible to deceive her.

Tang Nuanhua directly stretched out his hand to the counterfeit, "I have the ability to take your paternity test over and see, I want to know whether your paternity test is real or fake."

"Cut, who do you think you are? Is it necessary for you to verify the authenticity of the DNA identification report of my father and me?" The counterfeit looked disdainful.

Tang Nuan painted speechless, and she barely rolled her eyes out of the sky, and then she sneered, "If you don't dare to show it to me, you dare not show it to me. Why do you make so many excuses?"

"Who did you say makes an excuse!"

"Say who knows."


The counterfeit was about to be irritated by Tang Nuan's painting, and then she gave a cold smile, and simply opened the DNA paternity test.

"Okay, since you don't believe my DNA paternity test is true, then I will let you open your eyes and take a good look to see if what I said is true or false!"

After all, the folded DNA paternity test has been completely opened.

I saw a fake and grandiose, unfolding the paternity test in front of everyone, and said loudly, "Everyone present today, you will all be witnesses to my Tang Nuan painting. This DNA paternity test in my hand The book, everyone is watching carefully."

"My blood type is B, my mother's blood type is Rh-negative blood, and my blood type just inherited my mother, which is also Rh-negative blood. Look at this side, here is the DNA test report of my father and I... "

In this way, the counterfeit made a strong argument.

After this explanation, everyone present was stunned, and even Tang Nuan's paintings opened their eyes wide, wondering how this is possible!

She clearly remembered that her blood type was also RH-negative blood, and everything that the counterfeit said was too consistent with her own physique.

What is going on here?

Just as he was thinking, the counterfeit turned his head, and shook the DNA paternity test report proudly in front of Tang Nuan's picture, "Miss, I have already told all the evidence that I am Tang Nuan, you Any comments?"

Tang Nuan's voice was trembling, "Where did you get this DNA report?"


She really couldn't figure out her own information, how could it be in the hands of others?

The counterfeit suddenly sneered, "Where can I get the DNA test report? Of course, I went to the hospital these two days to do a paternity test with my father and got it. Otherwise, the hospital would not give me a special certificate. Up."

"But this is impossible!" Tang Nuan painted a low growl.

The counterfeit coldly sneered, "What's impossible? I said that I am the real Tang Nuan painting. It's you who brazenly came up to compete with me for the property of my family. Now, I just broke you down. That's it, you are here to pretend to be a pitiful victim, who do you want to show?

Also, if you insist that you are Tang Nuan painting, can you tell what you did during the time you disappeared? Don't tell me you are going to travel, because I checked the travel flights all over the world, and I never had your registration information!

But I am different. I remember clearly that I was hit off a cliff that day. If I hadn't been saved by a passing young guy, I would have died long ago.

Later, I experienced a long period of time and pain. I managed to heal the wound and chose to return to my original life. But who would have thought that when I came back, someone would want to take my place. And that hateful person is you! It's you, hypocritical woman! "

"Why, you have lied to everyone for so long, haven't you lied enough!"


The counterfeit roared angrily, everyone was dumbfounded.

Looking at the painting of Tang Nuan incredulously in front of them, the eyes of the employees were full of disappointment and various confusions.

"How could this be?"

"Unexpectedly, the boss who gets along with us day and night is actually a fake eldest lady, this is too outrageous..."

Some people sighed softly, and asked Tang Nuan in disbelief, "Hey, why are you doing this!"

"No, it's not like that, things are not what she said at all." Tang Nuanhua quickly explained in a low voice.

But Tang Nuanhua knew that it was useless to explain things up to now.

I don't know where the counterfeit product came from. The DNA parent-child test report was actually exactly the same as my own, which just matched.

Even if Tang Nuanhua wanted to explain or produce a little evidence, he couldn't argue.

For a while, Tang Nuan really didn't know what to do.

She even vaguely heard in the crowd that some employees who had loved her very much were actually scolding her quietly, "It's really a ignorant thing. She thought that our eldest lady could impersonate anyone who could impersonate her. ?"

"This kind of person gets out of the way, plastic surgery looks like our eldest lady, and his heart is so dirty, I really don't want to see her for a moment."


These words were inserted into Tang Nuan's heart like a knife.

Why is it like this?

Tang Nuan keeps reflecting on himself in his heart, is he not doing well enough?

She was thinking about the company everywhere. A few days ago, everyone was screaming at the same enemy and was happy about the drug store. As a result, everyone looked at her like an enemy today.

And the counterfeit that only relied on a DNA paternity test report unexpectedly replaced her.

good very good.

Tang Nuan didn't even have the desire to argue in painting.

Since so many people don't believe her, then even if she explains, what's the use?

Of course, even if it was wrong this time, it wasn't the staff.

Tang Nuanhua just raised his head and fixedly looked at the counterfeit in front of him, focusing all his anger on this woman.

It was as if the storm was turning in her eyes secretly, and it looked nothing at first, but when the counterfeit looked straight into her eyes, she could clearly feel that there was a terrifying power in it.

The counterfeit looked at it, and couldn't help but stepped back a bit, his eyes full of precautions.

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