"And don't think that I don't know. The reason why you said so painfully is just to provoke the relationship between me and Nuanhua! Huh, do you really think I'm so stupid?"

In fact, Lin Nanxiang knows Tang Nuan's painting better than anyone else, and there is no need for others to talk about it.

Since she was in college, she has regarded Tang Nuan painting as her best friend.

Along the way, they help each other, worry about each other, it can be said that they know each other and know each other.

Whether it is a happy thing or a sad thing, the two will not hide between them, and will definitely share and share each other's emotions and worries.

Lin Nanxiang has seen the strongest look in Tang Nuan's paintings, and naturally she has also seen the weakest look in Tang Nuan's paintings. She clearly understands how many catties she has in Tang Nuan's paintings.

Even if it is awkward, even if Tang Nuan's painting really only uses Lin Nanxiang as a tool for use, Lin Nanxiang is willing.

Because she knew that if she hadn't met Tang Nuan's painting, her tragic fate would never have changed so much.

It was Tang Nuan's painting that saved her family, and it was Tang Nuan's painting that rescued her family from that dire slum...

If it weren't for Tang Nuan's paintings, Lin Nanxiang might have been forced by life to have nowhere to go. He had already committed suicide, but it might not be true. How could there be today?

Therefore, for Lin Nanxiang, Tang Nuan painting is not only her friend, but also her benefactor.

Even if they didn't become each other's best girlfriends, Lin Nanxiang would definitely repay Tang Nuan's love.

There is no doubt about this.

"Enough, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you anymore."

In the end, Lin Nanxiang sighed a long sigh, really too lazy to waste his tongue with the counterfeit in front of him.

Anyway, this woman didn't understand anything, Lin Nanxiang said nothing more, so she said coldly, "You hurry up, don't get in the way of my eyes!"

Then, without waiting for the counterfeit to react, Lin Nanxiang pushed the counterfeit out forcefully, "Go slow, don't give it away!"


The door was closed vigorously.

"Hey you!"

The counterfeit didn't expect that he would be kicked out like this? A little anger in an instant!

However, because the employees in the office area looked at her one after another, and the counterfeit didn’t want to make trouble here too ugly and affect her image, she had to swallow a mouthful of saliva, forced herself to swallow it, and stepped on it. His high heels went away.

In the office, Lin Nanxiang was finally relieved.

Then she quickly took out her mobile phone and called Tang Nuanhua.

After a few seconds, the phone was connected, and Lin Nanxiang asked worriedly, "Nuanhua, I’m telling you a very bad news. I actually saw the counterfeit in the office just now! She unexpectedly came here!"

"is it?"

Tang Nuan didn't care when he heard it, but chuckled, "Does it look like me?"

"Of course, she kept her head down at first, and she talked so little, I almost recognized her as you."


After listening to the painting, Tang Nuan smiled more openly, but his tone was full of randomness, "You are not a big deal, knowing how aggressive the woman was in front of me when I went to the company this morning. Did she actually call me a fake and kick me out!"

"Damn, I was running with 10,000 grass-and-mud horses in my heart, okay? If it weren't for the basic quality, I might have to beat people." Tang Nuanhua talked about the morning, and there was still some lingering anger .

At the thought of the pretender's open face, she couldn't help but feel a kind of disgust in her heart.

"Nuanhua, are you okay?" Lin Nanxiang asked carefully again.

Tang Nuan painted softly calmed her, "Don't worry, of course it's okay. If something happens, do you think I will let the woman go?"

"Well, that's right."

Lin Nanxiang nodded, suddenly felt that Tang Nuan's painting also made sense.

After all, Tang Nuan painting is a violent temper. If that counterfeit really provokes Tang Nuan painting, who knows what Tang Nuan painting will do?

If Tang Nuan's painting is really forced to do something, that counterfeit can be regarded as asking for trouble.

Thinking of this, Lin Nanxiang was relieved.

Tang Nuanhua continued to smile at this time, "Once you are done, you don't have to worry about me. I won't waste my own feelings about this kind of thing. I'm just outside now, choosing a birthday gift for my father. ."

In fact, after Tang Nuanhua left the company, he went to some antique markets, hoping to pick a gift for his father's upcoming birthday.

It's just that I haven't found a favorite in the market for a long time, so I have a headache.

"Yeah! Uncle's birthday is almost coming."

After Tang Nuanhua's reminder, Lin Nanxiang suddenly remembered that it will be the birthday of the Tang family in a few days.

She quickly said to Tang Nuanhua, "Nuanhuanuanhua, or don't you choose gifts, okay?"


"Well...I think it must be boring for you to choose gifts alone. Why don't you wait until I get off work? Let's pick them together. It just so happens that I also want to choose birthday gifts for Uncle Tang." Lin Nanxiang said happily. .

"Oh, so you want to pick a gift with me." Tang Nuan smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, why don't you just wait for me to go with you? And I don't know what uncle he likes, maybe you are with me, and you can give me a reference." Lin Nanxiang said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Hearing Lin Nanxiang's words, Tang Nuan painting also readily agreed.

Anyway, one person picks a gift, and two people pick a gift. It doesn't say that two people can give each other an opinion together.

Thinking about it this way, Tang Nuan's painting no longer went on shopping in the antique market.

After hanging up the phone with Lin Nanxiang, she raised her watch and glanced at the time, and found that it was only ten o'clock in the morning, and Grandpa Sun hadn't emitted the hottest light yet.

So, what are you going to do now?

As Tang Nuanhua thought about it, her eyes calmly passed by the passers-by. Suddenly, her eyes fixed on a woman carrying a vegetable basket.

The woman is holding a child in her left hand, and a vegetable basket in her right hand. The basket is full of various ingredients.

At that moment, Tang Nuan's painting suddenly had an idea, yes!

She remembered that it seemed that she hadn't cooked for a long time and her craftsmanship was rusty.

And it just happens to have time today, and the vegetable market is nearby...

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