"Well, what you said makes sense."

After listening to Lin Nanxiang's speculation, Tang Nuanhua nodded.

Then a smile filled the corner of her mouth, "Actually, Nanxiang, I think the same as you."


"Not long ago, I also received news that the white blood tissue that Song Yijun used to have returned to the world again, and they have been studying this weird virus for a year in hiding, and it has also caused it abroad. Got a certain response."

"At that time, I was thinking that this virus should have been released by Song Yijun, but because I didn't have any evidence, I didn't dare to speculate like that."

But now, Lin Nanxiang boldly spoke out what was in his heart, which proved that their two ideas coincided with each other.

Tang Nuan painting simply admitted it generously.

After Lin Nanxiang listened, he took a deep breath, "Then, in this case, Song Yijun really did this thing?"

"It's really annoying, why is that woman again, why can't she be a little kind!"

Lin Nanxiang suddenly became a little angry, and the cheeks bulged with anger.

Tang Nuan had no choice but to shrug his shoulders and said helplessly, "No way, maybe a while ago, we deliberately dug out the black materials of the Luoshi Group, and those black materials pressed Song Yijun too hard, and Song Yijun was very angry. , And desperately want to get out of position, so I deliberately used such extreme methods."

"That can't be the case? Damn, Song Yijun, there really is no bottom line!" Lin Nanxiang said angrily.

But anger is useless right now, things have already happened, and anger is useless.

Lin Nanxiang quickly adjusted his mentality, and then asked Tang Nuanhua, "Then Nuanhua, do you think Song Yijun is simply trying to harm people this time, or is he trying to use this virus to increase his reputation and make money? ?"

"I think they have both." Tang Nuan said with confidence.

Because she knew very well that Song Yijun was an extraordinarily greedy woman, and she was unpredictable, and it was possible to do anything.

This time the infectious virus, if Song Yijun is just to make money, there is no need to start so cruelly, and there is no need to start from Chu Chen.

So Tang Nuanhua guessed that Song Yijun just wanted to use the virus this time to make her stand out and make a lot of money. At the same time, she also drew a severe warning to Tang Nuan.


Thinking of this, Tang Nuanhua suddenly sneered, "It seems that this time Song Yijun returns, we really underestimated her ability!"

"Nanxiang, you have to be more careful in the future and always protect your own safety. Don't get out of your head no matter what happens, don't anger Song Yijun, remember to discuss everything with me first, but don't let yourself be stared at by her again. On it."

Finally, Tang Nuanhua solemnly exhorted Lin Nanxiang.

Lin Nanxiang nodded after hearing this, and replied cleverly, "The warm painting I know, after all, I have gained a bit of wisdom. I have suffered so many losses, so I should have a better memory."

"Well, that's good." Hearing Lin Nanxiang's words, Tang Nuan painting felt relieved.


Suddenly, Lin Nanxiang thought of another question.

"What's wrong?" Tang Nuanhua asked.

Lin Nanxiang said with some shock, "Nuanhua, since the Rockwell Group has launched medical products, does that mean that they will also enter the medical field in the future?"

"My silly Xiangxiang, you just realized this."

Tang Nuanhua smiled helplessly, and squeezed Lin Nanxiang's small face when he reached out his hand, his tone was very petting.

Then Tang Nuanhua said, "Since the last time Mr. Liao and Song Yijun came together at the party, I knew that Song Yijun definitely wanted to enter the pharmaceutical industry, otherwise she would not have to interact with Mr. Liao."

"If you don't believe me, check it out now. The products launched by the Rock Group this time must be linked to the Liao Group."


Lin Nanxiang finally knew the ins and outs of this matter, and suddenly felt speechless.

She was speechless, "No wonder they had to get together to chat at that time, no wonder Liao always broke the contract with us. It turned out that it was because of Song Yijun. It was really annoying. Why is Song Yijun so annoying?"

But it's useless to complain. Facts have proved that everything has been developed according to Song Yijun's plan, and all this is just as Song Yijun's intention.

Lin Nanxiang continued to ask Tang Nuanhua, "Then Nuanhua, since Song Yijun wants to grab a job with us, should we also make a little counterattack? Otherwise, all the limelight will be robbed by Song Yijun. When the time comes, our client crowd, But they all become theirs."

"Well, you are right."

Having said that, Tang Nuanhua nodded and paid attention to this matter.

But she was not as panicked as Lin Nanxiang, because she had already made up her own small calculations in her heart.

Withdrawing a business card from his pocket, Tang Nuanhua suddenly blew the business card and said with a relaxed expression, "What is it? You see, I still have a hole card in my hand."


Hearing this, Lin Nanxiang came over and took the business card and looked at it, and saw three words clearly written on it: Quan Zhichen.

"Nuanhua, you, what do you mean, did you promise to cooperate with the Quan Group?" Seeing this business card, Lin Nanxiang was suddenly indescribably surprised.

"if not?"

"But you didn't want it two days ago?"

Tang Nuan smiled carelessly, "I was really unhappy that night, but after I went back, I thought about it again and thought it was a big bite of cake. Wouldn't it be a pity if I didn't eat it?"

"Anyway, this bite of meat is delivered to the door. I don't eat it, and it will always be eaten by others. Huh, since it is a cheap thing, why should I care about what other people think?"

"Furthermore, the ability to cooperate with the Quan Group can justify our company's strength."

While talking about Tang Nuan's painting, he held his chin up, his eyes showed a little arrogance and pride.

Lin Nanxiang was almost happy when he heard this on the side, "Ahhhh, Nuanhua, if you can think of it that way, it would be really great!"

In fact, Lin Nanxiang always felt that it would be a good opportunity to cooperate with the Quan Group, but Tang Nuan was unwilling to paint, so she didn't say much.

Now, seeing that Tang Nuan's painting finally wants to open up, Lin Nanxiang is of course very happy, and he can't wait to hold Tang Nuan's painting in circles right away.

"Okay, in that case, let's set off." At the end, Tang Nuan painted calmly.

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