Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1563: Go out to talk business

"Go? Where to go." Lin Nanxiang was a little confused.

Tang Nuan laughed and banged directly on her little head, "You stupid you, since we have all decided to eat this piece of meat, of course we have to go to Quan Zhichen and talk about cooperation. Up."

"Quick, hurry up and pack your things, let's set off."

"Huh? Oh!"

Lin Nanxiang can be regarded as reflecting, nodded quickly, and actively said, "Good, good!!! I will pack my things now, let’s go!!!"

After that, the two of them didn't slow down anymore, and after finishing the files on the desktop together, they set off.

When I went out, I just installed Han Ke. Seeing Tang Nuan painting and Lin Nanxiang's hurried appearance, Han Ke asked curiously, "Miss, Manager Lin, where are you really going?"

"Go out to discuss business." Tang Nuanhua responded.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and waved at Han Ke, "Han Ke, are you coming together?"


Han Ke was a little flattered, as if he didn't expect Tang Nuan painting to be willing to bring him.

After that, he quickly packed his things and headed to the Quan Group with Tang Nuanhua.

After dozens of minutes, several people arrived at their destination.

The car stopped in front of a large door that looked very luxurious. When Tang Nuanhua and Lin Nanxiang saw the building, they both made chuckles.

"Sure enough, it is a large international company. It just created a branch, and it was built in such a luxurious and elegant place. Tsk, if I remember correctly, the real estate in this place will cost several million a month, right? Really? Rich people!" Lin Nanxiang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Tang Nuan's paintings seem to be normal, anyway, no matter how proud the Quan Group is, it has nothing to do with her.

She only knew that she was here to talk about cooperation, so she didn't procrastinate, and just brought people in.

At this moment, within the Quan Group, a shareholder meeting is unfolding, and the atmosphere in the meeting room is extremely tense.

But at this tense moment, there was someone who rudely ruined the atmosphere.


When the staff on the stage was halfway talking, there was a snoring noise from the audience. This sound may not be too obvious if it is placed in normal times, but when it spreads in the quiet conference room, it is particularly attractive. Attention.

The speaker on the stage heard the snoring and coughed slightly.

The surrounding shareholders and senior officials also coughed a few times, as if they wanted to use this cough to wake up those who fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, when the sleeping person heard this coughing sound, not only did he not wake up, but instead covered his ears in disgust.

He murmured even more dissatisfiedly, "Oh, what's the noise? Annoying."


No one at the scene dared to talk too much.

No way, who made this fall asleep is not someone else, it is the only heir of the Quan Group, Quan Zhichen.

Even if this eldest master has no rules, they still can only bear it!

After all, no one can provoke him.

"Achen, Achen!"

The only person who was unwilling to bear it was Yan Jie. Because his eyes were a little short-sighted, he wore a pair of gentle eyes, which looked neat.

At this moment, when I heard the disturbing snoring, I immediately looked at Quan Zhichen with dissatisfaction, "Achen, you said that you are sleeping while having a meeting, it looks like it is not good? If this is known by the old man, again I should say I didn't supervise you!"


"Achen, don't pretend, get up quickly." Yan Jie was really fed up, and directly pushed the wise minister with dissatisfaction.



No matter how Yan Jie shouted, the only response to him was always unscrupulous grunts.

Yan Jie held his forehead helplessly, almost doubting whether this kid did it on purpose.

Really, if the Quan family's father knew about this, maybe he still felt that he was not responsible enough for his supervision? !

Hey, as the eyeliner of the Quan family father, Yan Jie felt bitter in his heart.

But there is no way to suffer, although he can urge Quan Zhichen, but if it is really said, he still dare not do anything to Quan Zhichen.

Therefore, even if Quan Zhichen is still asleep, he can only open one eye and close one eye and say, "Forget it, let's go on, just assume that this person doesn't exist."

The other high-level people also had to sigh, and just like that, the meeting continued.

At this time, Tang Nuan painting, Lin Nanxiang, and Han Ke were waiting.

After Tang Nuan arrived at the company, because he didn't know how the Quan Group should go, he took out Quan Zhichen's business card and made a call to Quan Zhichen.

"Ding ding ding ding ding, master, there is a call, and master, there is a call." In the meeting room, a mobile phone rang openly again.

There is no doubt that the person who disrupted the atmosphere this time was Kwon Ji-chen again.

If Quan Zhichen could open his eyes and see for himself, he could see that the white eyes of those executives had barely turned to the sky.

Yan Jie was also very helpless. After thinking about it, he couldn't save it. The child has been abandoned!

The success of this day is not enough to fail. Hehe, the old man still wants to let Quan Zhichen inherit the family business. Now it seems that according to Quan Zhichen's virtue, it would be strange if he could inherit a good company.

"Master, here is a call, Master, here is a call." The phone's ringtone was still ringing.

However, together with the mobile phone, there is also Quan Zhichen’s unheard grunt. The most funny thing is that Quan Zhichen seems to be louder than the mobile phone ringtone. The louder the ringtone, The louder his purring became.

In this way, he was obviously pretending.

For a while, the other executives in the conference room were a little annoyed, and they didn't dare to say anything about Quan Zhichen. After all, this young master could not be offended.

Helplessly, everyone looked at Yan Jie for help, "Manager Yan, otherwise you will answer the phone for Quan Zong? This phone has been noisy, it's not a problem."

"Yes, yeah, Manager Yan, just take care of it anyway." The others also echoed.


Yan Jie was almost speechless, but at the moment no one dared to do so except he dared to answer Quan Zhichen's call.

No way, Yan Jie had to take Quan Zhichen's phone from the desktop in order not to delay the progress of the meeting, but when he glanced at the notes on the screen, his brows couldn't help but frowned.

Draw and draw?

What kind of weird note?

But it seems to be a note for girls.

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